With such considerations, even the two four emperors caused a lot of chaos in the East China Sea, making the world government feel a headache.

Wu Lao Xing also believes that there is no need to rush for the pursuit of the two of them.

Now that the two heroes who created this era with Roger have aged so far, just wait another three or five years, and let the most ruthless blade of time continue to weaken and torture these two old monsters.

"It's ridiculous, right, the strongest man in the world, the old enemy who has worked hard with Mr. Sengoku over the past few decades, has not lost to the navy, or other pirates, but finally lost to time." The thought-provoking Sakazuki is a bit regretful.

Because neither the golden lion nor the white beard is a person willing to die on the bed.

He can guarantee that when the two great pirates feel that time is running out, they will launch a desperate and decisive counterattack against the navy headquarters.

Only this time, he had a vaguely ominous premonition.

This battle was an anticlimactic battle. Dynamite Rock not only scared the Navy itself, but also made Golden Lion realize that he still lacks such a deterrent strategic weapon.

So, where is the closest weapon of mass destruction?

The answer is ready to come out-it is rumored to be buried in the ancient country of ancient weapons [Pluto], Alabastan.

If the two four emperors are allowed to leave on their own, the chaos on the desert kingdom will attract them, and the situation will become more and more destructive.

Various forces, countless cows, ghosts, and snakes have long been dormant in Alabastan, waiting for Pluto's appearance with different goals and ghosts.

And use this as an incentive to completely intensify the calculations accumulated for many years.

The island covered with yellow sand is about to become the eye of the storm attracting the attention of all parties in the world.

Author's message:

Ps: In the past two months, various open and dark lines have laid the foundation for Alabastan. Today, the final preparation and transition are finally completed, and the last volume will be opened tomorrow [Eye of the Storm, Heart of the Yellow Sand]

④The eye of the storm, the heart of the desert

460. The Long Waiting (Part 1)

Rogge Town, this port town in the East China Sea, also known as [Beginning and Ending].

Adjacent to the entrance of the first half of the Great Channel, it gives this Donghai town unparalleled geographical and commercial advantages.

It is the beginning of adventurers' journey on an unknown journey, and it is also the final place for the pirates who attempt to break into the great route from here.

The town of Rogge, known as the gateway to the East China Sea, has an endless stream of tourists and vendors. Its prosperity is not inferior to that of a king, and even from a certain angle.

In particular, the execution platform that once ended Roger's life of crime has become a popular attraction for tourists.

This huge square, which is the intersection of several streets, is the most crowded place in Rogge Town.

The execution platform where Roger the Pirate King was executed is also located in the central area of ​​this square.

Whether from the four seas or from a great sea route, everyone who travels to the East China Sea will come to visit with their own minds-this symbol of the advent of the era of pirate carnival.

The prosperous town is full of vitality and vitality, but in these troubled times, the town of Rogge is like a pure land without any time.

Even in the relatively safe and secure four seas, there will be occasional news of pirate attacks and the revolutionary army fighting a certain kingdom.

In comparison between the two, peace is so precious.

And the manager who created such a paradise is the navy headquarters. Or to be more precise, the garrison general of Rogge Town, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the headquarters, has made great contributions.

No one dared to make trouble here, after all, this is the [hunting ground of the white wolf].

In the five years that he has guarded the town of Rogge, the number of pirates planted in his hands has reached four figures.

More than a dozen large and small pirate groups were shattered. Even the few elite pirates dispatched by the Black Sails Alliance to the East China Sea to stay lurking, failed to escape the pursuit of the person from Smogg, and were found out of their identities.

Whenever the word "white wolf" is heard, the East Sea pirates, no matter how sophisticated they are, can't help being frightened.

Because the scary thing about Smogg is not his inherent outstanding personal strength, but his mind and tactical awareness that is superior to force.

Through the analysis of the existing information of the pirates, research is conducted from multiple perspectives such as their experience and fighting style.

Analyze the pros and cons of each pirate regiment and specifically pick the opponent's weakness to start with, in order to formulate a highly targeted combat plan.

This lieutenant general who is good at arranging traps and traps, has tailored the capture plan for those rampant pirates, and has never missed his hand during the five years.

Even if the opponent had already escaped from the sea area under his jurisdiction, he couldn't escape Smogg's chase.

It was like a cunning old wolf with rich experience. Alert, suspicious, and persevering.

[The White Wolf of Roggetown] has spread like wildfire because of this.

Located at the port of Rogge Town, there is a very conspicuous archway, which is staggered and supported in a triangular shape.

"Loguetown, I'm not mistaken, did I? Sanji" the young man with a straw hat raised his head and said the name of the town verbatim.

And the companion he called Sanji could only shake his head and sighed, "Obviously we have to leave the East China Sea as soon as possible, so why do we have to make a special trip to the execution platform! Luffy!"

Although he verbally scolded the captain of his own mindless showy, but the eyes of the blond young man did not dwell on those beautiful women.

"Well, Sanji, you are not qualified to reprimand Luffy, after all, you two are of the same virtue!!" The navigator who stood behind Sanji couldn't help but slapped each of the two guys in the back of their heads.

She turned her head slightly worried and stared at the direction of the sea.

Before the sound of thunder came from the sky in the extreme far direction, before everyone recovered, a pink light group filled with a destructive atmosphere completely enveloped the distant sky.

It is estimated that half of the East China Sea will be able to detect the abnormal changes there. This also indirectly clarifies why at the restaurant on the sea half a day ago, Xiliu would ask them to leave the East China Sea as soon as possible.

As a boatman and weapon research and development expert, Frankie first revealed the mystery to everyone: "There is no doubt that it was caused by Explosive Rock. In other words, Megatron is at war with a powerful enemy, and the enemy is even strong enough to be needed. President Reingsa invoked the highest authority to open the Dynamite Rock."

The few people in the thief camp couldn't help but worry about the fleet dispatched by the navy to the East China Sea.

After all, it was a vision caused by the detonation of explosive rocks that were as powerful as ancient weapons.

Seeing that the crew is still worrying, Lei Jiu, who has participated in the New World Defense War, is much more calm.

The Vice Captain, who has seen the world's top powers, is not too worried.

On that war platform guarded the two generals, plus Hawkeye and Shiliu who had rushed to the battlefield from the restaurant on the sea, Dynamite Rock was far from killing them even though it was fierce.

"Listen well, I'll give you 30 minutes. The knife should be changed, the knife should be changed, and the scene should be watched. Don't forget, we have not left the East China Sea in the true sense." Considering that the execution platform is on the road. Flying has an extraordinary warning effect. After a moment of contemplation, Lei Jiu gave a short time to rest on the island.

Although the order given to them in Sakazuki to [Leave the East China Sea] seems to be to avoid the confrontation in the distance, Lei Jiu vaguely felt that it was not the case.

But all kinds of shops on the street are busy with business, and the busy and crowded scene outside its porch has long attracted the playful Luffy.

Lei Jiu, who is in charge of the team’s brain, only feels that the things that need to be worried about these days are too complicated, and there is always a hint of uneasiness in her heart, but for a while, she can’t say what it is: “Forget it, they improve when shopping Be vigilant, I always feel like I have forgotten an important thing."

The Captain, who had completely given up thinking outside of the battle, suddenly jumped three feet high and ran to the square with joy.

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