"Oh! I'm really looking forward to it!! The place where the One Piece was executed." He could not wait for a long time, his agile figure swiftly shuttled among the endless crowd.

Seeing the classical execution platform close at hand, Luffy ran into a fat and dark belly head on.

He bumped into a small straw hat full of that person and fell back. Under the hasty collision, his straw hat flew into the air and floated slowly, and finally landed on a big rough hand.

He patted his pants, and the cheerful Luffy didn't think much about it. He grinned and apologized to the other party: "Sorry, sorry, I went too eagerly."

"Jehahaha, it's okay. Since you are running towards the execution stand, you must be eager to see the execution stand where Roger the Pirate King was executed, right?

It is a good thing to have a goal, but occasionally, if you stop for a while, sometimes you will have surprises. "The rough-looking man carefully looked at Luffy's appearance, and replied with words in his words.

He slowly reached out his hand and handed back the straw hat held in the palm of his hand: "Here, your hat."

"Ah! Thank you, this is something very important to me." Luffy smiled and raised his arm to pick it up, but he never saw the man on the opposite side suddenly grinning and opening his mouth, revealing a jagged mouth. Rotten teeth.


The noisy crowd surrounding the two of them was instantly scattered by a huge force as the center of the circle. Because the square area was too densely populated, these innocent people who were lifted off hit more passengers in the distance one after another.

The stable situation in this area was in turmoil for an instant, and everyone's shocked exclamations came and went one after another in the square: "Wow! What's the matter?"

"Your foot is pressing on my hand, even if you ask, I don't know how to fly over!"

In the central area of ​​the impact, the masonry shattered, and the huge force smashed that piece of ground straight into a collapsed area.

Luffy, who was hit by a punch, had already jumped several steps, leaving enough distance to guard against the opponent's one-step pursuit.

Such a surprise punch made him a little staring at Venus, but the rubber man trained by the expeditionary army also reacted extremely quickly-while his head was embedded in the ground, his feet were forced to shoot back and the whole figure was shot backwards. To quickly open the distance between the two sides.

Until this time, Popo's blood slowly dripped from Luffy's head and down his cheeks.

"...Blood?" Luffy touched the warm liquid that slipped from Yan Yan's temple, and Luffy completely restrained the cynicism that was overwhelming.

His six-type attainments are no longer shallow. For example, defensive moves such as paper painting and iron blocks have formed instinctive reactions in the process of tempering.

Perhaps there was an accidental element of the raid before, but he himself could not dodge that punch by relying on the paper painting, and the defense of the iron block was also breached one after another in an instant.

But there are two most suspicious points. One is the heavy punch that should have been dodged. Luffy could feel a strange suction on his head at the time, and it would take away the neck and head that had already made evasive movements. Adsorbed to the past.

Second, under that heavy punch, the anti-bludgeoning effect of the rubber fruit seems to be directly invalidated?

The next moment, Lu Fei, who suffered a sudden attack, directly supported his knees with both hands, and turned on the [second gear] mode like an air compressor.

"Is it armed and domineering?" Luffy's expression was a bit dignified when he lost the first hand and took a punch. Considering the opponent's ability to injure himself regardless of the fruit's ability, he naturally moved his speculation closer to domineering.

The obese man who was the first to take the shot looked at Luffy's eyes more and more hot, and he laughed excitedly: "Yes, nor is it."

This "traitor" who was still chatting with Marko not long ago looked extremely surly, regardless of the surrounding chaos, and shouted up to the sky: "Finally, let me bet right again! I know a guy like you, Even if he wants to leave the East China Sea, he will definitely choose to come to Rogge Town to pay his respects.

It makes me easy to find!! Monkey·D·Luffy!!!"

Taking advantage of his lack of rewards and photos, Titch rushed to this military center in the East China Sea as quickly as possible after saying goodbye to Marko, in order to intercept and kill this key chess piece here.

Luffy, who had never seen a photo of this person with Blackbeard, stared at him, who seemed to be waiting for him here.

After a moment of silence, he finally matched a series of appearance descriptions he had heard in the air fortress with the appearance of this person:

"So you are [Blackbeard]."

461. The person who has waited (middle)

Fighting in a crowded square is very likely to cause accidental injuries to the people no matter where they are.

Therefore, when the panic spread, the plainclothes navy patrolling in the crowd did not choose to immediately intervene in the two people fighting in front of the execution platform, but made reasonable guidance measures for the crowd as soon as possible.

Even evacuating crowds is also a science.

A little carelessness, due to poor deployment, a stampede caused by panic, and even more casualties than accidental injuries caused by a duel in the center of the venue.

The ear-piercing sonic boom with the air being torn apart is extremely prominent even in this chaotic square that extends in all directions.

This is the anomaly caused by the instantaneous burst speed breaking through the sound barrier when the physical skill named [Shaving] is used.

Luffy, who missed the opportunity, maintained his high-speed mobility and completely turned his figure into a afterimage.

Being left alone, most people will have an indescribable sense of anxiety in this sudden situation.

This kind of frustration that the enemy sees through the action trajectory and thinking mode is even better than the panic of being ambushed.

However, Lu Fei did not feel the slightest frustration or panic. On the contrary, during the battle, it was the prime time when his brain remained rational and operated at a high speed.

Although he lost slightly in the initial confrontation temptation, Luffy still saw a lot of ways.

The power of the evil man in front of him was quite astonishing. He didn't deliberately use fighting skills to increase the strength of his fists. It was just an ordinary heavy punch, but it was more terrifying than most opponents that Luffy had encountered in person.

But from another angle to analyze, if you have one's strengths, you must have some weaknesses. It's not that Luffy has never seen those guys who are good at weird power, let alone those in the expeditionary army who use warships as loads to play squats, which strength is not so staggering?

But in the same way, most guys who are good at head-on collision and head-to-head fights with the enemy are half inferior in agility.

Just a little observation of the physique and body shape of the guy nicknamed the black beard, it is not difficult to find his physical characteristics: the upper body is generous, and the bottom plate is not flexible but it is stable.

[Undoubtedly, this should be a power-oriented adversary, of course, we must also be wary of the heavy body of an iron tower that can resist powerful attacks. 】

Luffy used his most familiar basic moves while making the roughest assessment of Blackbeard.

If the opponent is really the black beard who has defeated Robin Sister in a short time in the description of Anilu, Luffy believes that it is very likely that he will not be able to beat the opponent in a one-on-one match.

But he is not going to sea alone, Luffy, whose IQ went online in time during combat, made the most sensible and reasonable division of labor:

What I need to do is nothing more than to hold on and get enough information about each other's strength before the partners arrive.

Such a seemingly simple task seemed a bit difficult in front of the indisputable fact that Sister Robin was quickly defeated by the opponent.

The young man can only fight for the twelve points spirit to deal with this sudden crisis.

The hypertension caused by the move [second gear] and the subsequent blood flow rate doubled. Between each breath, Luffy raised a lot of heat and steam from his body.

In this way, the speed, power and other aspects are further strengthened in terror.

"[Jet Rocket Launcher]!" Luffy's loud voice sounded from behind Titch, and he stretched extremely fast and his palms were already close to the opponent's body.

The dull entity impact sound accompanied by Blackbeard's uncontrollable painful cry, indicating that Luffy's effortless attack successfully hit this guy.

After developing the second gear series of moves, Luffy admitted that he had taken many people as test subjects.

After the [Second Gear] state is turned on, the Navy Luffy against most of the ranks of the colonel can make a single blow to make the opponent lose the ability to continue fighting, and cannot start again.

Those who can block the moves named with the beginning of [Jet] are at least the brigadier generals and major generals. According to these people's tenacious nerves and outstanding fighting will, they will not breathe out the pain of leisure.

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