Each cigarette has different colors, shapes, lengths, and styles from the cigarette butt, wrapping paper.

Arms dealers can roughly identify two of the specialty smokes from the Kingdom of Dresrosa and the Kingdom of Protense.

Of course, even among the many types of cigarettes, the fish mouth cigarettes of the Fishman Island Dragon Palace Kingdom are so unique and eye-catching.

However, there are still about three or four cigarettes in this brass-cast cigarette case.

Author's message:

PS: Emmm Chengdu feels quite strong. Since 512, the shaking time is the longest and the intensity is greater.

475. At this time, a pretty boy is passing by in high profile (on)

The beautiful eyes flowed, as if he had noticed that Koko Umit was looking at the cigarette case, and Robin moved his gaze over the vacant position in the cigarette case as well.

During these five years, she traveled all over the world with the convenience of being the head of the Supervision Section.

In order to ensure the secrecy and the collection of cigarettes from various countries, she did not even deliberately and purposefully approach the royal family members.

Instead, follow the usual routine of work and rest, focusing on the implementation of the naval supervision plans of each branch.

Or the investigation of corruption must involve the entry into the franchise country, or occasionally drop in on the way, before submitting the entry application openly for visits.

It took five years to confirm these allies one after another.

Robin breathed a sigh of relief after putting the cigarette case back close to his body. Krokdal's concession in the dispute between the true king and the false king did relieve her job a lot.

This matter, if nothing happens, the cigarette that represents the royal family of Nafirutali will soon be added to her collection.

Without the continued instigation of Qiwuhai and his secret association, it is the best way to stop the current deterioration of the situation.

It is always the best policy to eliminate problems along the roots.

Perhaps the re-rule of King Cobra did not produce an immediate effect on the situation of the civil war, but the chaos has already ushered in a turning point.

The lack of the Umit family's arms supply to fuel the intensity of the war can also allow both parties to temporarily ease down and strive to return to the negotiating table.

"However, is this really good?" Krokdal reignited the cigar that had been smoked for about one-third of the length and then crushed the flames. "After all, it is against the wishes of ‘their’."

Under the intimidation of the Sakazuki diplomatic slang, he was forced to give in and make a concession, but it does not mean that he was willing to give up his dreamland combat plan that he had planned for many years.

"It seems that you are also in the dark. The Navy doesn't really think that the current situation is just from my own hand, right?" Between the words of this joyful and angered hero, he was inexplicably talking about this matter. It was a bit mysterious.

Seeing attracting the attention of the three people, Krokodall grinned more and more meaningfully:

"You are not the first people to come to me. It is exactly the opposite of your intentions. "They" hope that I will make this puddle of water more muddy."

"They?" Seeing Sand Crocodile frequently mentioned such a cryptic description for the second time, Lindemann couldn't help but change his mind.

He is not a fool. Of course, he knows that although the previous chaos in Alabastan was caused by Krokdal, he was not alone in leading the movements of all parties.

Whether it is the revolutionary forces that assisted the rebels in the internal rebellion to overthrow the king's tyranny, or the pirates of the New World hidden in the dark for the purpose of seizing ancient weapons.

In Lindemann's view, the power that is most likely to reach a consensus and form a temporary ally with Krokdal is nothing more than the Revolutionary Army and the Black Sail Alliance.

Therefore, when Krokdal cooperated with the location to break the sacredness of the "them" he repeatedly mentioned before, Lindemann lost his temper.

"This is impossible!! What are you talking about?!!" The fox's face changed drastically, and the name that popped out of Klockdal's mouth seemed to subvert the original reasoning in his heart.

Krokdal, who announced the name of this unexpected organization, had gloating in his eyes: "It's CP0."

If the sand crocodile deliberately confuses the audience to add to the navy's revenge mentality, then if the result is really instigated by CP0, then things are not that simple.

[A bad act like Krokdal's conspiracy to seize the countries of the world government is almost no different from the influence of the revolutionary army's continuous attack on other countries. ] Lindeman’s distress and entanglement between his eyebrows are beyond words.

This kind of self-destruction of the city wall makes no sense that CP0 will allow Krokdal to come, let alone help it add fuel to the fire.

"Unless... the world government is happy to see it." Robin took the topic casually, each participating country has to pay a large amount of protection fee called [Heavenly Gold] and membership dues in exchange for the world government and Sheltered by the Navy.

A superpower like Alabastan is basically equivalent to a highly regarded platinum member, not to mention its special significance and status as one of the founding nations of the world government at the beginning of its establishment.

So the reason CP0 and the Tianlong people behind them still intend to implement mischievous acts on the basis of these known economics and meanings are only driven by benefits that are much higher than this.

Robin and the others looked at each other, and the meeting with Krokdal finally untied a knot.

But I found that this is just the tip of the iceberg of countless tangled threads.

Dormant in the eager Black Sails Alliance, assisting the revolutionary army in full rebellion, now there is still the shadow of the world government behind the scenes, only making Robin and others a little big head.

"The reason, why did CP0 ask you to be a big pirate to mess up the situation? Shouldn't they try to stop you?" This is still unbelievable, Lindemann would like to hear Klockdal's answer, or how CP0 persuades The crocodile believes that they are willing to support his country's move.

However, Klockdahl was not surprised by Lindemann's interrogation, because even he was so surprised by first hearing it at the time.

He probably understood the psychological dynamics of this fox at the moment. However, Klockdal was a little surprised at the judgment made by that little navy girl over there.

He rubbed the jewel ring he was wearing on his finger, then raised his eyes and glanced at Robin slowly, before repliing: "It is exactly what you said, CP0...no, it is exactly the five standing behind them. Old star, I am happy to see the result of my original plan."

Regarding what the spy personnel directly under the jurisdiction of the Dragonites said, Krokdal has also repeatedly investigated in private, and it is true that the truth is true: "CP0 told me that the Nafirutali family created the [World Government] 800 years ago. One of the 20 royal families.

But the Nafirutali family refused to move into the Holy Land [Maria Gioia]. "

Under Krokdal's understanding, it is also here that the origins of the ancient weapon Pluto will be buried.

This kind of big killer was guarded by a former Celestial Dragon royal family for generations.

"CP0 claims that the'above' hopes to use the hands of outsiders to completely ruin some of the Xinmi related to the word-of-mouth communication between the Tianlong people. In exchange, I will not be held accountable for the losses caused by my implementation of the [Dreamland Grand Operation Plan]." Rockdale chuckled when he said this, it was indeed a good deal for him.

Compared to the other members of Qiwuhai, he appears to be particularly weak.

Excluding the lone ranger Hawkeye, most Qiwuhai have considerable military power comparable to a country.

This is also one of the reasons why Krokdal actively seeks the kingship of Alabastan.

The meaning of the five old stars conveyed to him is very clear. Taking the opportunity to erase the secret, Krokdal is actually more willing to believe that the politicians also want to take this opportunity to completely sever the descendants of the "keepers" who may have the information about the whereabouts of the ancient weapon Pluto. .

So that other people can no longer get a glimpse of that level of strategic weapon.

Little did he know that Krokdal spent more than ten years in Alabastan, and he had roughly figured out where the super battleship Hades was hiding.

One side is military authority, and the other side is strategic deterrence. Klockdal's initial abacus was crackling.

But all of this has completely lost control under the **** "Don't say it is unpredictable".

He thought that the world government would ventilate the navy to some extent, but unexpectedly, the attitude of the navy to kill the gods was extremely resolute and tough.

As someone else, all the efforts, funds, contacts, and the large amount of human and material invested in the previous period will never be given up because of a ruthless word from outsiders that can be called a temporary intention.

Krokdal's move can be said to be picked up and put down.

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