Because he clearly knew that even if he really succeeded in seeking the country as planned, once the red dog hits the door, the mad dog is very likely to dare to completely wipe himself out of the charge of ignoring the orders of the world government.

The entire conference room was silent for more than ten minutes. During this time, Klockdal did not interfere, but gave everyone an environment and time to think.

He borrowed CP0's tiger skin to remind the navy how to weigh its master—the world government.

Let these mad dogs retreat in the face of difficulties, don't choose to intervene in the chaos of Alabastan.

But his expectations were destined to fail, and the young female general slowly spoke in denial one by one: "Even if your plan is perfect, you are actually deceived.

Your failure did not lie in the intervention of the Navy, but in the ‘bad information’. "

[Be deceived?] Hearing this, Krokdal was taken aback for a moment, and then he pondered.

Seeing Robin admonishing him so confidently, this cautious hero might as well sink his mind and think again.

After all, sometimes even in a perfect plan, the Dike of Thousand Miles may collapse in the ant's nest and be destroyed by mistakes in details.

Any agreement may miss the key because it is blinded by immediate interests.

For a long time, Klockdal chuckled at Robin: "You mean, [Pluto] belongs to? They might reclaim it, right."

This is a problem that he can guess based on all the known intelligence at present.

Since the world government dared to wipe out the Nafirutari family in exchange for absolute secrecy on the inside story of the Dragon people, it is very likely that the Pluto will be taken away with their sense of secrecy and deterrence of ancient weapons.

But this is something he had already guessed.

With the absolute advantage of the desert terrain, Krokdal holds that few people in the world can take things from him in that terrain.

Even against the red dog, he has the confidence to destroy the ancient weapons first.

Therefore, when Klockdal looked at Robin again, his eyes were filled with the wise man’s praise for the wise boy: “It’s pretty good that you can think of this.

With your quick thinking logic, if you are not a navy, I might recruit you as my Mr.0 partner. "

Unexpectedly, Robin shook his head. What she said [being deceived] indeed belonged to Pluto, but it was not what Klockdal imagined.

"The one who gets [Pluto] can be you, Krokdal, the Black Sail Alliance, or even the Revolutionary Army.

But it will not be the navy and the world government alone. "

Robin suddenly said something that Klockdal could not understand.

Seeing the incomprehensibility and confusion in the other person's eyes, Robin was not anxious, and patiently answered one step closer:

"CP0 intends to assist you. The Xin Mi of protecting the Tianlong people may indeed be one aspect.

But in fact, he wanted to hand over the Pluto to outsiders. "


As he listened more and more confused, Krokdahl always felt like he had grasped some thoughts, and felt that he lacked some key points that could not be connected, and some could not be said.

Looking directly at the girl who he regarded as the Wisdom City Mansion inferior to his own, Krokdal smiled and said: "What do you say? I thought the world government dreamed of ancient weapons [Pluto]."

"Oh, of course they want, but it's not ‘this’ Pluto." The words that came out of Robin this time made the old-fashioned sand crocodile really smell the aura of being calculated.

Even if he still hasn't noticed which step was deceived and used it in turn.

"They are not interested in the old antiques buried in the depths of the yellow sand that have eaten ashes for hundreds of years." Robin looked as usual and continued to explain:

"CP0, which represents the extension of the will of the Tianlong people, really cares about which force has obtained this thing."

She must admit that the low-key member of Qiwuhai, who has been working low-key for many years, may be a top-notch figure who has seen scheming, city government, strategy, and vision.

I even learn from this person from some aspects.

"However, you lose on the information gap, and the unequal information makes your plan for the five old stars slightly biased."

Robin leaned close to Krokdal's ear, and her breath almost hit the earlobe of the rustling ability:

"The boatman who inherited the drawings of Pluto, Tom the Murloc, was personally recruited back then."

Author's message:

PS: I’m very sorry for the late publication of the chapter today. These chapters are more important and need to be focused on. The text needs to be carefully considered.

After deleting, deleting and changing several times, I felt it was appropriate. . As a result, I took a closer look, Ma Ye was almost two o'clock in the morning. . . . .

476. At this time, a pretty boy passed by in a high profile (no lower middle)

If it is said that Krokdal has not yet understood what the world government headed by the five old stars is expecting to hand over the Pluto to [outsiders] what a fairy show.

So when Robin, the witness, was telling the fact that there were drawings of ancient weapons, the sand crocodile was awakened by a single word.

What does the drawing mean?

At the very least, it can be predicted that even if the ancient weapon is damaged by some unknown reason, the owner of this drawing can build another ancient weapon according to the same pattern.

The most frightening thing is to have the drawings as they are. As long as the resources are sufficient and the funds are strong, even Pluto can achieve a certain degree of [mass production].

If you follow this line of thinking, the Tianlong people headed by Wu Lao Xing will of course not be interested in the "broken copper and broken iron" that has been sleeping somewhere in the Alabastan desert for hundreds of years.

And Robin previously referred to the unknown "this Pluto", and naturally it was not the [Pluto] Raleigh who was known as the right arm of the One Piece.

Instead, the [New Pluto] was created through the design and supervision of drawings, and it was truly an ancient weapon that was used to destroy the island!

Krokdal, who continued to delve into his thoughts, couldn't help but see cold sweat on his forehead.

This big killer, which has long been regarded as something in his pocket, now seems to be the hottest potato.

As the little clever ghost said, the game between himself and the five old stars was slightly lost.

But this failure was not because of lack of strategy and the IQ tax for nothing, but because of the difference in information asymmetry.

If it hadn't been for the expeditionary force to throw a straight ball and be forced to exchange information, I am afraid that neither side would know that they were being kept in the dark.

The military department is totally unaware of the civil strife in Alabastan, and a world government behind the scenes uses Krokdal's hand to instigate the instigation.

But Krokdal, who knew that the five old stars were madly doing things, didn't know that there was still the inside story of Pluto's drawings in the world.

But there is one more thing, Krokdal did not figure out the joints. But it doesn't matter, the puzzler is here.

He doesn’t believe that all the high-ranking generals in the navy headquarters are stupid: "Although I learned that Tom the murloc, the shipbuilder of the original One Piece, holds the design drawings of ancient weapons, I heard that Tom served as the navy headquarters ten years ago. The chief shipbuilder.

Letting the design drawings go without making them right now is not the style of the fire-powered gang in this department. I think it is either restricted by conditions, or there are some trigger prerequisites for making Pluto? "

"The boatman inherits the commandments, and the original intention of retaining the Pluto's design is that in the future, if the ancient weapon [Pluto] falls into the hands of the wicked one day in the future, we can use the blueprint to build a powerful weapon against it with the righteous division." Luo Bin shrugged and shared the commandments that Tom had told repeatedly with Klockdal.

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