"Stop! I know that Dr. Strange is your mentor, but don't use a machine gun when you speak. It sounds dizzy."

But Trafalgar Luo quickly shook the last sentence out: "Using the inherent impression to evade is a very technical method. The details are not important, but what is more admirable is your superb acting skills. .

Eyes, tone, expression, body movements, even unconscious movements, are all played just right. "

Although he knows that life return can change the user's physique, it is the first time he has seen a master proficient in life return use it in disguise.

Luo, known as a death surgeon, has curiosity in his eyes: "You still took in a lot of calories and sugar before turning into a fat body? Combined with the subtle manipulation of life back on the human body, there will be less energy to absorb in the future. Efficiently converted into fat.

I really didn’t expect you to do this to the extent for confidential tasks, President Sa!"

The corner of his mouth in Sakazuki rose slightly, and he just hit the fox specially, passing by Robin who was getting along day and night.

Even the people closest to him have never seen it through. This is the true meaning of disguise.

"I feel sorry for your adversary, and for being an enemy, I really don't know how to die!" These words came from the mouth of those with the ability to operate fruit, they were not flattery, they were really shuddering: "Ming Ming lives High position, once the task is involved, you can let go of all self-confidence, dignity, past habits, and maintenance of the external image, just for the fatal blow when approaching the prey."

478. Hydra's Bite (middle)

Sakazuki looks at the surrounding environment casually. It is clear that the style and tone of this house are quite different from the previous drink shop where I was.

"Is this a secret room in the beverage store? Or is it... the venue is directly converted?" He had to admit that the comprehensiveness and diversity of the fruits of the operation were successfully embodied in the boy Luo.

Those with surgical fruit ability can create a spherical space in which the Room space has the powerful functions of freely changing directions, cutting, exchanging, splicing people and objects, and even exchanging consciousness.

"The drink shop is just a cover. To be on the safe side, after being subpoenaed by the intelligence agent who was arranged there, I included you in the space created by the Room and transferred it directly." As the specific executor and responder of the deployment of the penetration plan, Luo was not inserted into the rebel army like other Hydra members.

He nodded slightly towards the fat man who was slowly straightening up and said: "As you might expect, we are now in a secret stronghold hundreds of meters away from the drink shop."

"Here is the leader of you and [Raven]?" Using the domineering sight and experience to detect the garrison across the wall, Sakazuki seemed a little confused in the words.

Although Rob Lucci and Rosandy, who were Legion Assassins, had already received assistance orders to reach Alabastan, he did not know exactly how the work of the teams on this vast land was divided.

Therefore, when he noticed that Luo Xindi was actually here, the expression of the uncle of the Warring States Period came to mind for the first time in Sakazuki.

With the change of age and time, five years and five years have passed in a flash, but Luo Xindi still maintains the "tradition" used by the high-ranking generals of the navy headquarters-old single!!

In terms of his appearance, Luo Nandi, who has a good foundation, is not a big problem in mixing the top five in this department.

Being able to become the assassin of the Legion [Raven] who frightened the pirates in the expeditionary army that relied on hard power, also directly proved his extraordinary strength.

However, as of now. The Warring States Period is complete! I didn't find it! My adopted son showed some signs of falling in love!

It seems that I even owe this idea.

Obviously he is a great guy with extraordinary strength, handsome and gentle, so that the Warring States period broke his head and didn't understand what the problem was.

Since Luo Xindi's own conditions were fine, the Warring States Period naturally considered his identity background.

But then the Warring States realized that there was no point in speculating from this aspect.

Not to mention the identity of the Legion Assassin that this stinky boy relied on his own hard work. As the son of his Sengoku uncle, he wouldn't be embarrassed to speak of his name!

If you go back to the root, you must know that Luo Xindi is Don Quixote!

Even if some arrogant ladies from aristocratic families adopt the bloodline theory to marry, his dignified original Tianlongren status is no less than that of royal nobles.

Even if this branch lives outside of Mary Gioia, there are still several blood connections of the Don Quixote family in the Holy Land.

Although the Warring States Period knew that in accordance with the nature and death rules of the world aristocrats in the Holy Land, Luo Xindi was unwilling to return and was not allowed to return.

The name of 【Don Quixote Rosanne Di San】 will never come true.

But in the eyes of the world, Mr. Krasson is like a typical representative: If I don't work hard to be a navy on my own, I have to return to the holy land to be a dragon and eat and wait to die.

His identity is not bad, not to mention that Luo Xindi has a surprisingly good temper, gentle and considerate, flowing with the blood of the Tianlong people, but not the usual domineering and high-spirited aristocracy of the world.

What a good beloved son-in-law, but Baiju has passed the gap, and even Trafalgar Luo, who was regarded as his grandson by the grandfather of the Warring States Period, has begun to be urged to go on blind date, Luo Xindi is still a bachelor!!!

Regarding the marriage of this elder [Saint] fighter, the Warring States uncle broke his heart.

The senior officers of the navy headquarters are all a bunch of old bachelors, and the only married Sakazuki still waits until the boss is not too young to complete the long-distance love race.

And this special case originated from a blind steel straight woman who felt that the dog was her own food.

This made the straight man who stepped on the titanium alloy "stand by [rabbit]".

The idea of ​​not letting my adopted son get married at the age of 50 like Sakazuki has become the only concern of the Buddha before he is thinking about retiring.

Seeing Luo Nandi push the door in from the next door, Sakazuki waved his hand helplessly and shifted his mind to the task: "Is the penetration plan still executed smoothly?"

The Silent Fruit Ability is still the iconic dress, and the black feather coat shook slightly with his movements: "Of course, it is even smoother than expected. Do you want to confirm it?"


"Captain, this is too serious, right? It's about to be handed over soon. Do you plan to patrol again to confirm?" Complained loudly.

Regarding the criticism of his comrades, this slightly reticent soldier did not say much.

This is Katlea, which is currently regarded as the boundary of the rebel base camp.

An army of rebels composed of most civilians and a small number of militiamen who had received brief militarization training, but in fact, if they had a choice, they would never embark on this road of rebellion that they had never imagined.

Dryness and death seem to be intertwined.

Becoming a fate that everyone cannot escape, the town gradually perishes in silence.

Without water, there is no life.

Among them, many people's hometowns were swallowed by yellow sand. The lively and prosperous towns in the past continued to disperse the population due to the lack of water sources, until the formation of an empty ghost town.

Rumors arose, saying that it was because Cobra himself abused the dancing fan that was considered a banned rain to ensure that the royal city had abundant rain throughout the year, which led to no rain in all parts of the country except for the royal capital.

"After all, this place is close to the camp where the leader of Kousha is located, and there are many leading cadres of the revolutionary army in it. Only by doing inspections can we ensure the safety of these important figures."

Finally the man who insisted on patrolling around before the shift began to explain.

After such a reminder, everyone stopped complaining.

The man who served as the captain of the patrol team obviously had a stronger military literacy than those of ordinary people.

In fact, it was precisely because of his experience as a militiaman in a small city that the leader of Kosha was promoted as a small cadre who managed dozens of people.

He looked around the quite tired people, and it was undoubtedly a hard work to patrol under such a scorching sun. Everyone's forehead was covered with sweat and some dry and rolled dead skin after strong ultraviolet radiation.

The team leader knew that ignorant spurs were not a good recipe, so he couldn't help but cheer up his subordinates: "Let's stick to it. After the shift is over, I invite everyone to go to the bar for a drink!"


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