"The captain is the most handsome!"

What could be more refreshing than drinking a refreshing cold ale after a long time in the clouds?

Especially in areas that are already lacking water resources, this kind of wine transported through external channels is undoubtedly a commodity in demand.

The team members immediately screamed, fighting for the glass of malt liquor.

Taking advantage of the noise of the team members, the small captain who seemed to be observing the rules but understanding raised his head and swept towards the big tent not far away intentionally or unintentionally.

More than ten minutes passed by Wangmei's thirst quenching encouragement. Everyone who ushered in the shift was relieved and walked towards the only open bar in the area, talking and laughing.

There are many rebel soldiers and generals who have similar actions and plans with this squad. They gathered in groups toward the bar.

During this period, it is inevitable to meet acquaintances, and people frequently greet fellow villagers and friends.

A cadre who had just walked out of the big tent looked hard, and finally found the captain in charge of the security patrol in the area of ​​their military discussion big tent in the crowd: "Hey! Your squad is here to drink too!"

"Of course it is! The patrol for most of the day, people almost cooked it!" The team leader replied with the cadre who had just walked out of the big tent.

The two glanced at each other, their eyes closed slightly.

479. Hydra's Bite (Part 2)

The soldiers and cadres of the rebel army walked down the stairs talking and laughing, and then they formally entered the site belonging to this bar.

The bar is noisy and noisy, but compared to the heat waves outside the house, the dark cellar here is at least much cooler.

As the only open bar here, there is no shortage of business with a tavern that caters to rebel soldiers.

Long before this group of guests had just entered, there were already many tables of greedy drinkers in the bar.

These little cadres got together in twos and threes, and they were drunk before the night.

The red faces and louder voices explained their true state at the moment.

There are still a few tables of guests who have maintained relative restraint and have not joined the booze carnival, but there is no lack of coveting.

Seeing this group of people come down the stairs, occasionally acquaintances or comrades in arms greeted them loudly.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming this week! I didn't see any figures until the end of the night!"

The drinker of the wine glass fought his friend hoarsely for fear that a few people hadn't heard it.

The squad leader who undertook the patrol shrugged helplessly, and turned to the bartender waiting for everyone in front of the bar and said, "Isn't this patrolling finished? Old rules."

The seemingly popular patrol captain leaned halfway on the bar counter and tapped his fingers while waiting for the drink to be served, while casually scanning the crowds of guests in the bar.

Suddenly his pupils shrank slightly, but no one noticed this fleeting detail in the dim and chaotic environment and atmosphere.

Maintaining a calm and calm demeanor, the patrol captain of the camp did not even change his expression at all, and looked intently at the table.

In the corner closest to the corner, the light is getting dim, unlike other walls that are illuminated by wall lamps and oil lamps, and the shadows cover most of the table.

Only faintly could see a few people talking and drinking. Three soldiers in rebel costumes were sitting with their backs to the bar, with their feet on the table without education.

The remaining few people are in the blind spot between the line of sight and the light source, and it is difficult to see their faces. Only through the vague movement of people can they recognize that there are people in the shadows.

It seems that they are all members of the militia, just like the other guests in the bar.

This is also a matter of course. Being in the hinterland of the rebel base camp, it is hard to imagine that there will be other personnel coming in and out of this place.

There is no abnormality and there is no place that can cause wrong thoughts. Even from the subconscious level, it is boring and so common that one wants to ignore them directly.

But the patrol captain still noticed the only point, and it was precisely because of this that he focused his attention on that table.

There is a palm with letters printed on each knuckle, and in the corner of the table where the dim but barely eye-catching area is hitting the tabletop one after another.

[Is it in place? The captain of the patrol team, who did not continue to pay attention to this, calculated the time in his heart, and deliberately or unconsciously glanced at the cadre member who walked into the bar with him.

The sights of the two sides were slightly in contact, and the rebel army cadre who was choosing the wine did not turn his head to investigate, as if he hadn't noticed the surrounding situation, and calmly ordered the drink.

However, after a while, the clear and scum-free liquor is poured out from a strong oak barrel.

The soldiers, who were almost looking forward to this, hurriedly picked up the already full cups from the tray that the bartender brought to the table.

"Guckoo! Guckoo!"

For a time, the long and narrow bar front desk was only left with dense and deep swallowing sounds.

In the scorching summer, sweat soaks the back, and a refreshing glass of ale is a rare gift and reward for many people.

"Huh! A glass of malt after the change of guard is really enjoyable." After raising his head and drinking a large glass of wine, the patrol captain couldn't help expressing a comfortable and cozy expression.

He shook his empty wine glasses towards his companions to express his wishes: "Today, as always, I have worked hard for you. Be sure to drink and enjoy yourself."

And this behavior immediately received the response and strong support of the team members.

The sound of whistle and applause interlaced, igniting the atmosphere gradually.

One after another, people gradually filled the bar and square tables. The cadre member who had entered the bar with everyone before pointed to the seat next to him and exhorted:

"Leave a few places for me, and I also dated two other companions."

Sure enough, after a while, several people walked down the stairs and looked around the bar, as if looking for someone.

"Hey! Here! How did you come?" Seeing that the person he was dating finally entered, the long-awaited rebel cadre was filled with a sincere and kind smile and waved to the other party.

After squeezing a few soldiers who were drinking at the bar, the cadre who had also just escaped from the big tent let out a sigh of relief: "The leading cadres of the revolutionary army and the leader of the Kousha are deploying the next stage of the defense plan. They don’t Go, where would I dare to take time out for a drink?"

Regarding this news, the Hydra members who are well versed in the routine did not question, but inadvertently knocked on the side and said: "That big bear really helped us a lot."

Information is only secondary. The goal of their trip is the cadre himself-Kebbi. As one of the veteran members of the original sand sand group, this time Kousha raised the flag of rebellion against the king, and these old brothers naturally responded.

Due to the torture and torture caused by the lack of water, more and more civilians and militiamen flocked to join the rebel army.

The number has also expanded from a few thousand or nearly 10,000 at the beginning to more than 100,000 now.

And this young man who obeyed Koza's orders since childhood also became the right-hand man of the rebel leader.

"No, but Koza also told the big guys that he can't trust the revolutionary army." The young man named Kebbi wiped the windshield hanging from his forehead and took a drink from his glass. .

Kebby was unprepared for this old friend who invited him to drink, and years of friendship have already proven the reliability of the other party.

"Don't think about these annoying things, drink! Drink!" The energetic patrol captain snapped his fingers to call the bartender, and filled Kebby again.

After drinking for three rounds, the cadre who put down his figure and a large group of soldiers around him started to fight, chat, and talk about the mountains with a smile.

During the meeting, Xu gradually faded away the sense of estrangement between each other's identities. A soldier probed with curiosity:

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