All behaviors and behaviors are humanoids whose orders and instructions are the highest priority, and always put efficiency and military interests in the first place.

From the perspective of Tan Ya's way of thinking, there is actually no humanity at all.

Therefore, Major Tanya is generally regarded as a war fanatic who loves war in the Templar Watcher troops who have nothing to do with scientific research and burn funds.

And known as the [Military Man], [Aka Dog], who currently leads the hawkish fighting group in the navy headquarters, is regarded as the best candidate to take over this troublesome boy.

Drake, who was with a few people, glanced at Lieutenant General Salazar who was still indifferent, and shrugged helplessly.

In fact, their team was able to drive the big pirates out of the city as one of the three plagues, which was already an excellent performance.

Don't be willing to risk the arrival of enemy reinforcements and continue chasing out of the city.

But in the bottom of his heart, Drake couldn't blame Salazar himself.

Even if it was him, under the tragic experience of all the crew being slaughtered, the comrades who had been in love for many years were tortured and killed one by one, and he was also beaten and thrown into the sea to die. Now that the enemy is close at hand, I am afraid it will Desperately trying to catch each other.

Drake slowly bowed his waist and opened the heavy metal box lying on the ground. A number of small drones for reconnaissance are neatly placed in the box. These small objects equipped with four propellers can help the watchers to return the enemy's support situation further away as soon as possible.

"We have to investigate the west. We are not sure if Drought Jack has called the Black Sail Pirate reinforcements from other areas." During the New World Defense War, X. Drake showed a group of long-fighting veterans. The thoughtful thoughts come.

Right now it was a risky move. If Peggy Wan and other thorny ancient abilities were allowed to intervene to support the drought, then they would not expect to catch the "dear Captain Jack" that Lieutenant General Salazar was thinking about day and night.

"Then we will continue to advance," witnessing the movements of his comrades, Salazar also made a follow-up gesture behind him: "Drought Jack and the Two Hundred Pirate Remnants retreated to the already yellow sand. In the swallowed barren town, since they are building a line of defense, they definitely intend to stand by and wait for assistance."

In the distant town that is looming in the scorching desert, at this moment, just as Salazar expected, layers of defense are being laid out in full swing.

These elite pirates under the jurisdiction of the Three Disasters, even in the poor state of being defeated and temporarily retreating, are still carrying out their defense work in an orderly manner.

Three or two pirates pushed a breech cannon to a hidden short wall to hide it, and they put a few cannons in the dilapidated courtyard and houses.

They were caught off guard by the ambush of the Templar Watchers in the city. The original large ship of 400 people, after a fierce battle, directly reduced its personnel by more than half.

But this is not the worst thing. They did not carry too many weapons and ammunition in a hurry. At the moment, these 108 mm caliber cannons can be regarded as one of the few heavy fire support.

Under the continuous pursuit of the elite team of Templar Watchers [Overwatch], these members of the Black Sails who took the Golden Lion Flying Fleet to Alabastan with a ride, finally found this deserted area that has been abandoned for a long time due to desertification. Outskirts of town.

A dozen pirates climbed on the roof full of yellow sand to complete tasks such as sniping and reconnaissance. Many pirates guarded more than a dozen light machine guns and 6 heavy machine guns in the rare bunkers in the desert. .

The remaining 6 bazookas and 4 mortars were also pushed to a sand dune by the pirates, in order to be destroyed by the terrifying firepower of the Overwatch Pioneers.

In fact, for a broken squad with more than 200 people, such equipment can be regarded as luxurious. After all, it is a squad directly under the jurisdiction of a big pirate at the level of the Three Disasters. In terms of configuration alone, it is one of the best even in the Black Sail Alliance.

No matter from which aspect, at least it has nothing to do with shabby.

But in the eyes of these pirates who have experienced the collapse of the city, their firepower is very shabby when compared with the enemy!!

The pirates who were setting up the last mortar wiped the sweat that constantly seeped and dripped from their foreheads. Fighting in such a hot and extremely hot environment poses a severe test to their physical fitness.

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, the familiar roar of shells came from the sky.

"Enemy attack!!!! It's Overwatch's team!!" The pirate investigator in charge of reconnaissance and observation hoarsely warned in the telephone worm communication channel.

But he failed to inform the second time, and he was already blown up by the ensuing violent artillery fire.

"It's a rocket launcher!! Damn [Katyusha]!" These old pirates who had been in and out of the New World defense war were nervous, but not panicked.

After quickly making appropriate evasive measures, he inferred what type of gunfire was based on the intensity of the gunfire.

More than a dozen pirates headed by Jack did not dodge the fierce artillery fire, either relying on tough physical resistance or using armed and domineering defense, and stayed still under the baptism of Katyusha.

They are the mainstays of the Mammoth, and under the leadership of the mainstay, they began to give orders to the next counterattack.

Following their orders, the pirate squads under their jurisdiction began to counterattack one after another in the direction of artillery fire.

For a time, the roar of artillery fire and the blast of light and heavy machine guns were endless.

"Boom!" A shell landed not far from Lieutenant General Salazar, blasting a large crater in the sand.

But he didn't even sweep away the light, and shouted behind him: "Pacifist! Push!"

There are not many church watchers stationed in the port city [Rape Flower]. There are only 12 full-time military members. Excluding one field engineer in charge of emergency repairs and two field physicians, they can truly be called combat. There are only 9 members of the force.

But the fundamental reason that allowed them to repel the mighty Mammoth Pirates in one fell swoop in the urban fierce battle was the special mechanism of the Templar Watchers.

Seeing that the Burning Legion next door is using Hellfire that integrates firepower coverage, emergency support, and battlefield death squads, the deep-sea ship combined fleet that has been located on the fisherman island defense line is also raising a large number of servants of sea beasts.

The temple watchers who were defeated by the White Beard Pirates and the Golden Lion head-on five years ago learned from the pain and thought for a while, and finally found a way in their field of expertise.

As the most intuitive representation and manifestation of the No. 1 technology in the world, the mechanized unit undoubtedly possesses full battlefield dominance.

"It's [Light Prism Tank]!! A large group of heavy tanks came from the mechanical house of the Templar Watchers!!" Gritting his teeth, he burst out from the mouth of Drought Jack, and he threw down the telescope in his hand. , The posture is to incarnate the ancient mammoth giants and lift those "toy cars" into the air.

This kind of tank equipped with the laser technology of the Master of the Temple Watcher-[Huang Yuan] is the fundamental reason that drove him away from the city!!

And the pacifist coordinating with the tank is precisely the metal skull model that is difficult to destroy by itself.

Their hand-held rotating machine guns and the laser shot from the mouths of the pacifists woven the already powerful frontal firepower net impermeable.

"Peggy Wan and they haven't arrived yet?" Rao was Jack's thick skin, and he still felt a little headache in resisting such a rain of bullets. He turned his head and asked the correspondent a little anxiously.

The pirate correspondent who was carrying the radio couldn't help showing a bitter expression: "They are just one kilometer away from us to the west."

"Then why haven't you arrived?" Jack grabbed the torch, intending to ask what Peggy Wan was doing.

However, in the corner above the sand dunes, the same call worms are not limited to the Black Sails Alliance.

"Hey, can the warship hear it?" Drake, who was using the drone that was previously released to determine the specific location of the Pirate reinforcements, had a smirk at the corner of his mouth:

"The target location is 1, 700 south right, 050 altitude, request fire support!"

The bombardment support came in an instant, and the 500mm caliber naval gun blasted the entire sandy ground into dust, and the terrifying air waves and shock waves almost completely wiped the sandy ground from the map.

It was a salvo of artillery fire from several large-tonnage naval battleships moored in the port of [Rapeseed].

In the dust filled with sand, the horrible howls of his subordinates continued to sound next to Peggy Wan, and more than a dozen pirates who were able to resist this horrible artillery fire were counting on trying their best to avoid excessive consumption of domineering before fighting with the navy. They scattered and hid.

"The order I received is to cooperate with you to annihilate this five-a-side Overwatch team..."

Peggy Wan remained in the form of an orc and curled up as much as possible behind a weathered and scaly rock, his tone was unspeakable:

"You told me that this firepower is a five-person team?!!"

483. The Watcher of My Great Temple is No. 1 in Science and Technology in the World (Part 2)

The violent fleet bombardment seemed like to completely shred the designated target area, and the intensive fire pouring confirmed this speculation, vowing to still linger in the area-everything that was blown into dust.

"Little ones! Break through!" Peggy Wan, in the form of an orc, shouted and screamed towards the communication channel of the phone worm, and then stayed in place like this, to resist the armed color consumed by the salvo of large-caliber naval guns. Domineering, will far exceed expectations.

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