After receiving the phone worm close to the body, the animal type dragon dragon fruit, the ancient spinyback dragon type ability, immediately jumped out of the collapsed bunker and rushed towards the town.

He took the lead and relied on his extraordinary physical power to smash several shells into a pie, leaving enough space and opportunity for his subordinates to escape.

The roaring artillery fire maintained a breathless frequency, and rained death rain on the heads of the reinforcements of the Black Sail Alliance.

The elite pirates finally seized this fleeting opportunity that Peggy Wan created for everyone. Taking advantage of that short 2 seconds, the shadows followed their leader from the dust. From the crater.

After breaking away from the bombing area with explosive footwork, the pirates who had escaped by chance still turned their heads and looked back with lingering fears.

After a brief glance at the remaining number of people, Peggy Wan gritted his teeth secretly. They received an order to support Lord Jack, one of the three plagues, and arrived at the scene with nearly 500 crew members and heavy firepower.

But before they even saw the enemy, they ate a meal of naval guns and washed the ground. This wave of offensive alone caused them to lose more than 200 people.

The life or death of Jackie in the deserted town in front of him was unclear. Before the two men and horses converged, the troops that were supposed to be used as support were already dead or injured.

The attrition was close to more than half, and if he hadn't fleeed back, he would be tortured to death by [Fire] Jhin as a classic counterexample. At this moment, Peggy Wan and others were really thinking about turning their heads and abandoning Jack.

After all, there are only a few pirates who can use domineering and resist large-caliber artillery salvos, and there are still very few people who can remember to bring heavy firepower together.

"There are still a hundred meters, sprint, we can meet the defenders!" Seeing the deserted town close at hand, Peggy couldn't help but smile.

After merging with Drought Jack, both the military strength and the number of middle-level combat forces that can really influence the trend of the battle will more than double, and then it is not too late to think about how to deal with the frenzied offensive of the Temple Watcher team.

Can't it be worse than here, right?

Peggy Wan, who was able to maintain a high explosive speed and rushed into the deserted town, felt that something was wrong as he ran, which was shocking.

The soil embryos that were beaten up like a honeycomb, the abandoned buildings scattered and collapsed, and the countless hot lasers swept from a distance all silently explained that the battle situation here is not optimistic.

The pirates who came to support swiftly disperse towards the bunker with their heads in their heads, but because they have reacted well, there are still many unlucky ghosts that were directly crossed by the laser beam.

Peggy Wan now hates his spiny dragon fruit like never before, and the bone sail on his back makes him eat nearly a third of the firepower.

While mobilizing the armed forces to dominate and resist, he rushed to find the main goal of this rescue before he was focused on the fire: "It really is even worse!!? Mr. Jack!! What is the situation on your side?? "

Such intensive beam bombardment can't help but doubt whether Polusalino was here in person.

On the battlefield, he has seen the terrifying range of the yellow ape's ability to directly smash people into a sieve [Bachi Qiong Gouyu], and the laser attacks encountered in this deserted town are not as dense as those scattered by the person with the shining fruit ability. But it is not inferior in terms of frequency and aggressiveness.

Compared with Peggy Wan, who was beaten at a loss by just encountering such a high-energy beam, Jack was obviously more experienced in dealing with the drought that was hit by the Templar Watcher team from the city to the outskirts, but correspondingly, this fierce one The mammoth became more and more angry with the current situation.

Obviously, in terms of individual strength, their Black Sail Alliance is even more dominant. Why is this encounter such a ghost?

The five hundred elite pirates in the united position were rubbed against the ground by the five-member team of Overwatch, and at this moment they were suppressed by the fire so that they did not even dare to lift their heads.

The individual pirates who dared to fight back with heavy weapons such as artillery and machine guns were regarded as the focus of attention by the group of robots. Under the concentrated fire of rocket launchers, rotary heavy machine guns, and laser beams that lasted for several minutes, those pirates The firepower point was either directly crushed into mud or completely "extinguished" by being beaten.

Now he is so well-behaved that he dare not even fart.

Even Jack, who is known as a body with a copper wall and iron wall, is not willing to rashly expand his behemoth form under such intense firepower.

If you have a little knowledge of the traits of the Templar Watcher troops, you may already blurt out cursing:

Five hundred people beat five people, do you guys play?

However, Jack, who has had a lot of dealings with this unit, knows that in addition to these servants, the combat power of these mechanical transformation mads is also quite objective.

"The crippled group of Templar Watchers!" Jack spit on the ground fiercely. Compared with the cold and lack of emotional mechanical death, he is more willing to compare with the group of veterans of the expeditionary army. Compete.

At least both parties have a common interest in tempering the physical strength, and it's over.

If it was such a head-to-head situation, defeating him Jack would be convincing.

What kind of a bird thing is this kind of preservation by mechanized firepower and three-dimensional combat?!

Therefore, he would not wait to see these temple watchers who are keen on mechanical prosthesis transplantation and metal artificial humans.

But after cursing, Jack quickly thought of a countermeasure.

The mammoth in the form of an orc freed up his hands to support the foundation of a house, and then his awe-inspiring force lifted a house straight into the air with ease.

"Peggy Wan! You take the flexible crew and prepare to rush in and destroy those tanks and metal skeletons from the flanks!" The giant elephant roared, pulling up the broken houses and thick wall fragments like carrots, and At a terrifying speed that almost threw an afterimage, it threw it toward the advancing Butan coordinated army array.

Countless lasers smashed houses, walls, and columns still in mid-air into fragments through refraction, while the pacifists, who were still pouring ammunition crazily toward the town, split some of their firepower to form close-range air defense. Array, sweep away those threats that are approaching the military array one by one.

Unexpectedly, when those larger and slightly complete houses were crushed, more than a hundred silhouettes of people would use the rubble and ruins scattered in the air as bunkers, forcibly against the ensuing phalanx of metal storms. Among the Tanzanian army.

These pirates who will use armed color and domineering continue to interfere with the firepower advantage of the pacifists,

They either smashed the muzzles of the machine guns that were still spinning crazily and deflected them, making them counterattack to the side of the adjacent tank, or jumped directly onto the turret of the light-ribbed tank to break and chop the weakest refracting plate.

However, the reinforced alloy bones of the T-800 model have caused them a lot of trouble. In addition, the robots are structurally intractable and non-fragile, making them even knocking down the pacifists and damaging parts of their bodies. After the parts, these slightly recessed or broken pacifists continue to frantically launch an offensive against the target.

On the contrary, the Light Prism tank suffered a lot from this wave of disruptive tactics. Taking advantage of the chaos of the army, Peggy Wan, who turned into an orc form, decisively swept over from the flanks.

When the pacifists and the light beam tanks were separated from the scanners and turned their guns, Jack, who was still the best demolition worker a few seconds ago, seized the opportunity and started the charge in stride, from the front of the town. Knock out.

The pirates who were the first to join the army, there are many cases where their companions were shot directly into a sieve by machine guns due to insufficient domineering level. Although the more than one hundred men failed to cause more serious damage, they were the next ones for Jack and others. The wave of offensive created chaos in just tens of seconds.

As a pillar, Peggy should make an extraordinary move. Within five seconds, the pacifists and tanks with a radius of 10 meters from him were destroyed by one of the tricks.

Either a claw or a slam kick, but the catch is that he can no longer swing the giant tail that was once strong and powerful.

That was the painful proof of being defeated in a confrontation with that Allosaurus.

"X Drake!!! You trash that bites the tail will get out immediately!!" The Acanthosaurus capable person's eyes were red with blood, and he shouted violently.

Drought Jack’s assault momentum was successfully implemented in the ups and downs of the sudden change. When he crashed into a shiny tank, the figure of the giant gradually increased, and his thick brown-red fur fell from his body.

Jack, who turned into a beast-shaped mammoth in the blink of an eye, resisted countless ammunition with his arms and domineering, and stepped on two pacifists who were shooting at him unscrupulously.

Immediately afterwards, his huge body pressed against the tank next to him and slammed into it, slamming the armored vehicle upright.

Standing in the distance, Lieutenant General Salazar was watching the pirates who began to destroy the formation and was a little surprised: "Huh? Are there people hiding in the thrown bunker? This way of shortening the distance between each other... it's me. I underestimated the foolish man."

As for the damaged ridged tanks, he didn't feel much distress.

The optical prism turret created by the optical prism configuration is only a reverse research and ultra-simplified version based on the laser technology carried by the pacifists.

In fact, the production of [Light Prism Tank] is more than ten times lower in budget than the expensive pacifists.

The most difficult to manufacture project with the most cutting-edge technology, on the contrary, each one is equivalent to a pacifist series of light warships.

Whether it is the special high-strength alloy used to make T-800 mechanical bones, or the precision laser technology mounted on a small humanoid machine, it is an undisputed scientific research problem.

Maybe there are others who can use Polusalino's ability to conduct reverse research and make laser weapons, but they can apply laser technology and refine them to individuals. Only the genius of Bergapunk is the only one. .

Don't underestimate this terrible precision process, it is like the world's first computer the size of two classrooms, and the technological difference between contemporary laptop computers.

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