"Well, I am a navy of interest."

Leave tonight and make up tomorrow

So far, I’ve been socializing outside. I thought I would have a lot of time for myself on weekends. However, I didn’t expect that there would be banquets that I almost had to go to for two days in a row.

Ever since,

My deposit plan was declared bankrupt, and I didn’t even have any energy for the chapters of the day.

It seems that I have to take a day off. Today’s chapter will be added tomorrow.

Slipped away.

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486. Surprisemotherfu beep—(on)

Sakazuki, which is as stable as an old dog, is now thinking about how to not reveal his identity and continue the code name "Mask Sweetheart", which is very similar to him.

Until Blackbeard Titch arrived in Alabastan, and gave him a [Surprisemotherfu beep—cker] warm greeting.

After all, it is not easy to find such a symbolic suitable code name.

Regarding [Sweetheart Mask], this person is jealous and hateful, even if he is helpless and defeated enemies, he will choose a character that is outrageously eliminated.

Sakazuki gave a thumbs up, expressing likes.

Therefore, when he needed to do a dormant mission, he almost chose this one from countless nicknames and code names without the slightest hesitation.

In the current situation, with the strength of Drought Jack as a small kid, he will not be forced to launch his life and restore his body to its best condition.

How arrogant was Quinn of the plague that year? He was not beaten to death with three punches.

Therefore, against Jack, the weakest of the three plagues, Tiehanhan, Sakazuki did not even consider using rock berry to achieve the final word.

[Although this is very romantic. 】

However, before Mr. Sa raised a big fist, the battlefield changed again.

"Dididi, received the signal from the public channel facing the whole area of ​​Alabastan, do you want to transfer it?"

At the same time, the internal communication channel of the entire Light Prism Tank Mobile Group was constantly flashing and conveying this message.

"Lieutenant General Salazar, do we connect this message?" The mechanical reformer driver code-named [D.va] quietly returned to the crowd.

Hearing that, Salazar couldn't help frowning. They were devoting themselves to the drought and Jack was still not able to see it. On the battlefield, who would care about this at the critical juncture of life and death?

Therefore, as the leader of this team, he shook his head decisively and said: "Don't worry about it!"

Unexpectedly, before Salazar's voice was over, he was interrupted by the fat man who was abruptly intervening in the battle:

"Through the tank’s projection phone worm, you can check it out. Since it is a signal for the global public channel of Alabastan, I guess it will be activated when the royal family conducts a public speech for the whole people.

Only the current King Cobra is qualified to release this message. I would like to know what insights His Majesty the King, who has not seen outsiders for a long time, will express at this moment. "

The members of the Overwatch squad looked at Salazar, and then at the guy who had been pouring Coke.

Obviously, in their hearts, compared to the outsider who doesn't know the details, the captain who has been with him for many years of experience and combat is still much more reliable.

Salazar first looked carefully at the guy in front of him who seemed relaxed and had a serious lack of fighting spirit. Based on his experience in the army for many years, there were nothing more than two situations.

Or, this fat man is purely a layman and knows nothing about war.

Or, this person must have support, even if the drought-stricken Jack Bo has a back hand, he has absolute confidence and strength to defeat him.

After thinking of this kind of viewpoint, Lieutenant General Salazar looked more closely, but became more convinced that this guy was hidden.

At first, this fat man appeared next to him unconsciously, but if Salazar could barely classify him as having no intention of caring about the surrounding environment.

But now even if the lieutenant-admiral stares at this guy, his sense of existence is still terribly low.

Terribly low.

It seemed that as long as one looked away from him, it would be difficult to notice this dispensable fat man.

Salazar couldn't help but think of the old farmers in the desert country of Alabastan who cultivated in the sand under the scorching sun.

It seems to be ordinary civilians too ordinary.

He still remembered the old man who had met accidentally in a corner of the sand. His big hand, which was rough but powerful due to years of work, was holding a water bottle and watering a drought-tolerant fruit and vegetable called "thorn horned melon".

This kind of fruit looks like sea cucumber, and the skin after maturation is golden orange. The taste is like chewing cucumber, with a hint of lemon-like fragrance and slightly sour.

Although the fat man in front of him is very different from the old farmer in terms of overall dressing, his simple and plain temperament is almost the same.

"...Connect," Like a ghost, Lieutenant General Salazar retracted his previous judgment and waved to the team members to remove the projection phone bug and simple mobile screen from the tank.

The drought-stricken Jack, who was hanging aside, looked gloomy, and these guys dared to fiddle with the projection device in front of him.

In the fierce battle, he made such excuses and outrageous actions. He has fought countless people in his life, and he has never seen a few cases of such a strange thing.

It seems that the fat man's weird temperament has a great soothing effect. Everyone who was anxiously judging whether to advance or retreat, without exception, relaxes with this person's calm words and deeds.

[It's the right time!] A fierce light flashed in Jack's eyes. Although I don't know what this weird guy is thinking about, he still has enough time to decide whether to escape or take advantage of this opportunity. A guy who was distracted in the battle inflicted heavy injuries.

As if sensing the unkind gaze, the fat, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, slowly turned his head and stared at Jack who was thinking carefully:

"Watch the live broadcast obediently, and dare to interrupt in the middle. Don't blame me for pulling out your ivory and selling it for money."

Hearing that Jack seemed to be taken aback, how could he ever be threatened by an unknown person?

However, the instinct of the beast after his beastization seems to be screaming from the depths of his bones and every cell.

That guy is very dangerous.

After hesitating for a moment, Jack reluctantly suppressed the throbbing and anxiousness in his heart, and cast his gaze on the assembled live projection image.

"Is that the palace?" As the lens gradually turned from blurry mosaics to clear, the scene on that side made Sakazuki raise its eyebrows.

The cyborg Tan Ya also landed immediately and added casually: "Yes, I have collected pictures and images of the palace from a high altitude. To be precise, it is on the wall on the edge of the palace."

Of course, there are not a few people who can identify the address and background of this live broadcast.

Those who receive this public frequency are not limited to the Navy. Projection phone worms placed in squares, rebel camps, and bars in many cities and towns are also watching this live speech without warning.

In a town fair, more and more civilians gathered here. Since the background of the live broadcast is the royal palace, the person who will be on the stage to give a speech or make a statement is naturally inseparable from the Nafirutali royal family.

Many high-end taverns are even more overcrowded, with alcoholics and civilians coming to hear the news.

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