"I hope it is Your Majesty Cobra, I have heard the rumors of his abuse of dancing fans in the capital. I really hope his old man can give a reasonable explanation." , Has never made such a mediocre move.

Therefore, even if the unfavorable rumors spread widely, most people still believe that this is only a rumor that maliciously slanders His Majesty Cobra.

Residents in the capital even put aside their affairs and quickly assembled in the wide square here.

The square that was often used to listen to the king's speeches was surrounded by water.

Once upon a time, whenever the major policies and decrees of the kingdom were issued, they were announced one by one by the enlightened majesty under the eager anticipation of the residents.

I don’t know when, the crowded square lost the crowding of the people, and a series of decrees were changed to be posted on the notice board by sergeants of the king’s army.

And now, the people finally smell a trace of politics that has been missing for a long time.

Following the top of the high wall of the royal city, faintly crowded with heads of people, two figures first appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"What the hell!?"

"Wait what's going on?!"

The crowd was in an uproar for a while, and many people looked at the scene in front of them with dull expressions.

A woman wearing a high-collared coat was pulling the rope with an indifferent expression, showing her identity, and the coat with the word "justice" woven in it was particularly eye-catching in the wind and sand that was rolled up at any time.

Beside her, the embarrassed figure who is swiftly moving along with the rope gradually showed its colors.

"It's your Majesty Cobra that... is bound by a rope?! Wait, the navy invaded the palace and kidnapped Majesty Cobra?" Countless people and various forces gathered together to watch the live broadcast. The visitors were taken aback.

On the other hand, many rebel soldiers who were watching the live broadcast showed excitement and joy.

"What the hell?! How could the expeditionary army be in the palace?"

Lieutenant General Salazar, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but was stunned. He also heard that the expeditionary force's investigation in the capital was not going well, and King Cobra was repeatedly unable to summon him.

But now it seems...this group of killings seems to be in trouble.

"Why did Robin tie up Your Majesty Cobra?!" Even Drake, who was still fighting Peggy Wan, jumped out of the ring and stood beside a few people watching this strange scene.

Quite a few well-informed people immediately recognized who the headed woman was: "That's...it can't be wrong, one of the leaders of the new generation of the Navy, [Son of the Devil] Robin."

"Rescue Your Majesty!!!" Many diehard kings have begun to shout loudly in the square outside the palace, trying to call the king's army sergeants stationed here to rescue Cobra.

"The Navy has kidnapped the king of the franchise!!! Send it to the news quickly, and the plan will detonate!" There are many news writers who have begun to write quickly, and the flash of the camera has begun to flash quickly to faithfully record this historicity. Scene.

People everywhere are suddenly excited, although there have been frequent civil wars recently and they have fallen into the embarrassment of civil unrest.

In the final analysis, it is still the affairs of the kingdom. Whether the internal affairs of Alabastan is good or bad, people have a balance in their hearts.

But what kind of trouble is your navy running in and getting a kick?

And he tied His Majesty the King to the public with a disagreement?!

"Hey hey hey, this is already a very serious diplomatic accident, right?" Salazar, who was awake, was almost out of cold sweat. He couldn't figure out what Robin's move was for?

Although all members of the expeditionary force were reckless, it was the first time that such incidents of rushing into other people's capitals and imperial cities to tie the king of a country to Wuhuada had happened.

But the palace was surprisingly quiet up and down, and it seemed that none of the guards heard the chaotic shouts in the square.

"What are you navy doing!! Quickly let go of them!!"

Just when many impatients were planning to break into the palace and attack the walls to rescue His Majesty King Cobra.

Another haggard old man was supported on the city wall by two admirals from left to right.



"Yes... there are two kings!!?"

487. Surprisemotherf beep—(in)

In full view, the two kings stood side by side, separated by less than half a meter.

The same face, the same clothes.

But the main difference between the two kings is not whether they are tied with a rope or chain, but in their demeanor.

His Majesty the King, whose hands were tied back by the rope and wrapped in iron chains, looked panicked, but he was alive and well after all.

On the other hand, another old man with a haggard expression, not to mention his decayed complexion, was even thinner. From the fact that he still needs the support of others to walk, it can be seen that he is already extremely tired and weak.

Seeing that the crowd in the square became more and more chaotic, Robin had to use the noise of the microphone to make an ear-piercing scream in the broadcast.

The scream of someone drawing sharp nails on the blackboard irritated everyone, and there were many people with goose bumps.

"Just over 10 minutes ago, the elites of the expeditionary army raided the palace. They successfully rescued the real Majesty Cobra in a secret room." Robin's first words detonated the scene.

Not only did it honorably admit the illegal invasion of the naval expeditionary sequence, it also exposed a piece of shocking news.

[True His Majesty the King], [Rescue].

These two highlighted phrases undoubtedly caused an uproar among the people.

Not to mention the extraordinary move of the expeditionary army to directly go through the palace, if the actual situation is really as the other party said, then the people of the whole country may have to be grateful to Dade's kneeling and thanking the son of the devil for revealing the truth in time.

They saw the existence of two identical Majesty Cobra, and they were about 20% convinced of the truth about the king.

Regardless of whether the fake king is a stand-in for the real king hiding behind the scenes, or the real king has been dropped by the fake king, the two being on the same stage at least proves that there is indeed the possibility of conflation.

"People of Alabastan, you have been deceived!" After witnessing the divergent conversations and discussions in the square, Robin could probably guess how the people watching the live broadcast in other areas reacted.

Her loud voice became louder under the amplification of the loudspeaker: "Someone imprisoned Your Majesty Cobra, and then deliberately provoked the civil strife in Alabastan, causing the King's Army and the militia to consume each other."

These residents are not fools. At this time, they don’t even need to explain too much. As for the truth about why Cobra was imprisoned, and the two sides harmed and consumed each other, this kind of conjecture can be completely left to the brains of intelligent people. Speculate.

"What?! If this is true..." In many squares, bars, and homestays, there are already private big players who quickly came up with several possibilities based on known information.

From the ingestion of power by the inner ghost to exclude dissidents, to

Under the disqualification of the king, the most prestigious person may be elected as the generals and officials of the new king, and then go to foreign forces in an vain attempt to subvert the beautiful Kingdom of Alabastan...all the possibilities, there is no aspect that the people dare not guess.

What's more, the more I think about it, the more reasonable it feels. Combined with the disappearance of Princess Vivi, which has been secretly circulated among the people, everyone vaguely feels that it may be the princess, who is the flesh and blood of Her Majesty Cobra, aware of her "father" on weekdays. The details are different.

Only fled secretly, or already suffered misfortune.

His Majesty Cobra, who was tied into a group and could not escape from Robin's side, shouted hoarsely to the crowd in the square, as if wishing to break free from the navy's shackles:

"Dear everyone!! These **** navy gangs are dissatisfied that I never met them, so they forcibly broke into the palace and concocted such a farce!

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