Such mild scratches are far from causing the tough-willed Titch ghost to cry and howl. What really made him exhale in pain is the old ghost Huang Yuan who almost swung his sword while kicking his fierce crotch.

The fat black pirate with an extremely distorted face covered his crotch with one hand and slipped out dozens of meters.

Out of the corner of his eye, a golden short hammer was sharply enlarged in Titch's field of vision.

"Clang!" A clear and melodious metal percussion resounded from the contact surface between the black beard's head and the short hammer. For the blessing of domineering protection, Titch was still stunned by this extremely fast blunt shock. Pretend to be a gold star.

"[Dark...Dark Water]!" Di Qi reluctantly opened his hands and swallowed up the blasting spears that hit him on both sides.

But the freckled young man with flames on his feet rushing towards the Dark Fruit Ability, turned his body in the air and steadily stepped on the ground, hitting Titch's jaw with a lower uppercut.

But the old pirate who had been fighting for a long time made a counterattack almost subconsciously, kicking Ace away with a kick in the chest.

The combination of the pain passed from the jaw and the dizziness in his mind made Titch stagger backward a few steps.

The scream in his ear forced him to raise his arms to cover his head, and let Drake's **** hammer hit his arms one after another.

The impact caused by the bludgeon passed into the bones through the muscles, shook his arm numb, the dark fruit ability was about to raise his hand to counterattack, the blind swordsman who stood in the air with a knife and knife has already pressed down with several times of gravity in one fell swoop.

The crackling sound from the knee joint declared that it seemed difficult to bear such a heavy load. The huge gravity squeezed on Titch alone, and Drake, who was less than ten centimeters away from him, was not affected in any way. A simple one hand, but it showed Fujitora's exquisite control.

Seeing the Warring States leave to come, Tiqi secretly said that he was not good, and as the dark mist filled his whole body, the restraint of gravity on him quietly loosened.

The hero, who was besieged by the crowd, took a deep breath and rushed towards the Warring States with five fingers.

He vowed to leave several scars on his cheek as a commemoration.

Facing the desperadoes counterattack, the Warring States only felt that the opponent was taking it for granted. He also pointed out that Rudao first cut a palm on Tic's right wrist and deflected the pirate's claws.

Immediately afterwards, the right palm of the Warring States Period slid past Tic's left hand, guiding the pirate's offensive outwards with skill.

Although he has been in the rear of the stable and enjoyable for a long time, the reaction to the enemy in the Warring States Period is exceptionally fast, and it seems that he has been rehearsed countless times.

Taking advantage of the empty door in Titch's chest, Your Excellency the Marshal, who had to fight with Cap every day, as if with infinite resentment towards someone, both palms out, pushing Titch away again.

Another figure is already ready to go. When the Warring States and the opponent are at war, the man currently serving as the chief naval instructor gently presses his legs on the ground in a zama-step gesture.

He clasped his fingers together, clenched his fists in such a weird posture, and slowly raised two dark arms clinging to his head with high-armed colors.

It's like an oversized pile driver with full power storage.

He thumped it hard and exhausted all his energy.

Slammed down, like a giant spirit in a fairy tale swinging an axe to split a mountain.

The black beard who was pushed by the Warring States Period was precisely exposed under these fists at this moment.

Several laps of air waves spread rapidly with Zefa as the center, and the entire ice surface seemed to vibrate. With Zefa as the center, the ice surface within a radius of 5 meters from him split into dozens of huge rectangular ice blocks. Was bounced high.

526. I don't have the strength to beat people, but I am ashamed to say that I am a pirate (Next, next)

This scene fell in the eyes of the Marshal of the Warring States, but he had no choice but to probing his hand and rubbing his eyebrows. As an old comrade-in-arms and fellow who had been with him for decades, he certainly noticed that Zefa had kept his hand.

Not only did he deliberately curtail his strength after beating his black beard to protect his body, but also he did not intend to use the weird ability of the Devil Fruit from the beginning.

"You really protect the calf..." The Warring States instantly understood the old friend's intentions, teasing with a smile on the corner of his mouth, puns.

The cause of this thumping was indeed that some of the old guys were sulking at the little Robin girl who had grown up watching under their noses.

However, even though he played well, Zefa, who was thoughtful and thoughtful, still remembered Sakazuki, the first student who was born in the blue and outperformed the blue.

This allowed his men to be merciful and never directly beat Titch out of consciousness, so that his lover could vent a little bit of grievance.

"We old guys have experienced hand addiction. Do you think that the old man will be like Karp?" Standing on the edge of the big hole created by his own blow, Zefa recalled Sakazuki and Karp each other Everyday, who was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring at him, couldn't help but shook his head in a dumbfounded manner.

Your Excellency the Marshal sighed sympathetically: "Indeed, I want to come now. It is really the wisest choice to leave that old Piff in the guard of G_1."

From the bottom of his heart, he silently praised his foresight. Immediately, the Warring States Dialogue turned around and seemed to point: "But there are a lot of other little bastards..."

Following the index finger of the Warring States Period, Zefa raised his head slightly, but saw dozens of figures in mid-air already jumping into the pothole.

The weird cry in his mouth made people laugh and cry—"I'll take the head of the black beard!"

"Kill Blackbeard, marry the Valkyrie, and reach the pinnacle of life!!!"


Watching these little bunnies jump down the fault on the edge of the ice, Rao Ze Pharaoh couldn't help but slouch with a smile. There was no posture that the elders should have: "Hahaha, these reckless little **** who dismantle the platform! But I am. I like such a little guy."

These energetic young boys are the future of the Navy. But for the moment, Zefa doesn't mind making them suffer more for these little brazens who act faster than thinking.

Because according to his judgment, the black beard lying on the lower end of the thick ice at this time still has the power to fight.

Sure enough, three of the hapless seamen who rushed down first were punched by Titch and flew up.

"I lost it!?" The seamen showed a look of surprise, but they had the latest knowledge of Blackbeard's endurance.

After eating the combined blows of the marshal, generals, and several new-generation leaders, and finally being beaten into the ice pit by Chief Instructor Zefa, he was still able to punch people with full blows? !

On the contrary, Ainilu, who was the first to flash into the bottom of the pit, did not act rashly, but watched coldly on the part of the companions who were expecting to beat the dog to try first.

He fought with Titch during the initial interception, knowing that this is definitely not the ordinary captain-level pirate.

If he really wants him to find a similar existence in his mind, Ainilu can only think of Marco, who is known as the first person under the Four Emperors.

"Are you really resistant, doesn't it hurt?" The thunder fruit capable person shook the short hammer in his hand, and the warhammer made of gold melted along with Anilu's wrist, faintly buzzing with the sound of wind and thunder.

After being beaten up by the crowd, even Titch claimed that his physique was different from ordinary people.

Especially Polusalino's thing that should be slashed by a thousand swords, even hit the bullseye while taking advantage of the chaos.

A key factor behind him being beaten up by Ainilu, Ace, Warring States, and Zefa, making it difficult to counterattack, is the intense pain from Titch’s lower body that interfered with his conscious judgment. More involved in the body shape movement.

Tychy resisted the pain, secretly paying attention to the elite marine soldiers who cautiously surrounded him. Suddenly, he grinned and revealed rotten teeth with ragged mouth: "The secret cave way. Release!"

The dark fog surrounding him suddenly stagnated, and immediately numerous thunderstorms and lightning spurted out of the black fog.

That was the great thunder that the previously deeply scheming hero sucked into the darkness when he was fighting Ainilu. He planned to return this hand to Zefa, but Huang Yuan’s magical pen kick was too unexpected. , Completely disrupted his tactical arrangement.

"Anilu! You..."

"...Really a..."

"Chief gatekeeper... porpoo... a little bit"

Surrounding the marines around Tic was really miserable at this moment, and the fellow marines who could barely speak clearly screamed at the **** of the pitted teammate.

They never thought that the lightning that should belong to Anilu would be used by the dead black fat man in turn. Unprepared, all the marine soldiers who were still stranded at the bottom of the pit were recruited. When the current passed through the human body, it was like irradiating X-rays, and the black beard could even clearly see the skeletons of this group of navy red deer.

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