Facing the baptism of a strong voltage electric current close to him, all the marines who had surrounded Tickey for a few meters immediately fell down, convulsing all over, and occasionally a blue and white electric arc could be seen jumping on them.

Ainilu looked around with embarrassment on his face, not to speak, and slammed the warhammer round towards Blackbeard in annoyance.

"Thor's Hammer!"

The menacing golden hammer was so swift and violent that the hardened surface of the hammer with the domineering armed color was severely stamped on the palm of Titch's welcoming hand.

The surging shock wave blew the two of them lying down in the ice pit again, and they clung to the steep ice wall.

"Mr. Lu Qi!!! Help ah ah ah ah ah!!" The sea soldier whisperer, who had part of his cheeks burnt to gray by the electric current, barely raised his head and asked for help from the figure in the sky.

They didn't expect that Lu Qi, who had always been indifferent to others, would rescue them from the pit one by one, but at least, don't let the fellow Anilu save Blackbeard another wave of lightning storms.

Hearing how these guys were crying and howling, Lu Qi's face became colder and colder: "Huh, I don't know what I can do, and I didn't even carefully evaluate the opponent's strength before he rushed to attack. It seems that the special training that Sa always gave you in the past was not enough. "

The reprimand is reprimand, and the contempt is contempt. Even if he is angry with this group of new-generation comrades in arms, Lu Qi has no intention of letting off Blackbeard so easily.

[Six Form Combat Skills·Razor] There are dozens of sharp arcs left in the air, and the deity using this deep combat technique has already soared behind Tickey.

Countless afterimages pierced the back of Blackbeard's head with the continuous thrust of Lu Qi's fingers. If the domineering index finger hits the target, the explosive power of the finger gun Huanglian is enough to lift the human skull.

There was wind in the back of his head, but Titch didn't panic when faced with such a difficult situation. He kept facing Ainilu with his right hand, waved his left arm, and threw an elbow to the rear.

The dementia behavior of colliding fingers with elbows is something that Lu Qi will never choose. Even the limbs of both sides can be strengthened under the blessing of armed and domineering, but the big cat who pays attention to details and polished moves did not act recklessly.

Lu Qi has changed his tricks before the afterimage has dissipated. The four remaining fingers that he clenched opened at the same time, and the roots of his palms were directly at the bottom of Blackbeard's elbows, and a slight lift upwards deflected the force of the opponent's counterattack.

At the same time, he quickly slammed his right fist and hit the fat man's waist hard.

The Dark Fruit Ability who was attacked by the Kidney Assault suddenly roared: "Are your navy all playing so indiscriminately?!"

He was already seriously injured under the attack of the Warring States and the others. When Zefa punched the ice into the ice, his organ was on the verge of rupture. At this moment, Lu Qi and Ainilu joined forces to attack even worse.

Immediately, a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, and he swallowed it back abruptly.

"What are the methods and routines for killing people?" Hearing this, the corner of Lu Qi's mouth rose slightly, and he sneered bloodthirstly.

Whatever can kill the enemy is a good way. There is no difference between superior and inferior.

A dark mist erupted from Titch's body and instantly cast aside the two navy men who were still in contact with Titch, but when Luki was about to be smashed away by the black fog of the air, he put his foot on Titch's legs again. between.

"叽!?" Suddenly, Tic's face changed drastically, and his entire face was almost twisted together.

Huang Yuan's foot made him feel painful, and he vaguely felt numb in his lower plate, and even felt a little inconvenient to touch and control his limbs.

But the strange patch of this circuit touched the wound again, and the pain traveled up the pubic bone and reached the brain.

The black beard, who had been under special attention twice, opened his hands in the air with trembling, and the endless gravitation instantly captured Lu Qi's figure.

Upon seeing Ainilu on the other side of Lu Qi, his eyes were full of sympathy and pity for Blackbeard.

He couldn't understand at all, why the opponent would choose to lead an enemy whose physical skills were near the pinnacle to fight close combat.

Regarding physical skills alone, even if Anilu has a very strong physical fitness, he dare not say that he can oppose Lu Qi, a master of six types of specialization.

The gravitational pull made Lu Qi not surprised and delighted. He was in the air, rotating his body and ramming towards Marshall D. Titch's position.

It wasn't until the distance between the two of them approached in the blink of an eye that he kicked out a foot that had been stored for a long time.

Tic's right hand touched the body of the chief legion assassin, and the terrifying slash of the foot cut on the belly of the black beard in a state of tearing all obstructions in front of him.

The severely injured Blackbeard had planned to retaliate with the fist to the stigmatized assassin, but the touch returned from his abdomen made his eyelids jump wildly.

Unlike in the past, he had seen the haze feet displayed by other marines. The slash kicked by Lu Qi, the six-style grandmaster, was in a whirlpool shape and curled like a beast's tail.

It was this unique slash that, when it came into contact with the domineering aura of his body, turned like a chainsaw, continuously cutting and killing his domineering aura attached to his belly.

[Land Foot · Leopard Tail] Lu Qi's plan is not to exchange injuries with Blackbeard, but to cut open the opponent's abdominal cavity with a hard blow.

In desperation, Titch had no choice but to deploy more domineering abdomen for defense. After only 0.05 seconds of stagnation, the instigator quickly disappeared before his eyes.

[Damn it! How come you react so fast? Titch is slandering the opponent, after all, it is really difficult for him to keep up with Lu Qi's melee attack with his size.

But now that he was at the bottom of the pit, he was unavoidable, and he was easily surrounded by other marines. The power of thunder that had been swallowed by darkness in advance was also used up.

Even if he wanted to draw a gourd and store it again according to the book, Ainilu, who was wary, might not be as he expected.

[First escape from the bottom of this pit, otherwise, when these rookies come together, I am afraid that I will not even have the energy to fight back!] Titch is secretly anxious, but he is agile in mind, after noticing Anilu’s upside-down posture, in a flash Take care of it.

"Jiehahahahahaha! Hateful!! What a pity! It is a pity that I was too cautious at the time for fear of revealing too much strength, and never caught that female soldier!

I should have killed that little Nizi five years ago on the spot! Rape first and then kill!" Suddenly, Titch spit out a mouthful of **** blood on the ice, as if complaining and laughing out loud with regret.

But he couldn't tell how many of them were agitation, and how many were true emotions.

"Aha?!" Ainilu and Lu Qi's figures were abruptly stagnant, and they slowly fixed their gazes on the madman who was ranting about it.


"Quick Thunder!"

Almost at the same time, Lu Qi and Aini moved.

But the thunder and lightning is much faster than the supersonic speed of several times after all, and Ainilu threw the hammer first, and his full blow with full of rage sent Blackbeard straight out hundreds of meters.

But soon, Ainilu found that he had been calculated.

Blackbeard's rampant but arrogant laugh came from mid-air: "You will be stunned in a fight, this is my escape route!"

Suddenly, his cry stopped halfway through and disappeared into a dull crash.

There was no sound on this small battlefield, as if someone had cast a sealing spell, and there was a dead silence.

Lu Qi, who was still at the bottom of the pit, looked at each other on the road with Aini, not knowing what happened on the ice.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a sound that they were familiar with from afar.

Sakazuki heard a gloomy and furious roar: "Blackbeard, right?! I haven't had time to trouble you, so you dare to attack the old man first?!!!"

Author's message:

PS: I went home almost a little later this morning. I was delayed for a long time in discussing a cooperation project. The big chapter is here today.

527. Who is the strongest avenger? (superior)

The anger in Sakazuki was almost condensed. He supported the ice with one hand and slowly pulled his body from the impact crater.

Finally, he withdrew from the battlefield chasing and suppressing the pirates, using the pressurization of the magma body as the power to perform a short jet-type stagnation propulsion, and quickly chasing after a certain seal running in front of him.

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