Hearing that the current marshal nodded, his view coincided with Sakazuki: "The barbarian is not a concern. The five volleys are already absent. Even if it is [Samurai], the navy can draw enough combat power. response."

"It's just... a little bit," Porusalino suddenly inserted into the conversation between the two of them abruptly: "A country like Wano Country has enough capital and resources to support them to enter the franchise system of the world government. , But on the territory of the New World, there are countless towns that cannot pay the membership fee due to poverty and will bear the heavy heavenly gold in the future."

He looked at Sakazuki with piercing eyes, and said every word: "These towns that are useless to the Five Old Stars are still under the jurisdiction of the Black Sail Alliance. Once our army captures them, The world government will not allow us to station troops... This is just a waste of money for them."

"The navy must have the final say about the garrison!" Kuzan replied decisively. He changed the indifferent attitude of the past, and he was so decisive that those who knew him were a little surprised: "Brother, I don’t allow you to back down half a step to shelter the civilians and towns of the New World.

Sakazuki vaguely felt that Kuzan seemed to have changed after the war. I don't know what stimulated or touched him, but this change was not real for a while.

Regarded as the future master of the navy, the red dog turned his head and looked at the direction of the Holy Land Mary Gioia. His eyes flashed with contempt: "Whether to garrison or not, of course, it is the navy that has the final say, but this is true. A [good start]."

Talking about this matter, everyone added a little more obscurity between their words, tacitly weighing the pros and cons in each other's obscure flashing words.

This slacker, who usually seems to have no sense of existence, reduced the slack color that appeared on his cheeks, revealing unprecedented solemnity and perseverance.

He straightened his waist, looked around the generals in the room, and finally turned his gaze to the Warring States Period: "I have been thinking about it, so that the lingering images in my mind scared me, making me toss and turn, sleep and eat.

If, at that time, everyone did not act, but really wanted to give an innocent girl to the evil forces in exchange for greater benefits or less damage in the future..."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I was scared at the time, I was really scared." He paused for a moment, his voice was a little trembling, no one thought that such words would come out of the world-famous general of the navy headquarters.

"I am afraid that the beliefs I have worked hard for for many years will become distorted and corrupted and shaken.

I was afraid to see my companions gradually become strange. "

Sakazuki was silent, and he faintly guessed what Kuzan was about to tell.

The "Trolley Car Problem" is one of the most famous thought experiments in the field of ethics, and it is also an unsolvable moral problem.

If you pull down the control lever to change the trajectory of the train, you can save five people, but it is bound to cause an innocent person on another track to be crushed to death.

If you don't want blood on your hands, you can only sit and watch the five people die.

In exchange for the lives of a few people for the survival of the majority, I really want to say that the tough to extreme Sakazuki in the original book is very similar to Eimiya Kiritugu.

In order to achieve the justice that they firmly believe in, they can do whatever they can, and only demand to be the most accurate scale. In their eyes, it only takes two questions to measure a life or death.

[Should this person be killed? ] And [Kill this person, how many people can I save? 】

The red dog who pursues absolute justice can choose to destroy the refuge ship full of civilians without hesitation to prevent scholars from getting into it. He would rather kill one thousand by mistake and miss one ruthlessly, which originated from his belief that this would involve ancient weapons related. The complete obliteration of information can save more people from the flames of war.

But Kuzan is different.

Sakazuki couldn't be more clear. For a long time, most of Kuzan's exhaustion and fishing are just an external manifestation of his inner struggle.

This guy said that the motto of being a navy is "justice without time", but the long period of distress and confusion made him choose a temporary alternative, which is the so-called "leisure justice"-thinking that "justice" is in a different position. People will have different opinions, and they will change according to their positions.

The final departure of Kuzan in the original book is not only caused by the conflict between Kuzan and Sakazuki, but also because this guy who has been confused is trying to explore from different angles what justice should be. The way exists.

And now, Sakazuki finally understands what the changes he had previously faintly noticed in Kuzan.

[Have you finally found your own way to go down firmly? 】

Kuzan’s eyes became brighter, and the confusion that had been stuck in his eyes was wiped out: "On the battlefield, the smallest battle damage is exchanged for the largest result. As a military commander, I believe that brother, Made a mistake."

Sakazuki made a demonstration for him personally, once in the Promenade of Ashes, and once...in Murloc Island.

"It's like, brother, you stood alone in front of the white beard on the fisherman island.

Even if only one citizen fails to escape the danger, I believe there will be one thousand...no, ten thousand, and even more seamen, even if they know they are going to die, they will resolutely stand between the pirates and the innocent civilians. "

This sleepy-eyed man smiled sharply at Sakazuki: "This...is the meaning of our soldiers' existence."

Kuzan, who made the final conclusion, tilted his head:

"As long as the safety of civilians is involved, I Kuzan will never give in. Even if the person who made this concession decision is the future marshal of the navy headquarters, I will stand on the opposite side of him without hesitation."

But he never expected that the four "old fathers" all sighed with relief:

"Kuzan, you're grown up."

I don't know what Sakazuki thought of, he thoughtfully asked Xiangcai's younger brother who gave an inspirational speech: "We have heard your insistence on the idea, but what are you willing to give for it?"

In order to carry out this resolute belief, Kuzan's expression became more determined, and he said solemnly:


Even if I face you, brother, I will choose to fight you upright!"

But before the voice fell, he was stunned.

I saw that the **** who was advertised as a role model in his heart, eagerly repeating the three words "fighting", seemed to have not heard Kuzan's premise and foreshadowing before his harsh words.

Kuzan dared to swear that this was the first time in his life he saw the Sakazuki brother showing an ecstatic expression.

537. The Song of Ice and Fire (Part One)

At a loss and at a loss, this is the true inner portrayal of Kuzan at this moment.

Why did it become like this?

Why is this **** so skilled?

He obviously just wanted to explain his concept and position concerning justice in front of everyone!

How did it evolve into a sudden high-intensity fight? very tired...

The guy who arbitrarily took justice out of context still had a happy look of "finally fished for a fight" on his face.

"I have never hated reckless men so much...really, especially the kind of super-powerful player that is not good enough to listen to people." Kuzan squinted his eyes and strangled his wrist at the [Tiehanhan] who was gearing up. Sighed.

It's a pity that the object of his complaints is obviously not the kind of people who lightly give up on the goals he believes.

"The old man can fully understand your hatred,"

Sakazuki nodded, and exclaimed in agreement: "Mr. Karp is really annoying!"

To speak without knowing someone

, Kuzan was even more frustrated.

He rarely argued and knocked the mahjong table so loudly: "I mean you!! Mr. Karp would be that kind of rash... uh!?.."

Kuzan, who had worked under Karp for a long time, froze for a long time, and suddenly felt that it was correct to describe Karp from a certain angle. . .

"He is really that kind of reckless man..." Recalling the so-called domineering quick response training of Uncle Karp, Kuzan's head was still aching.

The persuasive expeditionary army commander tried to place the entry point on Kuzan's side. He slowly reduced the joyous color blooming on his cheeks, and his expression became calm and solemn.

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