The general who had tried to find a fight before stared at Kuzan, and there was no trace of enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes.

Knowing how to control emotions in a timely manner is not only a manifestation of one's inner self-cultivation, it means maturity without being surprised, but also a way to keep one's mind down.

"Okay, Kuzan, let's end the joke. If I take it, listen carefully.

You must remember every word, and remember with your mind!"

He dignifiedly took a step towards Kuzan, slowly raised his right hand and lightly pressed his index finger against the opponent's heart.

"Close your eyes!" Not waiting for Kuzan's face to be confused, Sakazuki whispered and shortly demanded with military orders.

Feeling the rhythm of the heart beat back along the fingertips, returning to the unsmiling state of Sakazuki, the low voice echoed in Kuzan's ears: "Feel it, let your mind go, do you feel it? When you are willing When doing everything for something, your body responds with will?"

Kuzan thought that the brother was playing around, but when the voice of Sakazuki fell off, he was shocked. This is the secret of the mental state taught by the brother.

Close the eyes and converge, the influence of external factors on the senses is beginning to be stripped off, and the lack of vision makes other perceptions more concentrated and more sensitive.

The sound in his ears was gradually amplified, and Kuzan gradually could clearly feel the melody of the beating heart.

He knew that, as long as everyone in kendo practiced swords, they also practiced their minds.

Sword Zen is also a unique mind Zen used by swordsmen to perceive the world.

Kuzan knows that many kendo halls in the four seas have similar tricks, such as Frost Moon Dojo, Yixin Universe Flow... these genres that have been secretly investigated and recorded by Legion Assassins.

These kendo masters admire the sword as an extension of the senses.

Perceive the breath of plants, flowers and birds, and enter the sword with your heart, you can enter the realm of cutting iron.

Even the immediate boss of their navy headquarters, the Warring States Period, is also an expert in Zen Taoism.

In the past few years, Sakazuki has completely conquered its breath.

On the one hand, this can be attributed to the persistent and intensive training of element manipulation over the years, and the careful control of the body by the return of life.

On the other hand, it is a real rise above the state of mind.

This is something that Kuzan has not been able to grasp so far.

But today, he seemed to touch the door vaguely.

What continued to be heard was the guidance from Sakazuki: "We have heard your understanding of justice, and your persistence in determination can also be felt.

Remember that at the moment of expressing the heart, the heart was surging, the heart throbbed violently in the chest cavity, and the blood poured out of the heart and flowed into the limbs, the kind of cheers and joy from the cells of the body.

Not only relying on the brain to remember it, but using the body to remember it, revisiting it again and again in the battle, until this will is implemented and completely integrated into your body. "

The sleeper who quietly opened his eyes finally understood the "good intentions" of Sakazuki, and he actively invited to fight: "It turns out that this is your intention to call me to fight, brother, I hope you can enlighten me!"

Kuzan, who actively invited the battle, was vaguely eager to try.

From the bottom of my heart, he doesn't actually hate this duel, Sakazuki is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

Every time the two sides played in a playful fight, Kuzan was defeated by a strong man with his muscles and joints.

Kuzan, who has repeatedly fought and failed, really wants to thoroughly mobilize the three complementary fields of domineering, physical skills, and fruit abilities known as the [Trinity], and go all out to compete with Sakazuki.

Looking at Da Huyou, the Warring States Army began to abduct Mengxin again, squeezing his face and holding a smile, almost suffocating himself from internal injuries.

This black-bellied old ghost deceived Kuzan with his nine true and false tricks, but he could not deceive him as a bystander.

The Buddha, who is also good at keeping a secret state of mind, has every reason to believe that the mood and feelings mentioned in Sakazuki are full of true feelings.

Because I am also using Buddhism and calligraphy as a medium to excel in my state of mind, the Warring States period can recognize through the words of Sakazuki similar mood fluctuations that have appeared in my body.

If there is no personal touch and sincere experience, it is absolutely impossible to tell such insights.

As for the reason why Kuzan listened so attentively, the Warring States Period could understand.

Regarding the state of mind, it is not purely idealism and

Unrealistic in the eyes of ordinary people.

The way to perceive the world with mind is not limited to swordsmen, it is a knack for the domineering practice of seeing, hearing and sex.

The deepest one is said to be able to reach the so-called state of listening to the sound of all things.

But the only place that Sakazuki puts Kuzan in is in the actual operation method.

There are countless ways to temper your state of mind, and pushing yourself to the limit to fight is just the dumbest method among thousands of ways.

It was the first time that Zhijiang lived to such an age that he could play with logical sophistry in this way.

And the guy who was about to be beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face is still as grateful as [You beat me for my good], and he is as happy as he is.

"Marshal, is this really good? The change of term is imminent, and the generals' fierce confrontation is very likely to be misunderstood by the outside world as infighting for power." The political consciousness is as acute as Polusalino, and the impropriety is quickly detected. Place.

But the sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Warring States Period, and the smile hanging at the corner of his mouth became deeper. He waved his hand and said: "It's okay, let them let go of their hands and feet.

At this time, there are ‘internal strife’ from the outside world, which may not be a good thing for the Navy, and some people have to be more assured. "

Even the experienced Warring States period seemed full of interest, and he was looking forward to the duel between the two.

"The two people who are the same natural awakening ability, not only have a similar level of combat power, but also represent a natural phenomenon with extremely strong opposition.

Does the cold air that symbolize freezing completely freeze the magma of the dwelling fire? Or will the lava erupting from the volcano completely burn everything? "The Great Buddha tilted his head towards Polusalino and motioned to the other party to guess.

But Polusalino was very knowledgeable after all, and he shrugged his shoulders and said:

"There is nothing to guess, it must be the one with a deeper understanding of abilities who wins. In a sense, their natural abilities are mutually restrained, and there is no subordinate suppressing relationship like burning fruit and rock berry fruit."

Immediately, the Warring States period took over: "There is no doubt that regardless of the success or failure of this battle between ice and fire, these two world-class masters can benefit a lot from it.

A new and in-depth understanding of one's own abilities can also be obtained, and even a higher level is unknown. "

In the eyes of Polusalino and Fujitora, these words were a bit overstatement, and smiled softly and said with emotion: "Both of them are masters who touch the fruit and awaken, and it is reasonable to say that they will be beneficial after the limit collision. If there is really any. The rare perfect opportunity can bring one of them to the next level... The old blind man really wants to see how far he can reach."

538. The Song of Ice and Fire (Part Two)

The excessively noisy noise outside the cabin door awakened Lu Qi from a nap during the lunch break.

Walking on the tip of the knife at all times gave Lu Qi keen senses and beastly intuition.

Although it was after the war, he never slackened completely and fell asleep, but the leisure time in the afternoon was the best choice for Lu Qi to sleep with his eyes closed.

In a drowsy and lazy environment, recharge your energy and prepare for emergencies.

Legion assassins who are accustomed to performing tasks alone are not lack of vigilance.

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