"Goohahahaha, how can those idiots understand the benefits of this!" A young man with a big back is alone in a bar box and laughs, his face has a look that seems to have been newly added Long scars.

This scar across his face added a bit of hideousness to his already gloomy face. He fiddled with the earring on the right with his right hand, "Sitting on the official background, I will complete my revenge plan with integrity! White beard!"

His left wrist was severed and replaced by a huge golden hook.

As for whether killing the pirates will make him the public enemy of the pirate group? He doesn’t care at all. You have to know that the sea pirates compete with each other to kill each other. The same is to kill the pirates, but the king under Qiwuhai can get the world. Government recognition and asylum.

What really moved Krokdal's heart was the official coat.

With the official proof, compared with the back and forth of the enemy when fighting in the new world, the big pirates who accept the move can completely ignore the navy headquarters' pursuit and interception.

Not only that, the official certification gave these Qiwuhai members a great opportunity, an opportunity to form a legitimate company and a legitimate team force.

The source of money is more stable and abundant, and there are many channels and channels for the selection of talents.

These are the hidden interests that really attract Klockdal.

In another area of ​​the sea, a young man with short blond hair who had similar plans with him was wearing burgundy sunglasses and laughing exaggeratedly on the street with the extra in his hand: "Hey, hey, funny, Really interesting! Hahahahaha, the five old stars really made something interesting!"

He has the blood of the Tianlong people, although he has already left the Holy Land, but he has seen many big scenes in his ears and eyes.

All the way to the present, the tempering and suppression of life has made him experience too much.

He is very different from those short-sighted pirates, when most pirates are still indulging in the pleasure and enmity of having wine and being drunk, and they are still tasting the pleasure brought by burning, killing and plundering.

Doflamingo, who has been among the pirates and underworld, has soberly realized that there is no fixed foundation, no stable funds and power, they are just bereaved dogs that are sent away by the navy at any time.

And now the Under King Qi Wuhai is undoubtedly the title he most hopes to obtain, relying on his own mind and strength, plus the blood flowing through him.

Whether he has sufficient networks and privileges, or operates an industry, is involved in weapons, drug transactions, and other illegal things, the legality of the Seven Wuhai System under the King makes him absolutely able to mix in black and white.

"Qiwuhai? Gu la la la la, my old opponent has a headache this time. The world government is shooting itself in the foot this time."

The current absolute hegemon of the New World, the strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate also holds a newspaper in his hands, and he knows the virtues of most pirates.

The world government wants Zhaoan’s pirates to follow their advice? Baibeard doesn’t believe they can do this at all.

Marko, the captain of the first team with a pineapple head, stared at the navy’s original deployment name at the bottom of the newspaper: "Father, once Qiwuhai cooperates with the navy headquarters, will it still pose a threat to us?"

White beard's eyes were full of contempt, and the words he uttered were extremely domineering: "So what? Those are just cats and puppies barking. I'm Whitebeard!"

Sakazuki naturally didn't know everything that happened on the sea. He was preoccupiedly commanding the warship to march below the Chambord Islands, the 10,000-meter deep sea area-Murloc Island.

106.Sakazuki Lieutenant General decides to fish (middle)

In the eyes of many people, the top sailing warships of the navy headquarters are already behemoths in the sea, and compared to most pirate ships and merchant ships, they are giants in the sea.

Until they ran into a real giant in the sea, the officers and soldiers of the navy headquarters who were accustomed to standing on the deck and looking down on the ship underneath, today finally remembered the feeling of being looked down on.

The marines raised their heads and looked up at the lion-headed fish-body sea beast in awe.

"The sea beast is so big." A young seaman sighed lightly.

And the older sergeant standing next to him directly slapped the back of this guy's head: "Can you not be so embarrassed? It's not that we haven't encountered sea beasts during the mission."

The young offspring looked aggrieved: "I used to encounter only half of the body exposed on the surface of the sea! This time I saw the whole body of a sea beast in the deep sea for the first time!"

"How big is it? It doesn't dare to attack warships..." The veteran of the sergeant looked dismissive.

Before the words fell, the curious baby who had been surrounding the warship stretched out his big, fleshy tongue and licked on the bubbles.

"Boo!" The sergeant and the marines let out a high-pitched and miserable howl...

Standing behind them, Lindemann yelled at the two men in an angry tone: "Shut up, how decent is it! Why is this situation panic?"

But that being said, they will not let the sea beasts destroy the coating.

Sakazuki was squeezed into a bubble. This kind of thing was only handled by the captain of him. The lieutenant rushed out of the coating, jumped up and kicked the slightly cute sea beast. On its big soft tongue.


After the pain, the huge lion face of the sea beast slowly moved in front of the bubble in Sakazuki, and its cat-like vertical pupils were reflected on the surface of the bubble.

Strong curiosity and revenge drove this animal to look around Sakazuki carefully.

What is it that dares to attack it?

In the bubble, the middle will carefully control the elemental temperature of the arm. If the temperature is too high, the thermal expansion reaction will explode the bubble from the inside.

Without expression, he lifted the arm that had turned into dark red lava, and shook it in front of the lion's face. The sea beast was taken aback for a moment, as if he had seen something of a similar color in its memory.

It tries hard to think with its not-so-developed brain. Where is it? Its huge fish body swayed its tail fin, and finally its memory was fixed on the dark red substance erupting wantonly in the dark deep sea.

The marines on the ship watched the mane on the upper body of this behemoth suddenly explode, and the swaying fish tail also stiffly stagnated at that moment.

Immediately this pseudo-cat stared at the bubble where the lieutenant general in Sakazuki was in horror, and the lion's might disappear without a trace.

For a long time, it tentatively supported the coating from the position of the bottom of the ship, and swayed the tail fin to send the general ship forward slowly.

The behemoth in the sea turned his head and looked at the position of Sakazuki and let out a flattering whisper: "Meow?"



"This is the lion has a cat (máo) disease, right?" Sakazuki walked back to the warship and left a sentence inexplicably.

Lindemann tilted his head, keeping his iconic fox smile: "How does the official think that it has a strong desire to survive?"

With the easy guidance of the big ocean cat, the warship easily entered the orbit of the deep ocean current.

The ghost spider seemed to hesitate, he walked behind Sakazuki and stopped talking.

"What's the matter, ghost spider." Sakazuki didn't look back, asking his confidant,

There was an extra anxiety on Ghost Spider's fierce face: "One more word from his subordinates, this time he didn't receive a mobilization order from the military..."

Sakazuki happily helped him to say the next sentence: "This operation, the headquarters will not have military orders, nor can there be military orders."

The ghost spider was stunned, thinking about the meaning of the words in Sakazuki.

He was silent for a moment, and paid a military salute to the back of Sakazuki: "The ghost spider performs the task without regrets, please also give the command from the lieutenant general!"

"Let's go through the front gate of Fishman Island." Sakazuki turned around and looked up at the huge seagull-shaped navy logo on the sail of the warship.

"Subordinates understand... But Lieutenant General, we don't have a warrant from the military department, and the Sea King Army may not let it go." The ghost spider nodded and stopped talking, preparing to take over Lindeman's rudder.

He didn't intend to know the master's plan clearly. As a soldier and confidant, he was responsible for executing it.

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