Sakazuki gazed at the island in the distance covered by a double-layer semicircular bubble film shield, and a mysterious arc was evoked at the corner of his mouth: "It is precisely because there is no warrant that we have to go in generously. ."

Murloc Island is surrounded by a double-layer semi-circular bubble film shield, and there is an air layer between the two shields.

While this structure successfully blocked the water pressure, it also formed an almost perfect military protection system.

If a boat that has been coated on the islands of Chambord land follows an incorrect path into the fisherman island, the coating will automatically peel off and merge with the shield on the island.

Some ships fall directly to the ground when they cross the middle air layer. Even if they succeed in breaking through the shield, the invading ship will be washed away by the sea water in the shield.

"Why did the sea beasts come here?" The sea king army general guarding the front entrance looked at the lion-head fish-body sea beasts approaching and wondered.

They are not afraid of these animals. Both murlocs and merfolk can communicate with sea beasts, but they are a little curious about this abnormal behavior of this beast.

Another soldier took a double-strand and pointed at the ship carrying the sea beast: "It's carrying that ship!"

"Oh, so... wait, that ship is in the form of a human warship?!"

The Marine King Army soldier who asked the question at the beginning reacted, "Has the navy ship come to catch the pirates again?"

"Catch the pirates? Pooh, are you here to catch the mermaid in the name of catching us again?" The pirate who was paying the entrance fee at the door slapped on the ground.

The sea king army on the side glanced sideways at the talking pirates. Although this kind of pirates who are willing to accept the records of the front gate instead of smuggling are a minority, the guards of the fisherman island seem to be the same.

"Lieutenant General! A pirate was found at the entrance of Murloc Island right in front of the island!" The seaman standing on the watchtower announced the news loudly to the bottom.

Sakazuki twisted the neck that had not moved much these days, and made a crackling soft noise: "All school-level officers and general-level officers are out!"


The eyes of these killers were fierce. In the six months that the ghost spider led the warship, the experimental battlefield did not let the colonel-level marines take action at all, but let these guys act as the fire-fighting captain.

Now I finally waited for this familiar command.

Sakazuki stood on the turret at the bow and looked indifferent: "Let's give the Neptune Army a great gift."

107. The First Arrival of the Undersea Demon

"Huh? Are those idiots navy not going to slow down?" The captain of the pirate ship stood at the stern, watching the approaching navy ship.

This veteran pirate who has been traversing the first half of the great route from all over the world is not afraid that the navy will kill it directly. According to the unspoken rules passed by the old pirates in the past, these navies who have arrived at the fisherman island will not immediately launch an attack. Attack of the pirates.

Instead, they will wait until the pirates have finished catching slaves before they can intervene as fishermen.

As for the mermaid rescued, they will be taken away from the navy by those dressed in black.

According to the usual practice, the Navy must also accept the interception and inquiries from the Marine Kings on Fishman Island. However, when several Marine Kings members tried to approach the navy hull, they discovered that the other party did not intend to stop at all.

"Hey, hey!? No way?" The captain of the pirate was surprised, looking at the warship being accelerated by the sea beasts, angrily began to greet his companions standing on the bow deck, "Enemy attack!"

The violent shaking caused the two boats to collide head to head, and the bubble coating was overlapped and squeezed together.

Sakazuki took the lead, hitting the pirate who greeted loudly at the stern of the enemy ship.

But at any rate, the captain of the pirate who can walk to the Chambord Islands and the fisherman island is not ordinary.

Seeing the red fist face of the opposing navy braving magma, the old spicy pirate knew that this blow could not be hardened.

The captain of the pirate rolled to the side, although his posture was ugly and embarrassed, he saved his life somehow. However, before he got up, a low drink sounded beside him: "Shave!"

Accompanied by a low voice, an elbow from the top of the high soldier came one after another.

Sakazuki's strong right arm muscles are tense, and at the upper end of the ulna, where the human body is the hardest, the domineering elbow with the armed color and the movement and heat given by the rock berry are fiercely smashed towards the opponent's head.

Relying on the delicate control of the fruit, the lower temperature body surface lava locks the higher temperature magma in the body, causing a huge pressure difference between the inside and outside of Sakazuki.

The internal pressure increases rapidly. When the internal pressure greatly exceeds the external pressure, the explosive kinetic energy produced in this process is fatal.

The inevitable pirate captain reluctantly shook a short stick out of his coat pocket, tried to temporarily block the offensive, and then drew back to the front of the deck and retreated.

But unexpectedly, the orange-red elbow edge of the opposite navy was like a razor, and it easily cut off the short stick used to block it.

Without any resistance, he continued to get close to the pirate's neck as quickly as possible.

"! How can..."

A big head was directly cut off, and the wound scorched by the high temperature was steaming but no drop of blood dripped.

"Purgatory Hot Knife!" It wasn't until the pirate's staring head fell to the ground that Sakazuki slowly revealed the name of the move.

The destructive nature of Rockberry can be called the top of the natural devil fruit. Even if it has a domineering defense, the enemy may not be able to withstand the terrifying heat and instantaneous impact.

Therefore, in order to maximize the close combat abilities of Minami Iwabaya, Sakazuki chose a close combat with almost no room to move.

Both sides lose their superiority in space, and the engagement becomes a head-to-head with no evasion.

Coupled with armed domineering, it can often kill the target instantaneously, and this time it is not unexpected.

Sakazuki swishes loudly behind him, and the officers cut into the battlefield efficiently with moon steps and shaves.

Many pirates on the front deck had died before they could react, and the two gangsters, Ghost Spider and Lindeman, even beat them to the end with no skin and no face.

The two powerful officers obviously cannot solve each other in three moves in a single fight, preferring to hit the instant target together, and then look for the next victim.

From a duel point of view, it is shameless, but from a killing point of view, it is very efficient.

Sakazuki admired this kind of pragmatism. He raised his head and looked at the pirates who gathered in the aisle on the left side of the ship because of the shout of the captain of the pirate.

If it is not for the scruples that the coating will be broken, in the past encountering these pile-up situations, only a powerful lava fist can make these guys boneless.

He smashed into the crowd, Sakazuki deliberately lowered his figure and kept his elemental posture, sending a warm shoulder to the oncoming pirate.

Taking advantage of the smashed passage, Sakazuki slides past at a seemingly leisurely speed.

However, he moved the pirates on the left and right, holding the heads of the pirates on the left and right, and using the shoulder throw-like throwing technique, they kept slamming them towards the deck.

In Sakazuki, the left hand directly pressed a pirate's knife with a strange force in front of him, and his right foot took a step forward to get closer. The lava surging right palm climbed onto the pirate's face and hung down like a tiger climbing a mountain.

The scorched rotten meat was torn off from the forehead, and the flesh of the entire cheek and the blood that had not yet been steamed, dropped to the pirate's chin.

At this moment, the pirate's miserable appearance was a bit more ferocious and pitiful than the evil spirits from hell.

The Lieutenant General stood on the spot and charged his strength slightly, and picked up the last pirate in front of him who had been frightened. The sound bursts produced by Moonwalk appeared one after another, as if to tear the space inside the bubble.

Sakazuki grabbed the opponent's chin and quickly climbed to the height of the observation deck, "Shave!"

The scarlet figure flashed and crashed onto the deck. Suddenly the deck was hit like this, and it cracked from the center as expected, and the broken planks flew to both sides.

The poor worm whose head was held by Sakazuki was pinched directly into the big hole on the deck, and the body of the pirate had no idea where it was thrown by Juli.

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