The boy's eyes on Sakazuki were full of triumph, and his delicate face was even more difficult to hide a smile.

The next moment, Sakazuki was completely knocked out.

The current marshal of the Navy who had slipped far away stepped on him, and as expected, from his personal contact, Yim's physical power was not terrifying.

But the voice of the Warring States Period abruptly inserted in.

"When you two attacked, it was 11:11, and then the old man took the opportunity to take a look when the three of us lay on the ground, oh, it was 11:11, even if there was a slight time difference, the old man felt that this indicator was maliciously suggestive. what."

639. The Gap of Time, The Dragon of Eternity (Part 1)

Sakazuki turned his head in surprise and looked at the Warring States period, who was holding his pocket watch to deliver information to the crowd.

He carefully reviewed the memory in his mind, and then quietly let go of a sigh of relief after a long while.

At least there is no lack of memory in this aspect. He does remember everything related to the speculation of Yim's time ability and the disappearance of Malin Vandor.

But judging from the previous words of the Warring States Period, it seems that he is the only one who has previous memories.

Not only was the position where the Sengoku and Sora two had returned to the beginning of the battle with Eim, the surrounding castles that had been destroyed are now restored to their previous appearance with the time of inversion.

After hesitating for a while, Sakazuki overturned the original words about the reply in the memory: "I was an adventurer like you before, until I hit an arrow in the knee."

He did not rush to ask anyone in the Navy who remembered the fierce fighting that took place, but tried to maintain the original state to watch the changes.

Based on the advantages of the information explosion era of the traverser, Sakazuki, which is obviously superior but too cautious, uses the similar ability of a heavy hand-control enthusiast as a lesson, and chooses the relatively safest way to deal with it.


"Albuff style speech, pay attention to it!"

Seeing the exact same actions of Sengoku and Sora, he repeated the words in his memory again intact. Sakazuki basically confirmed the thesis that other seamen did not have previous memories.

Since discovering that he has been in the wave of time going back, Sakazuki has always had several questions in his heart.

If Eim took the initiative to reset the time after mastering the navy's backhand information, why is he the only one in the navy camp who still remembers everything that happened before?

Obviously, the person who activated this ability to retrospect, Yim, must also have the memory before it was reset.

After all, if the other party doesn't remember what happened during that time, then this time traveler's [motivation] of frequently testing his hole cards and launching time backtracking cannot be established.

Based on these reasonable assumptions, a new puzzle has emerged:

If he and Yimu both had memories of the intelligence they had gathered during the previous battle, then Yimu's assumption of processing the navy's cards based on time retrospectives would not be broken.

Because of what Eim can change, Sakazuki can also change.

In comparison, the time reset initiated by the King of Dragons would put Yim himself in a particularly disadvantaged position.

Because of the Sakazuki that also holds memories, once he passes this time-retrospective information to the rest of the navy, isn't Yim's devil fruit ability immediately exposed?

At that time, not to mention that it was Yim who tried to rewrite history and collapsed the many hidden cards of the navy one by one. The king of the dragon who had lost the information first was very likely to be beaten to death by the more dominant navy at the high-level combat level.

[Unless... Eim can use some unknown method...]

"Can you be 100% sure that you can't deliver the message?" A clearly young and ethereal voice came from the opposite side of Sakazuki leisurely.

This old monster who has lived for so many years, or even experienced such time-traveling many times in the past, is now watching with great interest the every move of Sakazuki, and even any trace of facial expressions. Changes in the minutiae.

Noting that the admiral’s pupils shrink slightly with his words, Eim seemed a little happy: "It seems that I was right. You are thinking about and worrying about things in your heart."

Sakazuki did not say a word, he was not sure at this moment whether he would inadvertently reach a certain condition when talking with the other party, so that Eim could erase him or other people in the navy like Malin Vando who disappeared inexplicably. ].

"No, Sakazuki, you have too much heart and too much doubt.

【Yu】I don’t mind if you pass the information out, nor can you prevent you from passing the information out through the Devil Fruit ability. "Im's expression at the moment seems to be an old friend who knows the enemy of Sakazuki.

And the next sentence from his mouth also completely changed the indifferent expression of Sakazuki that has not changed for many years: "We have played against you so many times, no matter which "timeline" you are on, you will be right [ Yu] Is the so-called nature dictated by the tireless temptation?"

There is only one reason for the sudden change of Sakazuki.

That is a word mentioned from Yim's mouth-timeline.

"Oh, it looks like you have guessed it, great.

You are smarter than [Yu] imagined, Sakazuki. "The young boy's eyes, which are as bright as the setting sun and like a black candle, are filled with nonsense appreciation. He sincerely feels the Sakazuki that can detect a certain rule after the first look back. A trace of admiration: "It seems that the five old stars have not understood your disastrous heart for a long time, and you can't blame them all for their negligence, but you do have the ability. "

Facing the weird time going back, Yim was surprised to find that the psychological quality of Sakazuki and the city government are almost inhuman.

In the memories of other timelines synchronized to him, no matter how bad the situation is, even if it is facing the endangered situation, the man opposite him can also exert 100% combat power with extremely strong psychological quality.

The Superman Devil Fruit has a lot of time-related abilities, and Sakazuki certainly knows this.

When Yim showed his ability for the first time, he naturally classified it into the category of Superman, which involved the law of time.

Subsequently, the demon fruit ability that the other party showed was all-round, involving three major time series, and Sakazuki subconsciously deepened this inference that Yim is a person with superhuman ability.

But at the same time, he is also a bit entangled in his heart, not to mention that Mrs. Guangyue, who relied on [Time and Space Fruits] to travel from 800 years ago to the era of the coexistence of the heroes, is known to him that involves the rules of time. .

What type of fruit does Eim have to eat to have such a terrifying ability?

Under the gazes of everyone's suspicion, the skin of Yim's mouth that was grinning with a smile seemed to have several cracks spreading, spreading to his entire cheek, and then every inch of skin.

The skin that gradually evolved into scales was glowing with a beautiful, solemn, dim gold.

The young boy’s most eye-catching eyes became more and more dazzling. A vertical pupil resembling a reptile replaced his human pupil, staring coldly and majesticly in the direction where everyone was: "You know why the nobles of the world think Tianlong people claim to be? You know that [Five Old Stars], who are proud and arrogant and the world is a chessboard, will willingly regard [Yu] as the king?"

The huge dragon wings quietly spread out from the back of Yim's back, stirring up gusts of wind.

"Witness to the power that I possess, the Dragon Fruit·The Bronze Dragon King of Fantasy Beasts!"

Looking up at Yim, who was in the air for a while, Sakazuki can be regarded as solving several problems in my heart.

Why is the opponent's ability so terrible under the blessing of [Heaven King-Uranus]?

Because of itself, this guy is a monster similar to Kaido.

"Now, do you want to talk about it? Whether you leak [Yu]’s ability information,

Or share the ‘future’ that you have personally experienced with the Warring States and others, and it will not be erased like Malin Vando. "The bronze dragon king, who seemed to have subtle changes in his attitude towards Sakazuki for some reason, suggested sincerely with a tone of encouragement.

For a moment, Sakazuki thought that the other party was cheating him. In a vain attempt to confuse oneself by trying to confuse himself.

But then the Dragon King broke his fingers and counted almost all the backhands in Sakazuki: "The dragon, and his subordinates are really difficult to entangle on another timeline.

But on the fourth timeline, Qi Wuhai, the king, can really charge the navy? interesting.

Don't let your Megatron launch explosive rocks with its main guns. If you want to explode Damocles, do you want a reliable method?

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