Wait, this timeline... So that's it, did you use the template of the ancient weapon [Pluto] in the design of the Spear of Arden? No wonder the red earth continent will collapse..."

The more he heard Sakazuki, the more he became frightened, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have some understanding of Yim's behavior in browsing the "timeline".

If time is understood as a [line], then from the time A when the reference is placed, to the time B when the time reference point is activated.

The time in this process is like a finite part intercepted between two points on an endless straight line, that is, the [line segment].

Rather than rewinding time, resetting this limited time is more like the two of them circulate infinitely at a time node that is about to form a closed loop at the same time.

Whenever a variable that is different from the original time loop appears, it is equivalent to a brand-new origin of the line segment, and a different line is re-derived.

Without waiting for Sakazuki to think about it, Im's ensuing solicitation completely plunged him into an overloaded complex mental operation.

"You have brought too many and too many surprises to [Yu], both in terms of layout and understanding of time.

As a result, [Yu], knowing that you will refuse categorically, once again solemnly invites you to accept the ultimate surgery and become the newly promoted [Highest Celestial Dragon], right?

If it's you, even [Five Old Stars], I can ask them to obey your orders. "

"Therefore, it is mysterious." Sakazuki cherishes the words like gold, and reluctantly squeezes these words out of the lips as a reply.

The conversation between the two gods, who was no-one else, fell in the ears of Polusalino and others, undoubtedly a cross-server chat.

The Sengoku period closest to Sakazuki couldn't help but frown. The abnormal performance of Sakazuki at this time was obviously that he knew what was going on but seemed to be taboo, and couldn't speak it.

"I don't want to say it, or can't I say it?" As the well-deserved and wise general of the Warring States Period, he found a suitable way to confirm in a few words.

From the narration that the king of the dragon people who communicated with Sakazuki almost talked to himself, the Warring States period had a lot of information.

First, as Sakazuki warned when Eim appeared, it is clear that Eim possesses the ability of time, which seems to be related to an unfamiliar term [timeline].

Secondly, in the opponent's mouth, Sakazuki seems to have fought him many times, so that Yim was once intent on soliciting.

"I can't say..." I asked wisely for the Sengoku sympathy, the warmth of Sakazuki in my heart was only half-talked, and it was hardened by the [phantom beast] who is now completely immortal. Suddenly interrupted the topic.

Sakazuki and you have gone back through the time set by [Yu], the future he has experienced, Malin Vando has been destroyed by [Yu], and one of your trump cards is the son of Monkey D. Kapu And his subordinates have also been exposed." Yim, who exposed the massive amount of information, shrugged at the stunned crowd.

It's as if the old face of Sakazuki was drawn crisply: You see, it's rare for you to make a mistake in your judgment.

640. The Gap of Time, The Dragon of Eternity (Medium)

The idea of ​​‘the navy may have hidden more than one backhand’ can be guessed by any ordinary person with a little understanding of the world’s structure.

What's more, the king of the dragon people who has been in a high position for a long time?

Sakazuki didn't realize it at this moment. No wonder Eam chose to rush back in time at the moment when Monch D. Dorag and his party came to help. He didn't worry about whether the Navy would have other cards.

Because his opponent does not need to witness [all] the information on the original timeline that has not been traced back in time.

The real killer of Eim is not in the heavy burden on the body [time stop], nor in the short-term prediction of the future deletion time. Even looking back in time can only be regarded as a necessary condition to "achieve the interception of [period] isolated from the long river of time."

In other words, the so-called being a level element, traveling through a certain time gap, the current world is actually split into different erroneous states.

The different possibilities it corresponds to, that is, different worlds, that is, the parallel worlds that people often talk about.

Sakazuki can't help feeling that quantum mechanics makes life easier.

By resetting the time to shape a stable node in a period of time, the formed stretch of countless timelines.

The true unscrupulous support of Yim lies in the fact that he can always find a way to defeat the enemy and destroy a person's will by looking at countless world lines or parallel worlds.

In other words, there is always a parallel world or timeline in which he Yim might get the final fruit of this war, right?

In a sense, he can indeed be regarded as [omniscience and omnipotence].

It is precisely because this king of the dragon people has never tasted the taste of failure in the true sense that Yim consciously tasted an unprecedented sense of frustration in the process of playing against Sakazuki.

The phantom beast that had already gained longevity now smiled and looked at Sakazuki again. For the first time in his life, he felt endless fear of a ‘mortal’.

It's just that such fear and hostility are hidden in the boy's words that are more emotional than angry:

"We cannot change the past, and no one can change it. Can you understand the meaning of [Yu]?"

At first hearing, Sakazuki thought for a while before giving out his own understanding of it:

"For you, every time you look back in time and go through the essence of the past, you are not rewriting history, but changing [the future]."

The boy sighed sincerely, his words filled with inexplicable regrets: "Sure enough... only you can understand, only you are unique, Sakazuki.

Why is such a truly strong man who can be called impeccable both physically and mentally, why is he standing on the opposite side of his own?

If Sakazuki helps, Yim has every reason to believe that the two of them can easily control the whole world together.

The Eudemons abilities held by Yim are related to time, which has been verified as the battle progresses.

Sakazuki I personally experienced the other's three completely different modes of operation.

So, combined with this point of view, Malin Vandor's abrupt disappearance seems even more bizarre.

Because according to Yim's claim, the existence of the ancient weapon [King of Heaven] Uranus is essentially an amplifier of the power of the Devil Fruit.

"Disappear...fades it..." There was a word in his mouth, and his expression of rejoicing was mixed with a little emotion [Unexpectedly, you gave the final reminder before disappearing...Marin Vandor].

This is not really puzzling, because Begapunk’s scientific research projects to conquer the devil fruit one by one, such as "elephant sword", "dachshund revolver" and attempts to artificial devil fruit, all involve the devil fruit. Wavelength and some other areas of Sakazuki that are difficult to understand with "mortal wisdom".

Another classic case occurred in the medical field. Dr. Choba from the Kingdom of Sakura and the Winsmok Medical R&D Center, based on his own model, successfully developed the [Blue Ball] that can disrupt the deformation wavelength of the animal devil fruit. .

Based on this information, when Yim told Sakazuki that the king can greatly increase the ability of the Demon Fruit ability, he was not surprised at all.

But now, there is something that makes Sakazuki fall into contemplation. If the king of heaven is really as Eim said-is some kind of device that can greatly increase the ability of the devil fruit in all directions, then Eim is taken by [the king] Uranus. The infinite magnification should also be the ability of time, but how does the disappearance of Marin Vando look like it has been hit by a spatial attack.

Seeing Sakazuki seems to be caught in some kind of thinking for a while, Sora did not urge, but took over the command of the battlefield, and the masters of the deployment of military headquarters attacked again, gaining more time and intelligence for the other side's thinking. .

Kuzan and Yellow Ape formed a joint interception, and Yimu again avoided part of the predicted time.

In the face of the overwhelming laser showers and the blockade network composed of extremely cold and freezing gas, the king of the dragons did not hurriedly delete the time for the light rain to scatter and hit himself in the foreseeable few seconds, and jumped directly to the laser. The light flare flies away from its own future.

Sakazuki continued to use the index finger of his right hand, which he did not know when he placed on his chin, rubbing the rough stubble of his chin, thinking without distraction.

[In other words, the disappearance of Malin Vandor, is Yim this person combined with the heavenly king to extend another unknown extension of his own ability? 】

The knowledgeable traverser instantly thinks of a similar term-time exile.

It is not the erasure in the spatial sense, but the individual of Malin Vandor being squeezed out of the torrent of this timeline.

It has become an unstable and extremely wearable node isolated from the flow of time.

The disappearance of Malin Vando is exactly like this. Under the action of the satellite-level demon fruit amplifier, the concept of time beacon has been infinitely magnified.

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