I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

109: Global Witness, The Old Thief Makes A Shocking Appearance

After the ciphertext of the snake symbol is cracked.

The old thief's awesome team is about to open the manhole cover.

Inside the manhole cover is the hidden three-star dungeon of An County, currently the most difficult dungeon in the horror world.

The global audience held their breath and stretched their necks at this moment.

"Prepare to open the well, pay attention to reduce the noise."

"Wang Cong, if there is an accident, your five ghost legs will step up and buy us time.

Wang Cong nodded.

It's team horror world now, not personal horror world.

After his ghost leg dies, he will be resurrected in his personal horror world.

It's just that they don't have the strength of ghosts anymore and need to be raised again.

"Junior Junior Sister, you are the second insurance."

"If the situation is critical, rush out immediately to activate the big curse box."

"After dying, make sure we enter the hidden copy before resurrecting."

Because no one knows what will happen when the manhole cover is opened.

Wan Qian must make sufficient follow-up preparations, just in case.

"Okay, let's get started."

After finishing the preparations, Wan Qian nodded to Liu Tianli, He Xin, Wang Cong, and King of Raiders.

They grabbed the manhole cover and started to lift it with all their strength.

With force, a hissing sound appeared.

A large amount of white mist was generated in the manhole cover.

The rise of the white mist caused some commotion in the deep pit.

"Go on, don't stop." Wan Qian shouted hastily.

Now is not the time to hesitate.

"Double attribute increase."

Both Liu Dali and the King of Raiders have turned on attribute enhancement.

After the force determination is successful, the manhole cover is pushed little by little.

The white mist became thicker.

Then the whole pit trembled, as if a strong earthquake had occurred.

"Wang Cong, let your ghost eyes go up." Wan Qing shouted.

Noise can no longer be suppressed.

The human-headed spiders falling from the sky are densely packed like dumplings.

The human-headed spider that landed on the ground opened its eyes suddenly, and let out a shrill cry from its mouth.

There are more man-headed spiders climbing down the walls.

Among them, several human-headed spiders were shaped like elephants, and the eyes of several fused human heads were all opened.

That kind of shocking fear, not to mention the old thief's awesome team, even suffocated hundreds of millions of viewers.

The densely packed human-headed spiders all woke up at this moment.

The largest human-headed spider king also made a movement.

A huge net hangs over the pit.

The human-headed spider king slid down a bucket-thick spider thread.

The eyes of hundreds of heads were all opened.

The hostility and evil spirit emanating from more than a hundred eyes is beyond imagination.

The weirdness of the entire sewage treatment plant was fully revived at this moment.

Incomplete ghosts crawled out of the quagmire.

They are like mice in the quagmire, their bodies are mutilated, and they are even pure bones.

Howling, roaring, and screaming have become the main theme of the deep pit.

Compared with the riots in the deep pit, "Ghosts Out of Cage" is completely insignificant.

"fast speed."

Wang Cong's five ghost legs have been overwhelmed by the human-headed spider.

But the manhole cover has not been fully opened.

"Sister Qian, we can't get in until the manhole cover is fully opened."

"It's like a pressure cooker, we can't even squeeze in until the pressure inside is fully released.

He Xin shouted.

This is bad news.

"That's too late."

"Junior sister, buy time for us."

Wan Qian shouted at Li Xin.

Li Xin nodded, and rushed directly to the place where the spiders were most densely packed, holding the Curse of Tears of Heaven.

There was no fear in her eyes, but excitement.

It seems that the tragic experience of dying dozens of times a day when opening up the Jincheng Community unintentionally opened up Li Xin's hidden talent.

She is not afraid of death, but has a morbid obsession with death.

If I don't die several times a day, I feel that my life today is not complete.

This is why, Li Xin looks small and cute, but acts as a meat shield for the old thief's awesome team.

No, it should be a human bomb.

"Let's die together, hahaha々."

The moment Li Xin was overwhelmed by the human-headed spider, he decisively opened the big curse box.

The black air erupted in the box like a waterfall, surging eight minutes in an instant.

The human-headed spiders in a radius of tens of meters all turned into a puddle of stinky water.

"Damn it, Junior Sister is really brave."

"Tauren will never be slaves, super brave junior sister.

"When the little junior sister is resurrected, she will still be a female man.

"Damn it, my blood is boiling with excitement."

Although the junior sister bought some time for the old thief team.

But still not enough.

According to He Xin's observation, there is still one-third of the pressure in the manhole cover that has not been released.

"It looks like it's going to fail."

"Next time, we have to invite Sister Ghost to help."

Wan Qian sighed.

Although everyone worked hard and desperately.

But looking at the human-headed spiders that came up again.

not enough time.

Before the air pressure inside the manhole cover is released, their team of old thieves is enough to wipe out three or four times.

"too difficult."

"Is this land reclamation?"

"The old thief team can't even enter the entrance of the Samsung copy, it's too perverted."

"The old thief simply does not give players a chance to breathe."

No matter how stupid the audience is, they can see that the old thief team is already in danger.

The guests in the global live broadcast room are also sorry.

"The strategy process of the old thief and the awesome team did not have any problems, and the cooperation was perfect.

"Yes, if you want to blame, blame the old thief for setting too high a difficulty."

"With the current situation of players, it is too difficult to open up wasteland for three-star dungeons."

"However, I saw the anchor of Gravity say that they still have a hole card that they haven't used."

"It should be Sister Ghost. Sister Ghost's obsession is only mystery."

"That's right. In the next move, I think the Old Thief Team will invite Sister Ghost. Matching symbols may be the way to convince Sister Ghost."

Just when the world was preparing to witness the failure of the old thief team Samsung to open up wasteland, a sudden change occurred.

The human-headed spider, which was roaring crazily just now, suddenly stopped shouting.

They seemed to feel some great terror, and they began to retreat one after another.

Even the human-headed spider king hanging in the air stopped moving.

Hundreds of eyes of the Human Head Spider King stared straight at a certain corner of the deep pit.

The sound of footsteps came clearly into the ears of every player.

Like someone walking in a pool of water.

The footsteps were getting closer.

The piled-up human-headed spiders retreated bit by bit, leaving an open space.

A strange figure with a pumpkin head and a black suit came out.

Behind him lies a one-eyed ghost, exuding a daunting and terrifying aura.

"Ah, do you need help?"

The weird figure with a pumpkin head knocked on his head and asked.

Global time stands still for one second.

A second later, roars, cheers, and screams erupted like floods and waves.

"Old thief, the old thief has really appeared.

"The old thief's awesome team has triggered the encounter with the old thief egg."

"The old thief is awesome."

"The old thief makes a move, there is no match in the world.

"It's too strong to suppress all ghosts once you appear on the stage."

"Fuck, the old thief is so handsome. After the old thief came out, no one dared to do anything weird."

The audience doubted that the old thief might show up at such a grand ceremony as World of Horror's global live broadcast today.

They have been guessing how the old thief will show up.

But no one expected that the old thief would show up at this critical moment.

His appearance is like a ray of light shining into the abyss.

Global Witness, the old thief made a shocking appearance.

"Old thief."

"It's an old thief."

The members of the old thief team were also cheering.

Even the coldest Gu Quan blushed with excitement and screamed the old thief's name.

No way, the charm of the old thief is too strong.

This kind of charm can kill men, women and children.

"Sister Qian, ask the old thief to help us stop the spider swarm."

"Yes, sister Qian."

Wan Qian has absolute prestige in the old thief team.

Even if the old thief appeared, even the members dare not take the old thief's words casually.

"You finally came."

Wan Qian's eyes were burning with fiery light, and she walked up to Chen Ran step by step.

Chen Ran stood on top of the quagmire, and Wan Qian was deeply trapped in the quagmire.

Therefore, Maiqing only looked up at Chen Ran.

"Screenshots, screenshots, crazy screenshots.

"It's like a mortal looking up to a god."

"To be specific, it's a mortal in the quagmire of despair, looking up at the gods above, coupled with the myriad of weirdness around him, the visual effect explodes."

Countless viewers are taking screenshots.

This scene was too shocking and impactful.

Wan Qian is recognized by the player circle as the woman with the closest IQ to God, she is really too smart.

And the old thief is a man recognized as a god all over the world.

One is a woman who is closest to a god, and the other is a man who has already become a god.

This is their first official meeting ever.

This epoch-making scene, destined to be recorded in the annals of history, directly ignited the world.

That kind of excitement, that kind of madness, that kind of excitement, erupted from the depths of the soul.

One hundred and eighty thousand billion cells are screaming and trembling.

The blazing heat in the soul slipped from the corners of his eyes in the form of tears.

Countless people even reached out their hands at this moment.

They held out their hands to the old thief.

It's like begging the old thief to pull them out of the mire.

"Can you... pull me out of the quagmire?"

Wan Qian raised her head and stretched out her hand, the heat in her eyes almost melted her soul.

All she could see was the figure of the old thief.

The kind of light that melted almost everything, even Chen Ran couldn't look directly at it.

Because Chen Ran discovered that the way Wan Qian looked at her was really looking at God.

All the members of the old thief's awesome team held their breath.

Even Gu Quan and Bai Huakui, who had the same crazy thoughts about the old thief, fell silent in a rare way.

They believed in Wan Qian and Fang Qing's choice afterward.

"."pull out.

"pull out."

"pull out.

The whole world is shouting and roaring.

There is no single sentence that can be more soul-stirring than Wan Qian's words.

"Ah, is it such a simple request?"

Chen Ran scratched his head.

He couldn't understand Wan Qian's request.

Shouldn't we have to deal with the human-headed spiders in the deep pit by ourselves now?

At this moment, a huge human-headed spider roared suddenly.

It should be commanded by the Spider King.

Chen Ran has the aura of a ghost king, and the human-headed spider king is a little afraid to come out of the town at will.

It seems that although it is a ghost beast, it really has the obsession and simple wisdom of a ghost.

So it chose to let its subordinates test the depth of Chen Ran.

"It's very noisy."

"It's very rude to interrupt someone's chat."

Chen Ran tilted his head, and a black light flickered.

The giant spider that was roaring just now fell directly into the quagmire and lost all movement.

"Player, are you sure you just need to let me pull you out of the quagmire.

Chen Ran tilted his head to look at Wan Qian.

His shot just now directly shocked everyone's head spiders.

After the audience around the world saw the old thief make a move, their shouts never stopped.

Even if the voice is hoarse, it can't stop.

This kind of excitement from the soul is completely uncontrollable.

At this time, they also understood why the old thief would be so crazy in every press conference.

Why did the girl lose control when she saw the old thief.

This is really out of people's control.


Wan Qian nodded and waited for the old thief with outstretched hands.

"Okay, okay, (promised) I will pull you out." Chen Ran rubbed his head, then grabbed Wan Qian's hand, and pulled Wan Qian out of the quagmire.

At this moment, both Wan Qian and Chen Ran were standing above the quagmire.

The light in her eyes really lit up the night at this moment.

How could human eyes be so bright.

It's like filling a galaxy into the eyes.

Chen Ran tilted his head and looked at Wan Qian.

[Gravity invites you to join the old thief team]

At this moment, Chen Ran finally understood what Wan Qian was looking for.

She doesn't know her ID, she doesn't know her true identity.

So she couldn't invite herself.

But the moment she came into contact with Chen Ran, she got this opportunity.

And this opportunity made her completely sure.

This time, what she triggered was not a chance encounter with an old thief egg, but a real old thief.

"The world of terror is being broadcast live globally, and the old thief will definitely show up."

"With the character of an old thief, he will definitely show up at the most critical moment.#

"So, I waited for you."

"Just now I thought about it again." Wan Qian took the initiative to let go of Chen Ran's hand and fell into the quagmire again.

"May I temporarily invite you to join the Old Thieves Team?"

Only then did Wan Qian reveal her real purpose.


The members of the old thief's awesome team were dumbfounded, and then they looked at the old thief excitedly.

Only Wan Qian dared to think about inviting the old thief to be a temporary team member.

Hundreds of millions of viewers were also shocked at this time.

"You can actually invite the old thief to become a temporary team member."

"Before I triggered the old thief egg, why didn't I think of it.

"No, Wan Qian touched the old thief just now."

"I suspect that this is a real old thief, not just going to egg shopping.

"Be bold and take the doubt away."

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