I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

110: Shouting, Shouting, Boiling, The Old Thief Will Open Wushuang Again~

[The old thief joins the old thief team]

When Liu Dali, He Xin, and Gu Quan jumped out of the pop-up window in front of them, the excitement was really hard to describe in words.

The old thief became their temporary teammate.

Together with the old thief, they opened up wasteland to hide the Samsung copy.

What else is more shocking than this.

Audiences all over the world shouted wildly at this moment.

Even the global broadcast room cheered.

"Gravity really invited the old thief into the team."

"Steady, steady, this time it will definitely work."

"Just as the West cannot live without Jerusalem, the East cannot live without old thieves."

"Yes, I'm already getting excited."

"The old thief is awesome, the old thief makes a move, there is no match in the world."

The live broadcast room around the world shouted.

This slogan instantly ignited the world.

All players are shouting loudly.

"The old thief makes a move, there is no match in the world.

"The old thief makes a move, the world is unparalleled."

All the previous panic disappeared at this moment.

Without it, the appearance of the old thief feels too safe.

"Then." Chen Ran tilted his head and looked at the thousands of spiders with human heads.

"My teammates, do what you have to do."

"Leave it to me here."

The pumpkin head's expression turned into an angry expression at this moment.

The old thief got angry and was unstoppable.

A short knife with a faint white light appeared in Chen Ran's hand.

This is the golden prize in the event prize pool: White Slash.

So far, five purple prizes have been drawn from the event prize pool.

The pitch-black coffin nails and white cuts were drawn by Chen Ran himself, and do not belong to any player.

The three pieces drawn by the player are: Ghost King Mask, Rare Skill Book, and Death Knell.

【Name: White Cut】

[Type: Weapon 330]

【Level: Purple】

[Attribute: True Damage, Ignores Defense

[Characteristic: Absolute Tear]

This is the most powerful weapon in Chen Ran's hands now.

Only weapons and props with real damage can truly kill ghosts.

Not to mention ignoring the defense, even a god can be slashed.

The final feature is absolutely tearing.

The existence of being injured by the white cut suppressed the recovery power to the limit.

As Chen Ran's fingers slid across the white cut, crackling thunder flickered.

"Advanced Skill: Lightning Slash."

A thunderbolt flashed past like nine days of thunder.

Everyone can only see an arc of lightning across the deep pit.

In the next second, human-headed spiders fell densely.

Before falling on the ground, it turned into countless fragments.

"Rare skill: continuous flash."

Three Chen Ran appeared in the deep pit at the same time.

"Advanced Skill: Ghost Slash."

The shadows behind the three Chen Ran all moved.

A black light became the only one, and the deep pit shook violently.

Dust spread, the walls were covered with dense cracks, and then huge stones rolled down.

"Rare Skill: Soul Lock Chain."

At some point, Chen Ran appeared on top of the Human-headed Spider King.

A black iron chain appeared in the void.

The iron chain entangled the Spider King in an instant, trying to pull him into the mouth of the abyss.

"Double attribute increase."

"Advanced skill: brute force dash."

At the moment when the black iron chain entangled the Spider King, Chen Ran fell from the sky like a meteorite.

It hit the Human Head Spider King hard.

There was a loud bang and a hiss.

Half of the human-headed spider king's body was pulled into the void by the soul chain, it struggled crazily and screamed.

All the head spiders (bcfe) all moved at this moment.

The astonishing scene like a locust nest made the hearts of countless audiences beat wildly.

"Please go to the ghost, all ghosts will worship."

The one-eyed ghost king behind Chen Ran appeared and let out a deafening roar.

The ghost king's aura exploded completely.

Under the impact of the breath, the human-headed spiders that rushed over fell into the quagmire one after another.

It's like a meteor shower all over the sky across the sky.

"Black coffin nails."

Chen Ran squeezed a large hand, and a black light penetrated each large human-headed spider.

Then it stabbed hard on the head of the Human Head Spider King.

The pitch-black coffin nails can completely suppress those under the red coat.

The Human-Headed Spider King is a top-level red-clothed man, although he cannot be completely suppressed, he must have an influence.

"Call, Yin Dog."

"Different dimension, come out, my funeral bride, my sinking corpse water ghost."

With a low growl, Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong stepped out of nothingness.

The moment they appeared, they started.

The monstrous black waves covered the entire deep pit, and black ropes raged in mid-air.

Countless red threads sealed off the deep pit, shredding human-headed spiders one after another.

"Rare props, death knell."

Chen Ran raised his hand and pointed, and a huge clock fell from the sky, slamming onto the back of the human-headed spider.

The bell issued a death rhythm, and the rhythm turned into curse lines and spread rapidly on the back of the human-headed spider king.

Death Knell has an extremely powerful curse effect.

Every time it rings, the curse doubles.

Nine tones is the limit, the ninth tones, even the top red clothes have to stay away.

"Advanced Skill: Dance of Death."

In the next second, six figures of Chen Ran appeared in the pit at the same time.

Each figure is like a dancing night king.

Thousands of human-headed spiders were torn apart, then fell into the quagmire and turned into stinky mud.

Hundreds of millions of viewers were dumbfounded.

The global live broadcast room fell into dead silence.

The brains of all the members of the old thief Niubi team who tried hard to push the manhole cover went numb.

Everything happens in tens of seconds.

Everything is reversed.

From the moment that man shot, everything was different.

A minute ago, they were surrounded by thousands of strange things, and they narrowly escaped death.

A minute later, the man surrounded Qianqian Wei, shaking Tianwei.

Such visual impact.

Such a shock.

It made countless people's eyes shine and their whole bodies tremble.


"Old thief."

"Old thief.

"Old thief."

The whole world is shouting.

Nightfall Punk City is also shouting.

The old thief and the awesome team are also shouting.





Unable to control.

Just shout.

Screaming will do.

This is the old thief.

"The old thief is invincible.

"The old thief is invincible."

"Old thief, I love you."

The roar of madness, the cry of the soul, the roar of the heart.

Obviously know this is just a game.

That's only part of the game.

But the atmosphere has already pushed here.

Let's party.


Shout out.

What self-control.

What to suppress.

"Old thief."

"Old thief."

Chen Jianghe shouted and danced.

The dignified Huaxia game bureau fell into a wave of carnival.

For a moment, for a moment.

The whole world, burned.

"Strong, it's really too strong."

"It's not a dimension at all."

"Can we be this strong in the future?"

Liu Dali was already kneeling on the ground.

Without it, I just want to kneel.

Everything in front of him, all kinds of things in front of him, are refreshing Liu Dali's three views.

Wan Qian's eyes were so bright that it was outrageous.

She really put the Milky Way in her eyes.

But the galaxy revolves around the old thief.

The light that shot into the abyss burned everything.

"Advanced Skill: Instant Slash."

"Advanced Skill: Flame Breathing."

"Professional Skill: Overlord Body."

"Professional Skill: Angel Blessing."

Chen Ran is at full strength.

Share the props of all players, share the skills of all players, and enjoy everything of the players.

He is the culmination of all players.

He alone represents all the players.

The fight turned into a massacre.

Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong teamed up to change the landscape of the deep pit

The whole pit is collapsing like the end of the world.

The huge sword energy vertically and horizontally, and the wall slowly collapsed.

The astonishing thunder flickered, and the quagmire boiled crazily.

The human-headed spiders fled in all directions.

Dangerous and strange hidden in the quagmire.

The ghost king's aura spread in all directions, and the human-headed spider king cut off half of his body, and fled out of the deep pit in a panic, without a trace.

"Old thief."

"The old thief made a move because he was unparalleled.

The world is still crying.

People's blood is still boiling.

That level of fighting.

That kind of shocking fight.

become an eternal memory.

The pumpkin head with an angry expression became the only one.

Time is eternity in this moment.

Every frame and every second of the picture is perfect.


Chen Ran touched the heads of Qiudieyi and Jiang Yutong, and sent them away.

"What are you still doing in a daze, quickly push the manhole cover."

"Just now, I used up all my cards in order to be handsome."

"If they come back again, just wait to die."

Chen Ran tilted his head, his angry expression suddenly turned into embarrassment.

This contrast made the whole world quiet for a second before bursting into laughter.

"Hahahaha, the old thief is so interesting, I found that I can't help but fall in love with the old thief."

"In order to be handsome, I ran out of cards, haha, only an old thief dares to say that."

"Yes, quickly push the manhole cover, I don't want to see the old thief turn into spider shit."

"This is too handsome, if I can be handsome for one minute, I would die eight hundred times.

"Could it be that the game essence of the horror world is unparalleled."

"Stop making trouble bro, only old thieves can open Wushuang in the whole world, so let's bear with it.

"Yes, the old thief can share all the skills, talents, props, and weapons of our players."

"In order for the old thief to continue to play Wushuang, we must work hard to become stronger!"

"Yes, yes, we have to work hard to become stronger, so that the old thief can go on forever."

The last time Chen Ran showed up, he already explained that all his strength comes from the players.

The stronger the player, the stronger he is.

Wan Qian and the others looked at Chen Ran's cute contrast, and burst out laughing.

This is the old thief they both love and hate.

At the top, you can kill the gods, and at the bottom, you can be close to the people.

Initiate cruelty to tyrannize the world, but be gentle enough to protect the world.

"OK OK."

"The air pressure is exhausted, let's go in quickly."

He Xin shouted quickly.

The manhole cover was fully opened.

It was dark and oppressive inside, giving people a strong sense of ominousness.

But this unknown is not worth mentioning with Chen Ran's company.

The team of old thieves officially stepped into the hidden three-star copy of An County: Mysterious Research Institute.

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