I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

119: Crazy, Crazy, How About We Blow Up Hongye City

"That's what you say.

"Last week, during the special period of time reset, I saw some truths.

"The city is fixed on July 15th."

"We are all fetal beds, to hatch a complete ghost."

Bai Bing looked at the notebook Chen Ran sent her.

Only she can understand this notebook.

The text inside it is a ciphertext designed by her.

"Thank you for coming to see me again."

After reading it, Bai raised his head and said to Chen Ran.

Although her heart was shaken and her three views were shattered, she believed.

"July 15, 1959."

Chen Ran is looking up information about Hongye City on the Internet.

Sun Weiguo estimated that the time was 1957, when the mysterious whole appeared in the prototype of a room.

His estimated time was only two years away from the correct time.

This historian really has a few brushes.

"Have you heard of the Apostolic Church and the Red Moon Research Institute?"

Chen Ran asked Bai Bing.

Bai Bing's intelligence is not inferior to Wan Qian's.

The only difference between the two is that Bai Bing is more extreme and bolder.

Wan Qian doubts everything that can be doubted, and then reassembles it to find the truth.

Bai Bing believes in all possibilities and impossibilities, and then quickly understands and digests them and draws inferences about other cases from one instance.

"I haven't heard of it, can you tell me about it?"

Chen Ran thought for a while, and then told his current reasoning about Hongye City.

"The Apostolic Church established the prototype of the room with mystery, the ancient god walked out of it, and the red moon descended.

"The Hongyue Research Institute used the lost clock to send Hongye City to the day before the birth of the ancient god."


"Sorry, I lost my composure."

Bai Bing lit a cigarette and sat quietly on the sofa.

Chen Ran didn't bother Bai Bing.

This kind of thing is indeed unbelievable for ordinary people.

After a long time, Bai Bing said: "In other words, the ancient god has not yet been born.

"The Apostle Church is not necessarily in Hongye City."

"But the Apostolic Church relies on the mysteriously formed room, that is, possibly in Hongye City.

"Now, we have to find that room first."

Bai Bing hit the key point.

The day before the ancient god opened the door, the representative room must still be in Hongye City.

But the problem is, Hongye City is so big, how to find it.

"it's actually really easy."

Bai Bing raised his head suddenly.

Her eyes are a little crazy.

No, her eyes have become a sea of ​​madness.

Only then did Chen Ran realize that Bai Bing was originally a lunatic.

Since she was forced by Sangbiao to eat the meat of her family thirteen years ago, she has been crazy.

"Blowing up the city is not enough."

"Since it is a mysterious room, ordinary people's methods certainly cannot destroy it.

"We just have to remember which parts of the city cannot be destroyed."

Excitement flashed in Bai Bing's eyes.

The depressing red light is like a rose flower, which blooms in an instant and never fades.

Chen Ran swallowed.

Although he thought about launching a terrorist attack before, he never thought about blowing up Hongye City directly.

The idea is crazy.

"You are such a madman."

At this moment Chen Ran understood.

Bai Bing lost himself long ago on the road of revenge.

She may have really done it for revenge at the beginning, to kill Sangbiao.

But as time went on, she became more and more extreme. She was no longer satisfied with revenge, but killed for the sake of killing.

Many civilians and criminals died at her hands.

She can do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

For example, a month ago, she personally sent everyone in Midolin Hotel, including Sang Biao, to hell.

This is still the day before the Red Moon Era.

She has not been polluted by the red moon.

Once it is polluted, Chen Ran can't even imagine what Baibing will look like.

Absolutely absolute danger.

The most terrifying thing is her intellect.

"This world has already gone crazy, hasn't it?"

"We are born to suffer.

"Actually, being a ghost is pretty good."

Bai Bing licked his lips and suddenly thought of something.

She leaned close to Chen Ran and said softly: "I have been dead for a long, long time.

"But I'm still alive, I'm still human."

"So, can you grant me one last wish?"

This sounds weird, but when you think about it, it is indeed a last wish.

"I've never tasted a man."

"Before I die, I don't know if you can satisfy me."

Chen Ran's face froze.

"Don't rush to say no."

"The time here resets every day."

"When the time reset ends, I will die and become a ghost.

"But as long as the reset is still there, I will be a chick every day."

"Not everyone can be a groom every day."

Bai Bing licked his lips.

Chen Ran was a little excited.

But soon, he calmed down.

"My current identity is Sangbiao."

"A month ago, Sangbiao was burned to death.

"The bottom is burnt."

Chen Ran looked helpless.

Bai Bing looked at Chen Ran's appearance, then pouted.

She actually forgot this.

The excitement just now disappeared without a trace.

But she still asked unwillingly: "Full?"

Chen Ran shrugged: "Even if it doesn't transform, the male ghost won't be able to use it."

"The female ghost can still use some lubricating oil, and the ghost probably won't respond to knocking a bottle of Viagra.

"Maybe later."

"If I have a chance in the future, I can help you fulfill your last wish."

Chen Ran looked at Bai Bing.

Although this woman is dangerous, she is indeed beautiful. That kind of dangerous charm is the most difficult thing for men to control.

Besides, this is Bai Bing's last wish, of course Chen Ran will not refuse it.

"Just next time."

"Prepare more lubricating oil, I guess I was already a ghost at that time."

Chen Ran patted his chest: "I've always prepared it."

These words made Bai Bing give Chen Ran a strange look.

Chen Ran patted his head, how could he expose his secret.

Not much to say, Chen Ran didn't want to stop Bai Bing from going crazy.

After all, Hongye City is crazy enough.

Bai Bing, as the leader of the serious crime team of the Hongye City Police Department, has great power.

"Hongye City is huge.

"We bombed district by district."

"In my opinion, within five days at most, Hongye City can be blown up.

Bai Bing drives an armed car.

She directly emptied all kinds of bombs in the arsenal.

"Start with the West End."

A map was spread out, and the two divided Hongye City into five parts.

"It's a pity that there are no mushroom bombs or neutron bombs in Hongye City, otherwise one shot would solve the problem."

"Most of what I took was a ticking time bomb, and I followed the plan."

The two crazy people started to scurry around Hongye City.

When someone questioned her, Bai Bing revealed her identity.

Someone discovered that Bai Bing wiped his throat directly.

In a word, the blocker dies.

She was completely excited.

"Isn't it hard for you?" Chen Ran looked at Bai Bing, who had completely let go of himself, and couldn't help asking.

"Can't bear it? Why can't you bear it, everyone is dead."

Chen Ran shrugged his shoulders.

What Bai Bing said made sense, but he was a little speechless.

But it's not that exciting.

"I hate this place the most."

"In the dark area of ​​Hongye City, there are people behind, and every time I want to do it, I am suppressed.

"When I was in a bad mood before, I would come over and kill a few people secretly."

Today, it is finally possible to completely blow up this place. "

Bai Bing installed the bomb excitedly.

Chen Ran listened to Bai Bing's terrified self-report, and couldn't look directly at it, but why was he also a little excited.

"Could it be that I really have abnormal genes in my bones."

"It's unscientific, I'm such a kind person."

"Bai Bing, put one here. When it explodes later, the building collapses from this angle, and it should knock down a few more buildings."

Bai Bing's eyes lit up: "It makes sense."

"Chen Ran, I found that you have the potential to be a gangster."

"It's a good thing you're not from Hongye City, otherwise I'd have to see you every day."

At ten o'clock in the evening in Hongye City, Chen Ran and Bai Bing, who had been busy all day, came to the most famous viewing platform in Hongye City.

From here, you can overlook the whole picture of Hongye City.

This season, the viewing platform is off-season, there are almost no tourists, and the staff are killed by Baibing.

"Come on, the top Kangmai in 1878, it was dug out from the director's appearance."

"That guy received a lot of gifts."

Bai Bing took out two wine glasses.

"Forget, you don't have the sense of taste and smell, what a pity."

"Just drink it as plain water."

Bai Bing covered her mouth and smiled for a while, then turned her head to look at Hongye City which entered the night.

"Want to watch the fireworks?"

"People used to come here every year to see Hongye City, which is full of red leaves."

"They are all saying that Hongye City seems to be burning.

"Today, Hongye City is really going to burn."

With excited eyes, Bai Bing remotely detonated the bomb installed during the day.

In an instant, the entire Hongye City was shaken.

The huge roar spread for eight thousand miles.

The soaring dust whizzed to the sky.

Buildings collapsed with a roar.

The monstrous flames completely lit up Hongye City.

Screams, howls, and roars have become the most moving background music.

The moment the bomb rang, the phone kept ringing.

She simply threw the phone away.

"Fry it, how beautiful it is, hahaha."

"This world is only beautiful if it is crazy."


Her face was flushed with excitement, and her whole body was trembling.

Loud noises spread one after another, and one building after another collapsed.

Hongye City is really on fire.

A brilliant death firework, in bloom, lights up the darkness.

"It's a pity, your thing was burned."

"Otherwise, now we can do crazier things."

Bai Bing with confused eyes approached Chen Ran.

Chen Ran put his arms around Bai Bing's waist, looking at Hongye City, which was engulfed in flames like hell.

The whole city is really like a painting.

As one corner was ignited, the rest began to become distorted.

There was that horrible sense of erasure.

The sense of erasure directly enveloped Bai Bing and Chen Ran.

"It's pretty crazy.


Driven by this atmosphere, Chen Ran also became excited.

"Don't worry." He tapped (Zhao Hao) Bai Bing's approaching red lips.

Holding the mask of the ghost king with his big hand, he forcibly tore off the mask of the ghost king.

At the moment when the Ghost King mask was separated from Chen Ran, Chen Ran returned to his original appearance.

"So this is what you really look like?"

"Much handsomer than I imagined."

"And..." Bai Bing sighed regretfully: "It's too late, unless you can end it in three seconds."

fighting. 17

Chen Ran had black lines on his face, and wanted to say something, but Bai Bing touched his lips.

"Chen Ran, I don't know if I can remember all this."

"But I believe that even if I become a ghost, I won't forget you, and I won't forget this crazy day."

"Come to me again, before I die, you must come to me."

Bai Bing stroked Chen Ran's face.

Chen Ran was the first to disappear after tearing off the ghost king's mask.

He was like a sky full of stars, his body turned into starlight and disappeared.

More than half of Bai Bing's body also disappeared.

She looked back at the burning Hongye City.

Listening to the screams and wailing of countless people.

Smell the smell of blood and gunpowder floating over.

Watch the ever-distorting world.

Then, she raised her middle finger: "Crap, I've wanted to do this for a long time. 11

"Fucking world, disgusting life."

"Go to hell.

In hysterical laughter, Bai Bing was wiped away.

Chen Ran pulled off the virtual helmet, the burning excitement in his eyes hadn't completely disappeared.

"That's crazy enough.

"I'm still trembling.

Chen Ran looked at his still trembling body.

It's not fear.

It's exciting. .

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