I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

120: Crazy, Crazy, My Little Madman, Are You Happy? 【Four More】

The next day, Chen Ran looked at the time from time to time.

He felt that time passed very slowly today.

"Have any players already obtained the rewards for the first phase of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book?"

"26 routes to conquer the Hundred Ghosts, so to speak, most of the players will enter Hongye City in the near future."

"But they can only enter the atrium, they cannot push the door of the atrium."

"If you want to open the door to your heart, you must get the ghost door key from the second stage of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book.

Chen Ran checked the progress of the players at the current stage.

They have already entered Hongye City instead of many Hundred Ghosts.

Hongye City was also identified by them as a city where time was reset.

Jiang Yutong has become a hot topic recently.

Because Jiang Yutong's special task is to investigate the cause of death.

The cause of Jiang Yutong's death was in Hongye City.

But the cause of her death was a bloody coincidence, which really made people very helpless.

"The Kami Band of Sakura Country is reclaiming Huaishu Village."

Chen Ran opened the live broadcast room of Shenband.

This is one of the top teams abroad.

The captain is very famous in Sakura Country, called Hashimoto Suko.

Blue Star has different horror game styles in each country.

For example, the Horror game in the beautiful country mainly focuses on zombies, undead, and skeletons.

The European Union is dominated by vampires, werewolves, and demons.

China is dominated by zombies, wild ghosts, and underworld.

But the horror game of Sakura Kingdom involves the darkness of human nature.

The horror games in that country were considered the scariest in the world before the horror world appeared.

Nanako Hashimoto is the master of horror games in Sakura Country.

After contacting the horror world, the acceptance speed is faster than that of ordinary players.

At this time, she led the God Band to explore Huaishu Village.

That village Chen Ran had explored before, was scary.

The whole village seemed to have been infected with some terrible disease.

The death of the ghost villagers is also extremely terrifying and hideous.

The eerie atmosphere in the whole village was several times stronger than that in An County.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, the Kami Band was wiped out.

Chen Ran opens the Statue of Liberty team in the beautiful country.

The captain of the Statue of Liberty team is called Aina Bella, a very seductive blonde beauty.

She is a world-renowned fighting master, and it is said that she was born in the special forces.

At this time, she led the Statue of Liberty team to explore the Black Gorge Mountains.

313 Heixia Mountain needs to go through the dark jungle.

During this time, Mr. Pei has been live broadcasting survival skills in the dark jungle.

After countless deaths, he groped for a safer route.

This route allows access to Black Gorge Mountain with minimal risk.

The visibility of Heixia Mountain is extremely low, and there are very few Yin Beasts.

But there are dead bodies hanging from many trees.

This kind of visual impact is simply terrifying.

Ten minutes later, the Statue of Liberty team was wiped out.

The reason for the extermination of the group is also very creepy.

A ghost pretends to be their teammate, causing a series of horrible things to happen.

The old thief's awesome team also started a live broadcast.

Wan Qian led the old thief Niubi team to explore the strategy of Baigui.

There are eight days of countdown to the Hundred Ghosts Outing National Grand Ceremony.

Therefore, many top teams divided the Hundred Ghosts and began to explore the route of the Hundred Ghosts with all their strength.

Hope to light up the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book as soon as possible.

"Soldier players are still harsh on themselves."

In the live broadcast room, military players are very recognizable.

Their behavior and behavior often have specifications.

But they do not use skills, do not change jobs to basic occupations, do not use props, weapons, and consumables, and only rely on physical strength, endurance, skills, and ghosts.

According to the requirements of the country, after entering the world of terror, military players should practice their courage first, then their hands, and finally form a well-trained team.

Every country believes that sooner or later, the old thief will open up large-scale online functions.

They fight alone and cannot compete with top players.

They fight in small groups, and it is difficult to compete with top players.

A top player cannot be achieved through hard work, what he needs is talent.

Talent is the most important thing, followed by hard work.

Therefore, the biggest advantage of military players lies in cohesion.

Once the large online system is opened, they are enough to form a united army, and then open up the horror world.

This army cannot be assembled by scattered players.

What it needs is military spirit, military soul and highly unified willpower.

Of course, the militaries of various (bcai) countries are also working hard to cultivate special operations teams, and have attracted many top player teams in their countries.

After all, the total exploration value and land reclamation rate of the horror world will determine the status of the country and the country's economy.

After watching for a long time, I finally stayed up until five o'clock in the morning.

Chen Ran has already started to get excited.

He puts on his helmet and quickly enters the world of horror.

More than an hour later, Chen Ran crawled out of the cemetery in Hongye City.

He thought about using other ghost faces to enter Hongye City.

In this way, he can be the bridegroom every day.

But in the end he denied it.

Since you want to be the groom, you must use your original body, otherwise it will always feel weird.

"Really looking forward to seeing the fireworks last week."

"There is no mysterious room found in the southern area, so let's go to other places.

After reading the diary, Ri Bing raised his head excitedly.

She is even more excited and crazy than the last episode.

"I think, at the last moment, she will definitely raise her middle finger and curse, "Go to hell with the fucking world and disgusting life."

"Chen Ran, thank you for coming to see me again."

The madness suppressed in his heart completely exploded.

Since thirteen years ago, Bai Bing has been crazy.

After Sangbiao's death, Bai Bing thought that she had found herself and could start a new life.

But she was wrong.

After staying in the abyss for a long time, what I fear most is the sun.

That heart was full of scars thirteen years ago, and it can no longer be repaired.

"If there were enough bombs, I would really like to fill the whole world.

"Chen Ran, this world is really terrible."

"Did you know? Thirteen years ago, it wasn't Biao who forced me to eat meat."

"I just wanted to live, I didn't want to die, so I ate.

"He didn't force me, I ate it myself."

"My father, who was actually an alcoholic, beat me when he came home."

"My mother is a drug addict. She even forced me to sell it for smoking."

"Every time I refused, I would be kicked and punched by them, and then thrown into a dark room.

"Do you know what it feels like to be hungry?"

"Do you know what I eat to survive?"

At this moment, Bai Bing finally let go of the deepest thing in his heart.

She has been deceiving herself, thinking that her former family is happy.

It was Sangbiao who ruined her family and her life.

However, in fact, her life has been dark from the very beginning.

"Sangbiao killed them."

"I'm happy, I'm really happy.

But I'm also sad. "

"Sangbiao said that if I eat their meat, he will let me go."

"I did it, I did it without hesitation."

"I want to see how happy I can be."

"Chen Ran, guess whether it is a human living in hell or a ghost living in hell.

"Perhaps, the hell has long been empty, so the world is like a prison."

"In my more than ten years in the police force, I have seen too many.

"Those well-dressed people who live under the sun, how much disgust is hidden behind their backs?"

"You don't know, you haven't seen it, it's disgusting."

"Just like the shadows on the bottom of their feet, black as an abyss, evil as a ghost."

"They are ghosts in human skin."

"Chen Ran, do you know?"

"In this world, the more ruthless people live, the more nourished they are."

"On the contrary, those timid and cautious people live in extreme pain and anxiety."

Bai Bing talked a lot today.

She completely opened her once sealed heart, and took out all her words.

The car galloped crazily on the road, and Bai Bing let out a hahaha laugh.

Pedestrians on the road point and point.

so what.

The city is dead.

Those people are already dead.

Why imprison yourself.


Run it.

In this world, what really restricts people has never been laws and regulations, but one's own heart.


"Go to the police, my name is Bai Bing.

"I set the fire at the Midolin Hotel a month ago."

"In that fire, a total of 175 people were burned to death, and no one escaped."

"Come on, is anyone here to kill me?"

"Three months ago, the car accident in the high-speed tunnel was designed by me because someone wanted to escape.

"Four months ago, the three criminals who were released from prison disappeared overnight, and their bodies were hung in the department store. I did it."

Bai Bing laughed and leaned out of the window.

She growled loudly and laughed.

Talking about the secrets that have been kept in my heart.

"did you see it?"

"They never believed the truth."

"They just thought I was crazy."

"Only lies, people will believe."

"Liars always tell the truth, that's why people are deceived."

Until Bai Bing pulled out his gun.

"Don't kill people, at least don't let them die now.

"Not yet."

Chen Ran then shouted at Bai Bing.

He knew that Bai Bing needed to be released.

"I know."

Bai Bing smiled.

Raising his hand, gunshots sounded, extremely piercing.

"did you see it?"

"They only panic when things happen to them."

Someone has already called the police.

Soon, a police car chased him.

When they found out that it was Bai Bing, they were shocked at first, and then hurriedly called.

"Officer Bai, please stop immediately.

"Officer Bai, please stabilize your mood."

Bai Bing tilted his head and said, "Look, isn't it very good?"

"I've been in the sun for too long, but I didn't feel the warmth until this moment."

"Chen Ran, take me away."

Bai Bing shot backhand, dispelling all doubts of his colleagues behind him.

In their eyes, Bai Bing was crazy.

But they didn't know that Bai Bing had gone crazy long ago.

Now, is the real Baibing.


Chen Ran nodded, kicked the accelerator, the car speeded up to the highest speed, and galloped on the highway.

Hongye City also began to distort.

Because, this should not have happened today.

But it was too late.

In the high-speed drag racing, the flames in the corner of Hongye City rose instantly.

The whole city seemed to have been hit by a major earthquake.

Buildings collapsed and disintegrated.

A loud noise spread throughout the city.

Screams, howls, screams, overwhelming.

Amidst the huge shock, a large amount of gravel began to splash.

Looking back, the rising black smoke seemed to burn the whole world.

"Chen Ran, kill me."

"I don't yet know what it's like to die."

Bai Bing got into Chen Ran's arms.

Chen Ran also let go of the steering wheel, allowing the car to run at will.


Chen Ran took Bai Bing's gun.

At the same time, the car that lost its direction rolled over with a loud noise.

In the weightless car space, Chen Ran hugged Bai Bing tightly.

"see you tomorrow.

"My little madman."

"See you tomorrow." Bai Bing nodded, hugging Chen Ran tightly.

With a gunshot, she lost all movement.

But the light in his eyes reached the limit.

This time, instead of being erased by an invisible force, she was killed by Chen Ran himself.

"There are three more places."

"There are seven meetings left."

Chen Ran looked up at the broken sky.

Gray arms waved, and the overwhelming black water surged.

A huge black shadow mixed with a mountain of corpses rushed towards him.

Two places in Hongye City were bombed, leaving only three places without testing.

There is a seven-day countdown to the national grand ceremony of Hundred Ghosts Traveling.

Seven days later, Chen Ran didn't know whether he and Bai Bing would see each other again.

So for these seven days, I should give Bai Bing over seven days. .

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