I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

127: Parallel World Second City: Dawn Hope City

Gradually, the players realized that something was wrong.

Peng carried them continuously flying.

Chen Ran standing on top of Leviathan is like the only lighthouse in the dark world.

"Old thief, where are you taking us?"

"Old thief, do you want to take us to a new era?"

"Old thief, this big ship... no matter where it goes, I will follow you."

"That's right, since you're on the boat, everyone don't want to get off the boat, lest the old thief ask us to make up for the boat ticket.

Players laugh and discuss, their eyes light up and their souls burn.

The world was dark.

Only this boat is going through the thorns and thorns.

And all of them are the crew of the old thief.

Chen Ran listened to the cries of countless players, and worry flashed across his eyes.

Ever since the product of blurred boundaries appeared, Chen Ran knew that he had opened Pandora's box.

Once the magic box is opened, no one can close it.

The rolling tide of the times pushes Chen Ran forward.

The only thing he can do is control.

In the first red moon era in the horror world, Chen Ran was naked in the eyes of all players.

In the real world, many players have mental and physical problems.

This is unavoidable.

If you get through this level, you will be reborn.

Just like the little junior sister in the past.

It's just that it's hard for these people to keep up with their big boat. "Seven three three"

"I'm very sorry."

Chen Ran spoke, and all the players fell silent.

"Show you the first red moon era in the horror world."

"Although I have shortened it a lot, there are still many players I love who are offline."

"Afterwards, they may live in fear, in nightmares, and I'm sorry.

"But I believe that when they come out, they will come out stronger.

Before the press conference started, Chen Ran took a series of security measures.

Once the mental threshold falls too fast, the player will be forced to log off.

Players whose physical condition does not meet the requirements will not be able to participate in this press conference.

This avoids too many surprises.

"After the new chapter of the Red Moon Era opened this time, restrictions appeared.

"Players with mental threshold, physical condition, and abnormal psychology will be prohibited from entering the horror world."

"When a person loses self-control and shows desire, he is no longer a person."

"Actually, I have always believed that, in some respects, people are scarier than ghosts."

"We can see the obsession of ghosts at a glance."

"But we can't see through people's hearts. Even if we have been with a lover for decades, it is difficult for us to see his heart clearly."

Chen Ran's voice came to each player's ears.

Organizations in various countries of Blue Star have received notification from the old thief's background.

The addresses of some players who are not in good condition have been sent to them.

"Old thief, you don't need to explain, we all know."

"Yes, we all understand."

"It's like anti-war doctrine, what they promote is the cruelty of war."

"If you want to publicize the cruelty of war, you must tell what will happen in war."

"That's right, the same is true of crime movies. They are not teaching people to commit crimes, but telling people the price of crime."

"That's right. Only by tearing open the wound can we understand how much it hurts."

"Old thief, you can do it boldly, even if you abuse us thousands of times, we will never get off the boat."

"Yes, yes, without a big heart, who would enter the world of terror.

"That's right, my ghost nurse is still waiting for me. I'm studying plastic surgery during this time, and I plan to give my ghost nurse a full face."

"That's right, we've seen through you a long time ago, we've been hard-spoken and soft-hearted."

"After the weapon system is opened, the master of the original heart will figure out your mind."

"Yes, yes, otherwise, the props will not be based on the detention limit."

"In my opinion, the horror world cannot be called a horror game, it is more like a healing game, a redemption game, a growth game, and a philosophical game.

"No, World of Horror is all games. It integrates all games into one. You can use it as any genre you want. It can meet the needs of all players."

Listening to the shouts of countless players.

Listening to countless players shouting: "The old thief abused me thousands of times, I am waiting for the first love.

"Old thief, Blue Star's taste is a bit high, you don't have to pay each player a pair of pants."

"Yes, yes, give us a pair of pants, and we will be yours from now on."

Listening to those shouts, Chen Ran looked up at the sky.

My heart is warm.

They are all lovely players.

It's really great to be in this world.

A world that is open, free, inclusive, and loved for love's sake.


Chen Ran looked up.

A boundless sea appeared in front of him.

The sea is bathed in sunshine.

The blue sea is like a beautiful painting.

Various birds flying in the sky.

You can even see long-extinct pterosaurs and even stranger birds.

Occasionally, the fish jumping out of the water are even more strange.

Dotted with white clouds, rainbows spread, and huge stars occupy the sky

It's the complete opposite of Nightfall Punk City.

It is a sunlit world of eternal day, full of all wonders.

"Damn it, no way."

"Old thief, you actually created such a warm and dreamy place like Guofeng."

"It's unscientific, I'm not used to it."

Looking at the blue sky, white clouds and blue sea, the player couldn't move his head.

Peng landed on the sea, setting off tons of waves.

Gradually, Peng turned into a continent.

All kinds of strange and imaginative vegetation spread crazily.

Extinct dinosaurs, extinct saber-toothed tigers, and strange animals that players have never seen have appeared one after another.

There are even legendary mythical creatures.

Forests, meadows, lakes, mountains, beaches.

A continent full of vitality, like an illusion, appeared in front of all players.

Leviathan stopped in mid-air, his body gradually shattered.

Suspended islands appeared one after another, and vines hung down.

With another wave of the hand, castles, towns, and village owners full of different world adventure styles appeared in every corner of the mainland.

A huge and magnificent spaceship appeared in mid-air.

They seem to come back from the end of time, carrying a vast historical atmosphere, and covered with various vegetation.

"Welcome everyone to the second city in the parallel world, Dawn Liberty City."

"Dawn Liberty City, the sun never sets, and miracles are endless.

Before Chen Ran finished speaking, some players shouted loudly.

"I see."

"The old thief is afraid that we players may have psychological problems if we watch in the dark for a long time.

"That's right, Nightfall Punk City is in Eternal Night, and the world of horror is also in Eternal Night.

"That's why the old thief created a free city of dawn where the sun never sets to decompress us."

Chen Ran paused a little.

How come the brains of this year's players are getting better and better.

Could it be that the horror world has developed all their ingenuity.

Come to think of it, it is indeed possible.

Dealing with ghosts in the horror world, if you can't beat them, you can only fight with wits and courage.

That was crazy friction on the edge of life and death.

Dawn Liberty City, Chen Ran does have this meaning.

"Since everyone has already guessed the meaning of Dawn Hope City..."

"Then, version 1.4, the press conference of the new chapter of Red Moon officially begins."

Chen Ran clapped his hands, and as the continent shook, countless birds rushed into the sky.

A gigantic, brilliant, and beautiful rainbow spans both ends of the continent.

"First, I'm announcing what's been updated for version 1.4.

"Update content one, the expansion of the horror world map."

Chen Ran waved his hand.

The projection of the horror world is projected from the end of the sky.

[Successful use of primary map package: map + 1000 meters]

[Intermediate map package successfully used: map +3000 meters]

[Advanced map package successfully used: map +10000 meters]

【Unlock Mountain Village (Samsung)】

【Unlock Montenegro Temple (Samsung)】

[Unlock Luan Grave Mound (Two Stars)]

[Unlock 201 tunnel (two stars)]

【Unlock Meizhen (Samsung)】

[Unlock Yuanguang County (four-star)]

【Unlock Shangyuan District, Baolin City (Samsung)】

[Unlock hidden copy (four stars)]

The diameter of the map has expanded by a full 29 kilometers.

Thousands of large and small copies have been unlocked, and there are still many hidden copies.

These hidden copies need players to explore and discover by themselves.

At this moment, the most difficult copy of the horror world has reached four stars.

"Fuck, it's expanded so much."

"Old thief, I suspect that you are explaining your funeral, tell me how long you can live."

"Oh my god, no player can reach the end of the winding mountain road, and now there are so many roads and mountain roads"

"The dark forest has grown bigger again, and there are still many terrifying wild copies hidden in it."

"Out of the city, it should not be complete, it's just a district."

While the players were discussing, Chen Ran said again.

"Update 2, new taxi service and No. 1 bus in World of Horror.


The content of this update really shocked the players.

They called the old thief caring.

"Update content three, open advanced recharge channels, and the upper limit of recharge is 5488."

"Update content four, open the intermediate online function, and the upper limit of the online number is 100."

"Update five, open job function."

"Update content 4.5 six, open the guild function."

"Update content seven, open title function.

"Update content eight, open the player leaderboard function."

One update after another was thrown out by Chen Ran.

The player's mind is in chaos, and the whole person is numb.

"Damn it, I did the math, the old thief has six open functions alone."

"Is this beating chicken blood?"

"This update is too strong."

"Brother, help me, my legs are a little weak."

Then there was overwhelming shouts and cheers.

This is the first time that the world of horror has been updated with so many functions.

These functions have completely excited the players.

"Old thief."

"The old thief is awesome."

old invincible. "

The sound of cheers startled all the flying birds, and even the sea surface had strong ripples.

This is the old thief they both hate and love.

The old thief made a move, but he had let them down.

Chen Ran narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He walked in the air, looking down at the cheering and excited billions of players.

This is the base update for version 1.4.

The real highlight is the golden legend, at the nightclub stage.

Once this feature is released.

Think about it, it can cause carnivals all over the world. .

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