I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

128: This Is A Dream, This Is Magic, The Player Loses His Voice, And The Curtain Ends In Shock [Four

"There is one last update, and the most important one.

Chen Ran spoke slowly.

After the words fell, Dawn Hope City was silent.

The audience watching the live broadcast of the press conference also stared with bated breath.

The nine updates that Chen Ran mentioned just now are not the most important.

So, what is the most important update.

This sense of anticipation is completely full.

Dawn City of Hope began to blur and gradually disappeared.

What follows is a sprawling projection of the horror world.

"This is An County in the horror world."

"It's such a big open space, is this a place only opened by old thieves?"

"No, it seems that there is no place here in the horror world map expansion just now."

"Old thief, don't be so secretive, tell us quickly, what else did you not say?"

"That's right, that's right, our ability to bear it is strong."

Chen Ran's pumpkin head showed a mysterious expression.

"System, activate midnight train."

[Activation successful, Tianbaiye train factory

【It's a train to the unknown, and it departs on time every night at 00:00. Players, how dare you embark on this unknown journey, even if you fall into the abyss】

A huge station appeared in front of all players.

There are four characters written on the top of the mysterious and ancient station: Midnight Train.

A crimson train shuttles through the darkness.

No one knows where it came from, and no one knows where it's going.

Until it, with a passionate whistle, slowly stopped at the midnight train station.

With a thud, all the doors opened.

"Fuck, what is this?"

"What function is this?"

"I have a hunch that this is the most important update that the old thief said.

"Midnight train, where does it end?"

"Look at the time at the station, the army is dispatched at midnight every day."

"It's strange, there is no destination written."

The appearance of the midnight train caused commotion among countless players.

With deep expectation in their eyes, they stared at Chen Ran.

"It's a midnight train to the unknown.

"It departs on time at midnight every day at midnight."

"No one knows where it came from, and no one knows where it's going."

"But it can go anywhere."

"It can cross map borders and go to any map that hasn't been opened yet.

"Those unknown maps that are not open and no one knows, what stories exist, what secrets are hidden, everything is up to you to explore and dig."

With a whoosh, countless players screamed frantically.

"Old thief, you mean that as long as we take the midnight train, we can reach the unopened map of the horror world.

"Unknown places are often full of opportunities, full of wonders, this is a train to the land of great treasures. 11

"Old thief, how big is the map of the horror world?"

"In my opinion, the current updated map of the horror world is just the tip of the iceberg."

"I know, those unreleased maps, the old thief is planning to let us be the beta players, let's experience it in advance."

"No, I think this is the best easter egg created by the old thief."

Chen Ran narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After the opening of the midnight train, it is equivalent to unlocking the entire horror world in an alternative way.

"It may lead you into the red moon`

"It may lead you into the abyss."

"It also has the potential to lead you to despair within despair."

"Everything is up to you to decide.

These few words of Chen Ran contain too much information.

"Among the red moon, the cause of the abyss."

"Fuck, the pattern of the old thief is bigger than I imagined."

"In other words, the horror world is only the most superficial, and the old thief has buried too many secrets in the horror world."

"Yes, yes, maybe we can find Hongye City again."

This astonishing amount of information constantly impacts the player's brain.

At this moment, they fully understood how terrifying the old thief's mind was.

At this moment, they fully understood how magnificent and huge the horror world really is.

"The first train, I will lead everyone to sail."

A ticket appears in the player's hand.

This is a train carrying hundreds of millions of players.

Chen Ran is the conductor of this train.

His pumpkin head showed a weird smile.

Now, the group is the most selling moment of the conference.

This midnight train isn't really a midnight train, it's just a projection.

The first train has an end.

Its end is the end of the new chapter of Red Moon in version 1.4 of World of Horror.

Woohoo, as the train roared, it moved.

It is like a giant dragon, carrying hundreds of millions of players to the end of the sky.

The dawn on the soles of the feet Hope City is getting smaller and smaller.

Immediately after that was an extremely dazzling white awn.

The white glow devoured all the players.

When the white glow dissipated, a terrifying world appeared.

But at this time, the horror world is very small, and there is only one new people's hospital.

Countless players are looking down and watching, their hearts roaring and beating.

This is the starting point of the horror world, the very first horror world.

"That's the hunk, look, the hunk is pushing the hospital bed."

"I saw the force of gravity, she was investigating the ward."

"It's Brother Quan, brother Quan is challenging to the limit."

All traces of their fighting in the New People's Hospital appeared.

This is where they have shed blood and tears, but never regretted it.

The train continued on.

As the train moves, the area of ​​the horror world begins to expand.

The train seems to be traveling in the long river of history, shuttling through the long river of time.

Former players can be seen in every corner of An County.

Building No. 4 of Jincheng Community rises from the ground.

The human-headed spider king of the sewage treatment plant roared up to the sky.

The ghost behind the door is imprisoned in Hongye City in the Red Moon Research Institute.

The undead evil spirits of the winding mountain road.

The beasts of the dark forest are rampant.

The corpses of Heixia Mountain hung all over the mountain like fruit.

In Huaishu Ridge, the Statue of Liberty team is exploring hard.

Everything in the past has resurfaced in front of the player's eyes.

This shocking soul, like going back to the past scene, completely exploded.

The midnight train continues to run, and players can see the new map after version 1.4.

There are red lanterns hanging on the eerie mass graves.

There are vague shadows squatting in the absurd and weird ruined temple.

The winding road is sometimes flickering and sometimes dim.

All players are fascinated.

Their breathing froze, their souls trembled, their language was lost, and only everything in their eyes remained.

White mist began to grow.

The Hundred Ghosts crawled out from the Hundred Ghosts Gate.

They are the ghosts in the human heart.

The midnight train passed through the Gate of Hundred Ghosts and entered Hongzhi.

Hongye City is burning.

The players saw a girl, she laughed presumptuously and happily.

She stood on the observation deck of Hongye City, admiring the fireworks of death.

"That's Baibing."

"Gravity has seen her before. She is the head of the serious crime team of Hongye City Police Department."

"That's right, that's right, I also watched that live broadcast. The anchor of Gravity suspected that Bai Bing had something to do with the huge fire at the Midolin Hotel."

"Now it seems that she really has a problem."

The midnight train is still running.

One district after another in Hongye City was engulfed in flames.

Bai Bing's smile spread everywhere, she raised her head from time to time, as if she was looking at something.

The bell rang, and the sky in Hongye City shattered.

The black water poured down.

Umbilical cords sprawled from the tallest buildings.

All existence has been turned into tissues, and Hongye City has become a huge womb.

This scene is still impacting the player's mind.

They trembled uncontrollably [that unspeakable terror strikes again.

A strange cry appeared.

The midnight train sped up, and it passed through the stone gate.

With the disappearance of Baimang, the player found out.

They have returned to the first red moon era in the horror world.

A hopeless world where order is broken and morality is lost.

The midnight train seems to really shuttle in the long river of time.

Decades of the Red Moon Era have been run through by the midnight train.

The crimson moon, which occupies one-third of the sky, let out piercing cries.

Vaguely, some players saw a vague figure in the red moon.

I don't know if it's hallucinations or vertigo.

Scene after scene has shattered the player's ability to think.

All they can do is watch.

"Welcome all players to enter the new chapter of the Red Moon Era in the horror world." "

Chen Ran's voice resounded through every compartment and entered every player's mind.

The midnight train rose suddenly, and it plunged into the red moon.

Everything turned blood red.

Hundreds of millions of players lost their voices, eyesight, and mind completely.

It was so shocking.

It's too difficult to describe in words.

It's better to return to normal before the eyes.

They suddenly found that they had returned to the night punk city.

They are back where they started.

Everything in Nightfall Punk City is normal, but it's unbelievably quiet.

The red moon in the sky disappeared.

The midnight train that carried them disappeared.

The old thief also disappeared.

All this is like a dream.

A dream shared by hundreds of millions of people.

"Am I dreaming."

"I remember the first Red Moon era in the horror world.

"I remember the old thief standing on top of Leviathan and leading us to the City of Dawn Hope."

"I still remember the old thief driving the midnight train and taking us through everything that used to be."

"Is this real, or is it a dream."

Countless players are in a trance.

They looked at each other with nothing but daze and confusion in their eyes.

For a moment, they didn't know that they were dreaming and not really going through it all.

I really knelt down. "


A player points to fireworks that burst into the sky.

[I announce that the horror world has officially entered version 1.4, and a new chapter of Red Moon has officially arrived. 】

[Tomorrow at twelve o'clock, the horror world will reopen. 】

[I wish all the players (Qian Zhao) have a good dream. 】

【Sincerely, old thief】

Seeing that line of words, the player also understood it impressively.

This is not a dream.

All of them are their real experiences.

"Damn it, the old thief is so awesome, this trick even fooled my senses.

"Great magician, no, it's super magic."

"It's not magic, it's magic, the old thief made us all have the same dream.

"Shit, I want to cry, I really want to cry.

"Old thief."

"Respect old thief.

"Respect old thief."

The strongest shock in history has completely overturned the whole world.

That kind of dreamlike press conference blew up everything.

This can no longer be described in words.

Even after several hours, Nightfall Punk City is still shouting the name of the old thief.

Tonight is destined to be a night of apotheosis.

This Red Moon New Chapter press conference is destined to be a press conference recorded in history.

The miracle and shock of this night are completely engraved in every player's mind and bone marrow.

Chen Ran is sitting in his own room in Punk City at night.

Holding his wine glass, he looked at the players who were still crazy.

"It's not in vain that I burned so many brain cells to come up with such an ending."

Then he raised his glass.

"Respect the players."

"Thank you for your trust and support in me."

Chen Ran drank it down in one gulp, and everyone was drunk without drunkenness.

He laughed loudly and said: "I am an old thief, and I am willing to escort you....

[Fourth update, more exciting later, thank you for your support].

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