I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

157: Open The Function Of One Turn [Fourth Update]

"Receive a mission.

The system is making an update package.

Chen Ran has already started to receive the mission of the first rank.

【One turn task】

[Task Requirements 1: Level 10] (Completed)

[Task Requirement 2: Set the main occupation of job change]

[Task Requirement 3: Completely clear the one-star dungeon] (Completed)

Chen Ran fulfilled all three mission requirements.

"Temporarily set the ghost master as the main profession.

This hidden job is also exclusive to Chen Ran.

[Check that the player meets the job transfer requirements]

[Successful job transfer]

[Growth value permanently increased by 10%]

[The upper limit of the spiritual threshold is increased by 10 points]

[Professional talent enhancement]

[Professional Skill Crash State, Heterogeneous State Enhancement]

[Open first-turn skill: Ghostly shadows]

[Ghosting]: The shadow is materialized, the duration is ten minutes, the upper limit is two, and it has 20% of the body's attributes.

"Avatar skills?"

Chen Ran used a lot of ghosts.

The shadow behind him slowly stood up from the ground, and then split from the middle, forming two black figures.

"It's a bit like Ghost Swordsman's Ghost Slash."1

"But it is more flexible than Ghost Slash."


"It's a pity that it can only last ten minutes."

"But it has the ability to imitate the main body, and it can also be equipped with temporary skills."

Chen Ran nodded in satisfaction.

This one-turn skill is still very powerful.

If you don't choose to imitate, you can share three skills with them for temporary use.

After the crash state is strengthened, the upper limit of 12 for piloting ghosts has been changed from two to three.

The duration of the abnormal state is longer, and the increase is increased from 100% to 110%.

Innate skills have strengthened Chen Ran's ability to control ghosts.

The growth value is permanently increased by 10%.

It is equivalent to permanently increasing all attribute values ​​by 10% at this stage.

With this promotion, some attributes of Chen Ran have broken 700.

The upper limit of mental threshold is increased by 10 points.

At this moment, Chen Ran's mental threshold has reached 1 point.

After checking the situation of the first turn, the update package of the first turn is also prepared.

"It's time to open up for a turn."

A game notification quickly spread throughout the Internet.

[Important game notice]: Ten minutes later, the horror world will be temporarily updated.

Update content: Open the one-turn function.

"The old thief has unlocked the function of one turn."

"I don't know what the requirements for the first round are?"

"The game features of World of Horror are getting better and better."

"One revolution, then there must be two revolutions, three revolutions after that.

"Hey, I'm still a basic profession, I don't know if I can change it."

A game notification caused a huge tornado.

The biggest movement this time is not ordinary players, but top players.

The opening of the one-turn function is the most important for top players.

Ten minutes later, the detailed requirements for a turn were announced.

Level up to level 10, which is the most basic.

But this foundation stumps 99.99% of players.

Only 207 players reached level 10 on the player level list.

In other words, only these 20 people can meet the basic requirements of a rank.

The second most players can satisfy.

Whether it is a life occupation or a basic occupation, it can be set as the main occupation.

The third job change requirement stumped 99.99% of players.

Completely clear the one-star dungeon.

Fortunately, it is not required to open up wasteland, but to clear the customs.

At present, there are many detailed customs clearance procedures for one-star dungeons in World of Horror.

According to these strategy processes, you can still meet the job transfer requirements.

"Gravity's job change was successful, and she set Scavengers as her main job.

"Bai Huakui has also successfully changed jobs."

"Brother Macho has successfully changed his job."

"Wang Cong has successfully changed jobs."

Today's players who have reached level 10 are all top players among the top players, and all requirements are very well met.

The promotion after one turn was also announced.

The attribute growth value is permanently increased by 10%.

The upper limit of mental threshold is increased by 10 points.

Professional talents and professional skills have been strengthened.

And opened up a job skill.

This is not a day to improve the player.

"Don't say anything, just upgrade."

"Yes, yes, let's go up to level 10 first."

"Damn it, go ahead."

A lot of players who didn't meet the level started to collect experience points like crazy.

Hope to catch up with the top players as soon as possible.

Chen Ran nodded in satisfaction after watching the live broadcast for a while.

When the player's motivation is full, his wallet will be bulging.

"Go and meet Nan Xiaoqiao."

For the mysterious jigsaw puzzle number 007 Crystal Skull, Chen Ran is very concerned.

Putting on the virtual helmet, Chen Ran entered the world of horror.

Room 303, Building 3, Jincheng Community.

After getting into the red quilt, Chen Ran came directly to Xiao Qiao's refuge.

"Shh, don't talk, they're coming."

When Nan Xiaoqiao saw Chen Ran appearing, she hurriedly pointed her finger up, looking very nervous.

Chen Ran's ears moved.

Sure enough, he heard a sound from the ruins outside.

"What are they?"

Chen Ran asked curiously.

Nan Xiaoqiao hurriedly covered Chen Ran's mouth, signaling Chen Ran not to speak.

"Ghost eye, go out and have a look."

Chen Ran quietly released the ghost eyes.

Since his strength became stronger, Ghost Eye has been able to temporarily leave his body.

This is a very powerful means of reconnaissance.

A blood-red eyeball drilled out from Chen Ran's skin.

Then several neural circuits emerged.

These nerve circuits are just like the feet, carrying the ghost eyes and slipping out quietly.

Soon, Chen Ran saw what was coming to the ruins.

It was a blue tentacles.

A hideous human face was wrapped around the top of the tentacles.

The face is round with staring eyes.

At this moment, these tentacles were rummaging through the ruins for something.

In addition to the eyeball tentacles, there are also wobbly babies.

These babies are very small, and some babies Chen Ran felt that they hadn't even conceived a human form yet.

It's like being dug out of a mother's womb.

Ten minutes later, these strange things disappeared in the white mist.

Hearing that there was no movement outside, Xiao Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"What it is?"

Chen Ran asked.

Nan Xiaoqiao showed fear: "That's a nightmare."

"They come from nightmares that humans have had."

"If they find out, they will be trapped in a nightmare and it will be difficult to escape."

She trembled all over, terrified to the extreme.

Presumably she had experienced it before, but she didn't know what method she used to escape.

"Isn't it just Nan Xiaoqiao's dream?"

"It was the dream of everyone in the terrifying world."

This idea is too shocking to the world.

Even dreams can become their own world, and the situation in the horror world is even worse than Chen Ran imagined.


Chen Ran pulled Nan Xiao Qiao over and asked with a serious face, "Have you ever seen a crystal skull?"

This is the focus of Chen Ran's search for Nan Xiaoqiao.

"Crystal skull?"

Nan Xiaoqiao tilted her head thinking.

"I remember."

"I saw it when I went to the Gimhae Museum with my parents before."

"That museum does have a crystal skull on display."

"I heard it was discovered in an archaeological cave."

"That's right, that's it." Chen Ran quickly asked, "Have you touched it before?"

Nan Xiaoqiao shook her head.

"Just watched it for a while."

"Ran big brother, it's a museum collection, how can I get in touch with it.

"However, I heard later that there seemed to be a theft in the Gimhae Museum, and many cultural relics were lost."

"It was quite a big deal at the time."

"During that time, the police stopped visitors who were going to the museum that day."

"Even our family was questioned."

"Stolen." Chen Ran frowned.

With the energy of the mysterious Boundary Council, a crystal head made such a big movement.

Then there is only one answer.

The person who stole the crystal skull may not be someone from the Mystic Boundaries.

After all, it was an organization founded in 1559.

In hundreds of years of development, it is definitely a colossus.


Chen Ran suddenly thought of something and asked hastily.

"Little Joe, do you remember your birthday?"

"Of course I remember."

"My birthday is May 21, 1605."

"Sure enough!" Chen Ran found that his cognition had been biased from the beginning.

From Nan Xiaoqiao's mouth, he heard about universities, museums, and the police.

Plus Nan Xiaoqiao's pajamas.

He always thought that Nan Xiaoqiao should be around the nineteenth century.

However, the development of the horror world during his lifetime cannot be viewed with the history of Blue Star.

In the sixteenth century, Blue Star also had museums, universities and police.

That is a developed city belonging to the West.

Gimhae City is a developed city in the horror world, and it already had the embryonic form of a modern city in the sixteenth century.

This Nan Xiaoqiao has been trapped in a dream for at least 400 years.

The age is not sixteen or seventeen.

At that time, the mysterious boundary will be established for at most 70 years, and it should be in the initial stage of development.

Stealing the Crystal Skull from the Gimhae Museum would make sense.

"Your pajamas are very fashionable." Chen Ran looked at Nan Xiaoqiao's pajamas.

Bear pajamas are really a bit of modern pajamas.

But some small details can still capture the unique traces of the times.

Aesthetics is indeed a reincarnation.


"Then our most popular clothing, I waited a long time to get it.

Nan Xiaoqiao proudly showed off her pajamas.

After all, this girl is still stuck in the naive period of high school.

"And then, you remember what happened the first few days you came here.

"Like something weird."

Nan Xiaoqiao tilted her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"I am not sure."

"As usual, I went to bed and got ready for bed."

"Then, I was trapped here."

"This is indeed a dream, right?"

"I'm really stuck in a dream."

"If Mom and Dad knew that I couldn't wake up, how worried would they be?"

Nan Xiaoqiao fell into self-destruction again, repeating these few words as if she was broken.

Chen Ran looked at Nan Xiaoqiao's appearance, then pouted.

Her parents are already dead.

The disappearance of Nan Xiaoqiao should be the greatest sadness in their life.

But their lives are also considered happy.

At least he didn't experience the Red Moon Era after that.

But it is certain that Nan Xiaoqiao's being trapped in a dream must have something to do with the crystal skull.

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