I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

158: Unparalleled City Action: Operation Around The Moon

"Crystal skull number 007.

Chen Ran touched his chin.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Nan Xiaoqiao looked at Chen Ran in shock: "Are you crazy?"

Chen Ran grinned and pulled out a steel bar.

Then knead it vigorously, knead the steel bar into a ball and throw it on the bottom of Nan Xiaoqiao's feet.

Nan Xiaoqiao looked at the steel ball, then looked up at Chen Ran.

That look is like looking at aliens.

After a long time, he swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay, no problem.

When Chen Ran took Nan Xiaoqiao to explore the dreamland, a major event that attracted hundreds of millions of people was happening on the Red Moon map.

"It's Brother Quan, the master of extreme sports games."

"Brother Burt is here too, the most famous extreme sports tycoon in foreign countries."

"China's Qiuming Shanche Shen Guild, and the Beautiful Country's Fast and Furious Guild.

"Fandil, my idol."

"Takumi Rider, I saw Takumi Rider."

"Fuck, I feel that there is a big movement in the Red Moon map today.

Countless players are staring at Peerless City.

Peerless City is quite lively today, gathering top players from the extreme sports and racing circles.

"Chen Bureau, tell me. 11

Wan Qian took a step back.

She handed over the limelight to Chen Jianghe.

After all, this is the first time the world has teamed up to open up wasteland.

The Old Thieves Wushuang Guild can't replace the Huaxia official yet.

"Gathering in Wushuang City today, I think everyone knows their mission.

"How big is the Red Moon map, this is the biggest question right now.

"At the normal speed of land reclamation, we may not be able to explore the entire Red Moon map before the event ends.

"So, for this operation, I named it Operation Around the Moon."

"Everyone should have gotten their hands on the latest scanner made by Steve Benff.

"For one purpose, find a way to scan the entire Red Moon map."

Only then did the audience understand why so many extreme players and racing players gathered in Peerless City.

It turned out that they were used as death squads to challenge the whole map of Hongyue with their lives.

Players now know too little about the Red Moon map.

It is essential to get the full map of Red Moon as quickly as possible.

"Damn it, it's because he's handsome."

"I want to go too."

"If you want to eat farts, whether you can get the full map of Hongyue as quickly as possible, you can only rely on extreme players and racing players."

"Not bad, the operation around the moon is very clear, not focusing on fighting and land reclamation, but focusing on maps.

"Yes, yes, run the entire Red Moon map as fast as possible."

The audience talked a lot, and everyone excitedly expressed their views and ideas loudly.

Such a large-scale operation can only be organized by the officials of various countries.

Even for a leader like Old Thief Wushuang Guild, it is difficult to do so.

But this mission, players believe that Wan Qian must have proposed it.

Burning Luna has been open for four days.

Don't say where the Guan Yue platform is now, players don't even know what the Guan Yue platform is.

This is the first main mission.

"This operation around the moon will end with a circle around the moon and the entire map.

"Everyone, please"~. "1

Chen Jianghe shouted loudly.

Deafening shouts erupted from Wushuang City.

"Hahaha, I have long wanted to challenge the limit."

"Yeah, my racing spirit can no longer be suppressed."

"Around the moon, I must be the first to reach the finish line.

This operation around the moon will be followed up by the whole people.

Who scans the most range.

Who can reach the finish line first.

It is a great honor for these players.

Chen Jianghe nodded to Wan Qian.

Wan Qian walked forward slowly.

"After the operation around the moon started, everyone's movements will be broadcast live in real time."

"And will release the ranking list around the moon in the parallel world."


"Wealth, dreams, women, future, and prestige are all at your feet."

"It depends on whether you can grasp it this time."

Wan Qian's words were straightforward, bold, and even a little vulgar.

But the players just eat it.

People are not for wealth, dreams, women, future, prestige, what else.

It's a bit vulgar, but it's reality.

"Hahahaha, President Wan spoke right into my heart."

"Hahaha, President Wan said it well."

"Wealth, dreams, women, future, prestige, here I come.

Chen Jianghe looked at the high-spirited and emotional extreme players and racing players and shook his head helplessly.

After talking for a long time, it is better for Wan Qian to say a few words.

She is indeed the woman who is said to be the closest to the wisdom of the gods, and she directly touches people's hearts.

"I now announce that the operation around the moon has officially begun."

As Wan Qian announced loudly.

The players of Peerless City are like a tide, spreading out in all directions with Peerless City as the core.

Extreme players are running.

Racers drive ghost cars.

Dust rose into the sky all over the sky.

In just a few minutes, those racing players driving ghost cars were far behind the extreme players.

If they can own a ghost car, it means that they have obtained a driver's license in the horror world.

There is absolutely no problem with the driving skills, all kinds of elegance, tail flicking, and acceleration are done in one go, which dazzles the viewers.

Extreme players are not in a hurry.

Racers are now ahead because the terrain is fairly flat.

But as the terrain becomes more complex, Zhou Jun's restrictions will become greater and greater.

At that time, it is the advantage of extreme players.

Among them, the ones with the highest attention belonged to such god-level players as Gu Quan, Bert, Fan Dier, and Tuo Hai.

"Brother Quan, come on."

"Brother Quan, challenge to the limit and surpass yourself."

Gu Quan's expression was extremely cold.

He once set a record of 7 minutes and 13 seconds in the New People's Hospital.

So far, no one has broken this record.

He didn't rush to speed up, but maintained his own rhythm.

After encountering weirdness, avoid it with flexible movements, and don't get entangled with weirdness at all.

Operation around the moon is not a short-term goal, it is absolutely impossible to achieve it within a day or two.

Fortunately, this is the game world, not the real world.

Some common sense in reality can choose to ignore.

With the support of a large number of recovery stamina consumables, as long as the player is not dead, he can keep running.

"Double attribute increase."

"Get a fast-paced life."

Before entering the ruins, Gu Quan broke out.

He is like a dancer in the dark night, with many afterimages, moving through the ruins with extremely flexible movements.

Gu Quan often disappears before he reacts to some weirdness.

"Holy shit, Master Gu Quan is really awesome, this move is simply invincible."

"Look at that vampire just now, his expression is still dazed, he is probably still thinking about what happened just now."

"" Takumi God is also good, driving a car galloping through the ruins. "

"I almost overturned the car several times, but it turned out that people were only doing basic operations, and my heart was about to jump out."

Wan Qian looked at the huge projection of Wushuang City.

With the dispatch of extreme players and racing players, the scope of the Red Moon map began to expand.

Although many players have already been eliminated, the players who can participate in this operation are those who have a few brushes.

"He Xin, give me all the side missions and hidden missions triggered by players in the past few days."

Wanqian's project volume is huge.

She wants to screen out all the triggered side missions and hidden missions that may have something to do with Guan Yue.

At that time, it will be necessary to send out top teams to open up wasteland.

On the other side, Chen Ran tore off his helmet.

He took Nan Xiaoqiao around in the dreamland for a long time.

Nightmare has encountered many.

But even Mao missed the clue of the crystal skull.

"The area of ​​the dream is larger than I imagined."

"It seems that the crystal skull will not be found in a short time."

"However, as long as it's in the dreamland, sooner or later I'll get it.

Chen Ran touched his chin, and the moment he raised his head, his expression froze.

"what's the situation!"

The Internet is buzzing.

They are all talking about orbiting the moon.

Each live broadcast room is live broadcasting the situation of the players in this moon-circling operation in real time.

"Move around the moon."

"Bring together extreme players and racing players (Li De's) to scan the entire map of Red Moon at the fastest speed."

Chen Ran was dumbfounded.

After the unlimited dungeons are opened, players can completely let themselves go.

First, the Peerless City was built in just two days, and it gained a firm foothold in the Red Moon instance.

Then they held the operation around the moon, planning to get the full map of the red moon in a short time.

These big moves really shocked Chen Ran.

"Most likely it was suggested by Wan Qian."

"She should deduce the approximate location of the Guan Yue platform.

Chen Ran thought for a while and figured it out.

The difficulty of the main task of the event is increasing.

At this time, the infinite copy is open for four days, and there is no starting point for the main task.

There must be many players who are anxious.

Judging from the main quest of the Hundred Ghosts Travel, the main quest of Burning Red Moon must have at least four stages.

The difficulty of each stage increases.

If you can't even complete the main task for a long time.

Then the mainline process can be abandoned.

"Dieyi, make me a cup of coffee."

"I'm going to take a good look at the live broadcast today."

Chen Ran stretched himself.

Ever since I ran into the old thief egg online, I haven't watched the live broadcast for a long time.

Since the players are doing so much, it is understandable for Chen Ran to be lazy. .

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