I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

173: Wan Qian Told Daguan That...It Collapsed! ! ! 【Four More】

"In Hegang Village, there was an incident of ghosts claiming their lives.

"Twenty-three years ago, a girl named Bai Fang hanged herself."

"Since that night, people have been killed every night in Hegang Village."

"Auspicious private high school girls' dormitory, than a group of female high school students committed suicide in the toilet.

"The cause of death is unknown, but since that day, the deceased has been seen walking in the aisle from time to time."

"In the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lintai County, several corpses disappeared nine years ago and were finally found in the deceased's home.

"Investigating the cameras, it was found that the bodies had returned home by themselves for unknown reasons."

Chen Ran looked at the confidential document sent by Chen Jianghe.

The supernatural events on Blue Star existed a long time ago.

However, due to the small number and unknown reasons, they were blocked.

"Xiao Qiao, Yu Tong, Die Yi."

"The three of you go to these places."

"Don't startle the others."

"If there are really ghosts in these places, catch them."

Chen Ran knocked on the table and said to Nan Xiaoqiao and the three ghosts.

When it comes to finding and catching ghosts, it is professional.

"Little Qiao, your memory is complete, so your task is very difficult."

"Don't cause a commotion."

Chen Ran patted Nan Xiaoqiao on the shoulder.

If there is no Nan Xiaoqiao, he is really worried about letting Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong go out.

"Oh, I see."

Nan Xiaoqiao nodded, and quickly disappeared into the manor with Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong.

"I hope I'm overthinking it."

Chen Ran took out the resentful baby and began to study it seriously.

Chen Ran was not surprised that there was a ghost in the blue star.

After all, where there are dead people, there will always be some strange things.

What worries him most is how often the ghosts grow.

If they are growing year by year, it will be a disaster for the entire Blue Star.

At that time, the country will not be able to suppress the news together.

Panic is certain.

But now, human beings have no way to deal with it.

If Blue Star's ghosts revive on a large scale, Chen Ran will have to exchange for the epic commodity of Blurred Boundaries.

Only by exchanging blurred boundaries and sharing information between humans and players can we fight against ghosts.

In this way, the horror world and Blue Star will overlap in scope.

Entering the computer room, the player's progress is getting faster and faster.

Red Moon's lighthouse light has been suppressed to 60%.

In a few days, the light in the lighthouse can be reduced to below 50%.

At that time, the main task of the third stage of the Burning Red Moon will be triggered.

As the light was suppressed, the strange breeding speed and strength of the red moon also dropped a lot.

Many players have already begun to clean up the weirdness of the whole map of Red Moon.

Look at the strongholds established by various top guilds in Blackstone Village.

They should have taken action against the boss, Ten Thousand Stitching Ghosts.

The whole map of the front of the Red Moon has been scanned almost.

This half of the map has been released on the entire network.

In the sea of ​​blood on the back of the red moon, two safe routes were announced at this time.

The Nautical Guild is already preparing to go to sea.

The date for going to sea is set on the day when the light from the lighthouse is suppressed to 50%.

"Huh? The Bald Eagle Guild is planning to attack the Headless Ghost King."

"They determined that Yintou Ghost King's machete could be stolen.

"The strength of the headless ghost king who loses his machete will drop a lot."

World of Horror also has big moves.

The old thief's vengeance mission is officially carried out at this moment.

Players who have gone on and on have already figured out all the information on the horror world map at this stage.

The only difficulty is that the upper limit of the number of online users in the horror world is 100, which makes it impossible for players to perform many tricky operations.

"It's also time to open the advanced online system.~.

"Advanced online system, the upper limit is 1,000 people, there should be a qualitative change."

Chen Ran touched his chin.

After swiping the background video again, Chen Ran soon stopped in a certain live broadcast room.

"Wan Qian is about to get in touch with the Grand View Consciousness."

"She didn't start the live broadcast."

Among the players, Nanako Hashimoto was the first to come into contact with the Grand View Consciousness.

Nanako Hashimoto triggered a hidden task on Daguan consciousness to help Daguan be born.

Wan Qian was the second to come into contact with Daguan Consciousness.

But Wan Qian is different from Hashimoto Nanako.

She has an extremely terrifying intelligence.

Even Chen Ran is looking forward to the exchange between Wanqian and Daguan.

"President, this is the empty wine glass."

"According to Nanako Hashimoto, when you touch an empty wine glass, you will be dragged in by the grand view consciousness."

"Afterwards, the hidden task of helping Daguan to be born will be triggered."

"After leaving the empty cup, the martyr wakes up.

"President, a second mysterious remnant monument was found here, which is the same as the mysterious remnant monument found by the Red Moon Research Institute."

Wan Qian first came to the mysterious remnant stele.

She is not the best at translating ciphertext, but she is also more fooled than ordinary players.

"Probably 21 mysterious puzzles have been recorded."

"Liu Dali, sent the contents of the mysterious remnant stele to Professor Sun Guowei.

"Also, get in touch with other core members of the Peerless Club."

"The map of the red moon must hide the third mysterious remnant monument."

"The blueprint for the mysterious room made by the Apostolic Church must also be on the Red Moon map.

"Got to hurry up."

"Before the Chinese New Year, try to complete it."

Blue Star will celebrate the New Year in half a month.

This is Chinese New Year.

But this year's New Year is the New Year of the whole world.

At that time, the parallel world will be the big stage for the New Year.


"It would be great if the old thief could be resurrected before the Chinese New Year."

Liu Dali sighed heartbroken.

"Hold on, maybe it's too late.

"I heard that the Bald Eagle Guild has taken action against the Headless Ghost King."

Wan Qian looked at the empty wine glass next to the martyr.

Then he tilted his head and looked up into the sky.

This look, just looking directly at the screen.

Chen Ran licked his lips: "Wan Qian is a monster."

"She should have guessed why the martyr suddenly woke up last time."

It was the first time to open up a divinely enlightened academic institution, and the martyrs suddenly appeared, leading to the destruction of the Old Thieves Wushuang Guild and the Sakura Festival Guild.

But as long as the empty wine glass is not touched, the martyr will not wake up.

So who touched the empty wine glass last time the wasteland was opened up.

"Last time, Gu Quan lured away so many sick ghosts."

"Maybe the sick ghost just hit the empty wine glass after falling."

Chen Ran explained to himself, which made him feel much more comfortable.

"After a while I will enter the empty wine glass."

"Just go offline."

"With our current situation, we cannot deal with martyrs.

After Wan Qian finished admonishing, she grabbed the empty wine glass with her palm.

At the moment when it was close to the empty wine glass, a black hand grabbed Wan Qian and pulled it hard, Wan Qian disappeared.

Seeing Wan Qian enter the empty wine glass [The members of the Old Thief Wushuang guild quickly went offline.

This time, Wan Qian did not start the live broadcast.

And she was the one who entered the empty wine glass alone.

Except for Chen Ran, no one knows what Wan Price will chat with Da Guan.

Chen Ran follows up with Wan Qian.

She appeared on the mirror-like lake.

Da Guan stood quietly in the center of the lake.

"I'm a human from another world."

"Can you feel it?"

Wan Qian's opening remarks startled Chen Ran.

"Help me to be born, and I will give you immortality.

This sentence triggers the hidden mission.

Chen Ran entered the empty wine glass for the first time, and it was the same.

At that time, Daguan didn't want to chat with Chen Ran.

It wasn't until Chen Ran opened the eye in the skull that Da Guan chatted with Chen Ran for a while.

Human beings are too low for unknown beings.

"You will be born in this world, or in my world."

"World of Terror and Blue Star."

Wan Qian said with a smile.

Daguan finally reacted.

Its blossoming face stared at Wan Qian: "Blue Star?"

"That's right, for us Blue Star humans, the horror world is illusory.

"Without us, the horror world would not function and would not exist.

"And Blue Star is the real world."

"We enter the horror world in the way of players and explore the secrets of the horror world.

"Are you sure you want to be born in this false world?"

Daguan's reaction became stronger: "Unreal, real, player, Blue Star.

"Help me reborn as Blue Star, I can let you be my agent.

Daguan's tone changed, and Chen Ran swallowed.

True or not, Daguan can be born as a blue star.

And what is this agent.

"What you want is real, right?"

"Unknown consciousness is false and illusory before birth.

"Your existence is only meaningful if we observe the existence of the regiment."

"Without our observation, you are worthless, and you can even say that you don't exist."

Wan Qian grinned, and then took out a blue star instrument from her backpack: "This is the blue star I'm talking about, a beautiful blue planet."

"Just tell me what I said at the beginning."

"Without me, would you have doubted that the horror world is false."

"And I'm also not sure if the blue star is real.

"Perhaps one day, a person who claims to be a player will come to Blue Star and tell me that you are false, and your world is also false.

"Now tell me, where do you want to be born?"

Daguan fell silent.

Chen Ran was silent.

"Inside the gate, I want to be born inside the gate.

After a long time, Da Guan spoke.

Wan Qian's pupils shrank slightly: Inside the door. "

"How can you be sure that you are outside the door, and how can you be sure that this is inside the door?"

"The door is separated by a door, but it is like two worlds."

"Whether it is infinite outside the door or infinite inside the door, Wei can say for sure.

"Are you sure, the place where you are is outside the door."

Chen is numb.

Daguan is also numb.

"Taking a step back, the horror world is real, and so is Blue Star."

"They are all doors, which one do you choose?"

Chen Ran was sweating finely on his forehead, he could no longer understand what Wan Qing was saying.

This TM is the same as a tongue twister.

Daguan Huahua's face is even more blurred.

"I exist outside the door, I'm sure.

The truth that exists outside the door is normal to us, but hopeless to you.

Daguan's voice was a little hurried.

Wan Qian smiled: "The wisdom of the unknown consciousness also has a pattern.

"It seems that you are not as great as I thought."

"What is human despair to you?"

"How do you know if the truth inside the door is more desperate?"

"You have always wanted to be born into a world of terror, but except for the ancient gods, all of you have failed.

"No, the ancient god also failed. When it was born, it was sent back to the day before it was born."

"You cannot read the human mind."

"You think humans are stealing your intelligence, but I think

Because, that is more of a curiosity and research on the unknown.

"You have never defeated humans, otherwise you would not be imprisoned with an empty wine glass."

"What is the truth, let me tell you."

"The truth is, your birth is unintentional.

"You don't even have a name (Get Zhao).

"The name Daguan was given to you by humans."

"If there is no human being, what is your name, who are you, do you have the answer in your heart?"

"Everything is a mirror image."

"It doesn't matter if it's false or true, it doesn't matter if you have any purpose.

"What's outside the door means nothing to us."

"What's inside the door means nothing to you."

"This world is meaningless."

"Your existence is meaningless, our existence is meaningless.

"Tell me, why did you want to be born?"

"From illusion to another illusion."

"Ridiculous, laugh.

Chen Ran was numb and his mind was broken.

Wan Qian was as confused as she was talking about the scriptures.

This is no less than the ultimate problem of human beings.

Who are you, where are you from, where are you going.

Da Guan was also dumbfounded.

Its breath is extremely unstable, and the flowering face is constantly expanding and shrinking, as if it is breathing rapidly.

When Wan Qian was about to say something.

Huge waves appeared on the lake.

A huge repulsive force exploded, accompanied by a roar: "Get out of here, you madman.

Crack, click, the screen fragments, Wan Qian was thrown out of the empty wine glass by Daguan.

The martyrs began to wake up.

Wan Qian glanced at the empty wine glass with her hair in her arms, and chose to log off.

Chen Ran stared blankly at the black screen.

"Wan Qian said Daguan has collapsed!!!"

"If this goes on, will the consciousness of Yin Guan collapse directly.

"But judging from her smile just now, she seems to have got a lot of information."

Chen Ran frowned, feeling the urge to contact Wan Qian for a question. .

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