"No, I have to go to Wan Qian's house to see.

"If she really guessed something."

"Then she must be speculating about something at home."

Chen Ran waited for a long time, but Fang Qing did not go online.

Since she is not online, Chen Ran has no way of knowing what Wan Qian is doing now.

However, you can check the specific location of Wanqian online from the background.

After confirming Wan Qian's home address, Chen Ran turned invisible and left the manor.

He Xin looked at the information on the investigation of Liu Yi's death with a pipe in his mouth.

Judging from the many signs in the data, Liu Yi's death can be determined to be a supernatural event.

His wife died of dystocia, and the fetus in her womb died.

In this double obsession with wanting to be born, the fetus turned into a ghost fetus and entered Liu Yi's belly.

Then the stillborn baby was really born relying on Liu Yi's life.

"Is there any possibility of artificiality?" He Xin was smoking a pipe.

He has been a detective for so many years and has seen too many unimaginable cases.

But these cases can finally find a breakthrough, which proves to be man-made.

Clues can be found even in the most confusing secret room murder case.

But in this case, all the clues are telling He Xin.

Liu Yi's case is really a supernatural case.

"The old thief has really seen ghosts."

He Xin's cell phone rang suddenly.

The call came from the Anping City Public Security Headquarters.

"He Xin, the case about Liu Yi is temporarily terminated.

"Liu Yi's situation is quite special."

"The information in your hand will be taken over by someone later."

"The case of Liu Yi must not be disseminated or made public.

This phone call thoroughly confirmed that Liu Yi's death was a supernatural event.

But the most creepy thing is where the resentful baby crawled out of Liu Yi's stomach.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I'll pass it on to the old thief."

Chen Jianghe also received a mysterious phone call.

The content of the call is simple.

It's okay for the old thief not to show his face.

But many people in the upper class think that the old thief has seen a real ghost.

Chen Jianghe needs to ask the old thief how to deal with ghosts.

At present, all confirmed supernatural events can only be controlled, not processed.

In the underground conference room of the Forbidden City of Huaxia, the high-level officials of Huaxia and envoys from other countries gathered.

"The old thief inquired about the confidential files of the Lanxing supernatural event."

"Chen Jianghe has already contacted the old thief to ask how to deal with ghosts."

"Continue to promote the horror world and parallel world."



All members of the conference room seconded the proposal to continue promoting the 350 Horror World and Parallel Worlds.

There is also a big event on the Internet that hundreds of millions of people pay attention to.

The Bald Eagle Guild took action against the Headless Ghost King of Yuanguang County.

They invited the world-renowned Astonished Demon Thieves from the beautiful country.

This is a phenomenal magic team.

Once emptied the vault of a bank in the beautiful country in full view.

"President Bella, everything is ready."

The Bald Eagle Guild is going to do a big thing today, and that is to steal the machete of the Headless Ghost King.

Then lead the headless ghost king into An County.

Only in this way can we hope to deal with the headless ghost king.

The information of Yuanguang County has been found out by millions of players.

The trajectory of the headless ghost king's activities and life experiences have also been found out.

With enough information and the right timing, anything is possible.

"It's time to witness a miracle."

"Come on, Bald Eagle Guild."

"Yes, yes, there is only half a month left before the new year, so try to revive the old thief in half a month.

"Yes, if there is no old thief in the new year, there will be no taste of the new year.

Hundreds of millions of viewers watched the big action of the Bald Eagle Guild.

"Fandil, get ready."

Bella said to Fan Dier.

Fan Dier, the car god of the beautiful country, is one of the seed players of the operation around the moon.

The skill of driving a car is superb.


There was a huge roar in Yuanguang County.

That was the roar of the headless ghost king.

"Captain Bella, I leave it to you."

Several players ran out from Yuanguang County.

They threw a huge machete directly at Annabelle.

It has been confirmed that the pig-killing knife of the Headless Ghost King is the third mystery.

Mystery cannot fit in a backpack.

After they threw the butcher's knife over, the headless ghost king, who was over four meters tall, ran out.

Its skin was red, and its navel turned into a screaming bloody mouth.

If I didn't pay attention, my butcher's knife was stolen.

This is simply a shame.

"Vandil, go!"

Anabella shouted immediately after receiving the butcher's knife.

Fan Dier kicked the accelerator, and the ghost car made a huge roar, all the way to the dust.

They asked Shi Jin to modify this ghost car, and it has super powerful horsepower.

It was the first time that the butcher knife was stolen out of Yuanguang County.

The headless ghost king was furious to the limit, it let out a terrifying roar, and took big strides to chase after it frantically.

But facing the modified ghost car, its speed is not bad.

"Go to the New People's Hospital in An County."

"Give the butcher's knife to Sister Gui."

"The more mysterious jigsaw puzzles Sister Gui imprisoned, the more powerful she will be.

Annabelle said hastily.

Fan Dier nodded and did not speak, only the winding mountain road remained in his eyes.

"The autumn butterfly clothes of the buried bride."

"Sinking Corpse Water Ghost Jiang Yutong."

"We need your help.

"The death of the old thief, Cao will not stop.

"The president is about to lead the headless ghost king to An County."

"We hope to get your help."

Several players stood near the old thief's tomb and shouted loudly.

If you want to deal with the headless ghost king, it is far from enough to rely on 100 players.

Everything available must be used.

At their loud cries, the ground cracked open.

Qiudieyi and Jiang Yutong came out.

This is an easter egg left by Chen Ran.

Although the encounter egg between Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong was removed.

But as long as it has something to do with the old thief's revenge mission, players can call out Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi.

However, they couldn't leave the scope of An County.

"The funeral bride and the water ghost of the sunken corpse have come out."

"Brothers, the burial bride and the corpse ghost have come out."

Seeing Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi appear, the players were extremely excited.

The revenge mission of the Old Thieves finally started.

"Quick, faster."

Annabella cried out.

She used props to firmly suppress the butcher's knife.

Once the Butcher Knife loses its suppression, it can be summoned by the Headless Ghost King.

Looking up, the outline of An County can already be seen.

Fan Dier was also very excited.

After the accelerator was pressed to the bottom, it never let go.

After getting rid of all kinds of weirdness, Fan Dier rushed directly to the New People's Hospital.

At this time, the headless ghost king also came to rest.

In the witness of countless audiences, Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong joined forces to stop the headless ghost king.

The battle is imminent.

Although the headless ghost king has lost his butcher knife and his strength has been greatly reduced, he is actually a ghost king.

But Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi are only at the level of red clothes.

After following Chen Ran for so long, although he is close to the top red clothes, his strength is still limited.

Fortunately, at this moment, Annabella ran out with an excited expression on her face.

Behind her was Zhao Yating.

After she handed over the butcher's knife to Zhao Yating, she finally invited Zhao Yating out.

"President Bella invited Sister Ghost out."

"This time, the headless ghost king is dead."


Players who watched the live broadcast were excited.

Qiudieyi appeared.

Jiang Yutong appeared.

Zhao Yating also appeared.

There are more than 60 players in the Bald Eagle Guild.

These players are all the core and top players of the Bald Eagle Guild.

If you can't get rid of the headless ghost king like this, then there is really no other way.

There was also a change in the Red Moon map at this time.

"The light from the lighthouse is suppressed by 50%."

"The strength of the Red Moon Pollution has all been reduced by half, and the breeding speed has also dropped a bit.

"President Wan is right, after the light from the lighthouse is suppressed below 50%, the main task 3 is triggered.

With the cooperation of players, the strategy process is very fast.

In less than a month, the main quest of the Burning Red Moon has been pushed to the second stage.

[Main task 3: Those who have no (bccj) way to go ashore can only become floating dust in the dark, fireflies on the red moon, and one day they will wash away all pollution]

"It's a big purge."

"President Wan guessed right."

"The third main task is to let us clean up the pollution of the Red Moon."

"If all the weirdness of the Red Moon map can be cleaned up, the ancient gods will not be able to be born.

"Even if it cannot be cleaned, the strength of the born Tongue God will be greatly damaged."

Before the main task 3 was triggered, Wan Qian guessed the follow-up task.

Many of her speculations have confirmed her identity as the Prophet Emperor.

Firefly is the player.

Moths to the flame are also players.

At this time, the most important main task process has come.

Whether the ancient god can be born and the strength of the ancient god's birth depend on the cleaning process of the players.

"Go to sea."

After the light from the lighthouse was suppressed by 50%, various nautical guilds set sail and officially entered the sea of ​​blood on the back of the red moon.

A large ship made by players fell into the sea.

The sea of ​​blood is monstrous, and there are countless strange things in the sea of ​​blood.

But for players of the nautical system, it is nothing.

Just like their slogan.

Every day is also the sea.

As long as it is the sea, it is the target of their conquest.

Conquer the sea of ​​blood first.

Conquer the sea of ​​black mist again.

"Go to sea, hahaha."

"Sailors, kill the weirdness on board, don't ruin the reputation of our sailing players.

"Haha, what a big tentacle, I've decided to use it to make soup tonight."

"Brother, the hole on this tentacle gave me a bold idea."

"If you have an idea, do it, tell me what's the use.

Lu Hai brandished a scimitar, standing on the top of the sail, looking excitedly at the end of the sea of ​​blood.

Chen Ran sneaked into Wan Qian's room.

"Are you taking a shower?"

Chen Ran imprisoned Yuying in a dead state.

The resentful infant's invisibility ability is stronger, and it is the best for sneaking.

Wan Qian was taking a bath in the bathroom of the room, while Chen Ran walked up and down the room quietly.

"A lot of books."

There are so many books in Wanqian's house that it is frightening.

There are books on the bookcase, on the sofa, on the dining table, and on the tea table.

There are books on psychology, books on human nature, and books on philosophy.

Chen Ran has read this kind of book, but it is difficult to read it, it is not as good as a novel.

But those who can read these books are very powerful.

When Chen Ran opened Wan Qian's study, her pupils shrank slightly.

On the wall hung a map of the horror world, a map of Blue Star.

horror world

Each copy of the world is marked.

A sticker is pasted on it.

The sticker says the story of the quest and the mission it triggers.

There are many stickers connected together with lines.

In addition, there are many photos of the old thief.

The time is written on the back of every old thief photo.

Each photo of the old thief corresponds to a specific location in the horror world.

"On December 2, Sister Youmilk triggered the old thief's Easter egg for the first time, and it was located in the small amusement supermarket."

"On December 3rd, a big balloon was blown to trigger the Old Thief Easter Egg, located at a hardware grocery store.

Chen Ran flipped through the time behind the photo.

Unknowingly, he appeared so many times as the old thief egg.

"These lines connect many copies.

"What is Wan Qian guessing?"

Chen Ran looked at the lines connecting the copies.

It's a bit like a super big strategy, and Chen Ran can't figure it out for a while.

Looked through the drawers of the study.

Chen Ran's pupils contracted impressively.

There are also many photos of the old thief in the drawer, all-round photos.

There are also many old thieves' figures and peripherals.

Wan Qian also had the trousers that Chen Ran gave to each player before, and they were neatly folded in the drawer.

But this is not what surprised Chen Ran the most.

What surprised Chen Ran the most was that there were invincible photos in Wanqing's drawing area.

Invincible is Chen Ran's ID, he slightly adjusted a facial features and height ratio.

"She is suspecting that Wudi and the old thief are the same person.

Chen Ran looked at the photo,

Wan Qian arranged the photos of the old thief and Wudi.

Chen Ran couldn't see the problem, and didn't know where his flaws appeared.

Open another drawer.

There are more photos in this drawer.

All are pictures of players.

These players should all have contact with Wan Qian.

But at this time, a cross is drawn on the corner of the photo.

Chacha means to exclude.

At this moment, Wan Qian was walking towards the study in her pajamas and with wet hair.

There was a noticeable pause when the door was opened.

"Old thief, are you here?"

Chen Ran was short of breath.

How could Wan Qian see herself? This is absolutely impossible.

"Every time I close the door of my study, I tie a hair under the door."

"This time, buy hair syndrome,

"The angles of some books in the living room have changed slightly."

"There should be someone at home."

"But it shouldn't be a thief."

"I put thermal imaging cameras at the door."

"Once someone enters, I will be noticed immediately."

"The room I live in is on the 17th floor, with 14 floors above and 16 floors below [I think it is impossible for thieves to spend so much effort to enter this community.

"I've thought about it for a long time to come in quietly. It's either a person, a ghost, or an old thief."

"First rule out the possibility of ghosts, because ghosts can't turn pages."

"Exclude the possibility of people.

Wan Qian closed the study door and looked at the photos on the wall.

"There was also a change in the angle and curvature of the photo.

"I usually don't open the windows in the study."

"Let's rule out wind and other factors."

"It must be you, the old thief, who came to look for me.

"Or, Invincible, it's you who came.

Chen Ran was stunned.

Is there such a pervert.

This is your own home, what are you doing with so many institutions? .

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