I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

175: I Overthrow The Old Thief With My Ability, What's Inappropriate?

Chen Ran stood in the corner of the study.

His expression was extremely tangled.

I just came to see what Wanqian was doing.

Unexpectedly, Wan~qian discovered it.

Obviously he has been very cautious.

"Do not."

"To be precise, Wan Jue thought that I would definitely come to her.

"But when to look for it, she can't be sure."

"That's why she left behind various agencies.

Chen Ran's thoughts changed quickly, and he quickly understood the reason.

In fact, this is also inevitable.

Wan Qian was originally the number one player in the horror world.

Fighting is not her strong point, wisdom is her strong point.

In the beginning, he was the most famous god-level player in the detective circle.

After playing the detective game, he changed his career to become a psychiatrist after saying that it was boring.

In just a few years, she became the most famous and youngest psychiatrist in China.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

It has to be said that this world really has incredible geniuses.

"I heard from He Xin about Li Yi's criminal case. 21

"It can be determined to be a supernatural event."

"I also investigated some other cases privately.

"It is certain that there is a ghost in Blue Star."

"Something that ordinary people can't understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Just like the unknown consciousness of the terrifying world, they are always there, but only a very small number of people can observe them.

"The World of Horrors first discovered the Mystic Puzzle, the Snake Symbol coin in 1548, which led to the founding of the Mystic Boundary Society.

"Old thief, how do you think the mysterious puzzle appeared?"

Wan Qian didn't care whether Chen Ran would come out or not, she kept talking to herself.

"Three possibilities."

"The first type is born."

"According to Jincheng Community, we can know that human obsession can resonate with mysterious puzzles, thus attracting some mysterious puzzles."

This kind, Chen Ran recognized it very much.

The tricky house number in Jincheng District was caused by the resentment of the vampire before his death.

The bloody strange rock in the General's Mansion was brought out bit by bit by the program of Xihe Ancient Town.

"The second type."

"Mysterious puzzles are brought about by those unknown consciousnesses."

"If they want to be born, they must rely on mysterious puzzles."

"If human beings want to observe unknown consciousness, they must also rely on mysterious puzzles.

This possibility is also recognized by Chen Ran.

The ancient gods were born after the apostolic church built a mysterious house.

Da Guan also relied on some kind of mysterious jigsaw ability to attempt to be born in the form of a human body.

I looked at the mysterious jigsaw puzzle with my three eyes, and I could indeed see a window, behind which was the unknown consciousness.

"The third type."

Wan Qian paused for a moment, flicking the blue ball with her palm.

"Someone brought the mystery puzzle into the world of horror."

"He may be a human being, or he may be an unknown consciousness.

"The former may be the same as the old thief, and can travel between the two worlds.

"If the weapons and props in the player's hands come to Blue Star, can they be called mysterious puzzles.

"The latter means that in the world of terror in 1548, an unknown consciousness was born."

"Its successful birth gave hope to its consciousness of killing the unknown.

"After that, the ancient gods will be born, the red moon will come, and the age of death will happen."

Chen Ran's pupils contracted impressively.

Wan Qian's third possibility is simply too crazy.

But if you think about it carefully, there is indeed such a possibility.

"Let's talk about the common ground between Blue Star and the horror world.

"Blue Star explores the mysteries of the universe."

"The universe is full of unknowns and infinite."

"Human beings can't really understand the universe throughout their lives, and they can't even understand whether the universe really exists.

"Because all common sense, physics, quantum and other knowledge known to humans can only be applied to the universe that humans understand at this stage.

"As we continue to explore, even the basics of human knowledge will collapse."

"So far, humans have not discovered alien life.

"there are many reasons."

"But now I have a different idea."

Wan Qian pointed to her eyes: "That's because we can't see.

"What the human eye can capture is limited, and what can be captured in the dark is even more limited."

"The eyes of some animals see more than humans, and they can even see heat, radiation, colorless light, etc."

"In their eyes, Blue Star is different from what we know."

"Horror World's exploration of the unknown is not the universe, but a mysterious puzzle.

"In the process of exploring the unknown, they observed the unknown consciousness.

"Observed a lot of things we didn't know."1

"The same is exploration, the same is the future.

"I don't think humanity has a future."

"Maybe one day in the future, Blue Star will become the second horror world."

"When someone in Blue Star discovers a method or prop that can observe the truth, whether it is a disaster or a surprise, I prefer the former.

"This is human civilization."

"The development of human civilization is to jump on the verge of death.

"Explore the unknown and get surprises, then you can develop rapidly and enter a new era.

"Exploring the unknown and obtaining disasters will quickly perish, waiting for the emergence of the next civilization.

"And now." Wan Qian suddenly laughed.

"Blue Star already has a solution."

"Isn't the world of horror just the way Blue Star observes the unknown?"

"At that time, history will record that on October 25, 2022, humans first observed the world of terror through virtual games."

Wan Qian's smile gave Chen Ran goosebumps.

He knew he had opened Pandora's box after the blurred border item appeared in the horror sharing system mall.

Once this magic box is opened, it can no longer be closed, it can only be controlled.

"Does the old thief think that the Pandora chapter has been opened?

"No no no."

"Everyone is a Pandora's Box."

"The difference is that the smarter people open faster."

"74 years ago, Einstein opened Pandora's box for the first time, and nuclear weapons appeared for the first time in human history."

"Three times, Blue Star almost broke out in a nuclear war."

"This is the first Pandora's box that humans have opened."

"It can't be shut down, and nobody wants to shut it down."

"With the current storage capacity of Blue Star, once it erupts, it is enough to destroy human civilization hundreds of times, which is why human development is approaching the virtual world.

"It's humans trying to control Pandora's box."

"It was the old thief who opened Pandora's box for the second time."

"For the first time, humans have observed a terrifying world. Fortunately, the old thief has been controlling it."

"Blue Star's Ghost is the third Pandora's Box for humans."

...ask for flowers...

"But the magic box has not been opened, but it does exist."

"There are too many magic boxes in this world."

"Every magic box brings heartbeats and heartaches that none of us can avoid."

"It is a miracle that any civilization can develop for a long time.

"It was destined."

Unless, human beings give up all curiosity about the unknown. "

"Millions of years ago, when our ancestors first looked up at the sky, curiosity was destined to be eternal."

"The ancestors were curious about what was in the sky, so there was a tribe."

"The tribe wondered what was on the other side of the sea, so there were wars and cities."

"Cities are curious about what the universe is, so manned rockets land on the moon and artificial satellites go up."

"I'm also curious, who are you, old thief?"

The moment Wan Qian finished speaking, a bookcase in the study suddenly fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Chen Ran looked at the fallen bookcase and shook his head helplessly.

I was so shocked that I accidentally knocked down the bookcase.

Wan Qian has already talked about this point, and there is no point in hiding it by herself.


"I'm also curious about what's going on in your head.

Chen Ran's figure emerged bit by bit.

"Old thief."

The moment Wan Qian saw Chen Ran, her eyes shone with fiery light.

"Much handsomer than I imagined."

"It seems invincible, you have lowered your appearance a lot."

Chen Ran shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Is that why you're so sure I'm here?"

Wan Qian stared at Chen Ran with piercing eyes.

"Honestly, I'm not sure."

Chen Ran staggered.

"You're not sure?"

"Then you are so serious when you talk to yourself."

Wan Qian twirled her hair: "I have to give it a try."

Chen Ran was speechless and heartbroken.

In other words, as long as she doesn't show up, Wan Qian is only suspicious.

But she was blasted out by Wan Qian abruptly.

"It seems that all my inferences are true." Wan Qian walked up to Chen Ran with a smile, and looked up at Chen Ran's helpless smile.

Chen Ran finally understood.

As long as she doesn't come out, all Wan Qian's speculations are doubts.

Only by her own appearance did Wan Qian confirm the correctness of her speculation.

"Old thief, have you watched the video I sent you before?" Wan Qian suddenly raised her head and asked.

Those were Wan Qian's first two game videos.

It was also those two game videos that made Chen Ran notice her.

After that, Chen Ran focused on Wan Qian and left a message for Wan Qian.

Cheng Ruo, once she pushes the process of the New People's Hospital to 100%, give her a chance to make an update request.

But until today, Wan Qian has never mentioned what content she wants to update the horror world.

Three hours later, Chen Ran lit a cigarette.

"Is this supposed to be our first official meeting?"

"It's like this for the first time we met, isn't it a bit inappropriate."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ran exhaled smoke rings and sighed.

Wan Qian brushed her hair.

"An old thief is the dream of many girls."

"I rely on my own ability, there is nothing inappropriate."

Chen Ran touched the tip of his nose, although what he said was fine, it always felt weird.

It seems that girls have to protect themselves when they go out.

Boys have to protect themselves for a long time when they go out. .

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