I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

189: The Key To The New World: Blurred Boundaries [Fourth Update]

"Not so far."

After Chen Ran got off the assembly line, he touched his chest.

After this resurrection, it caused a large-scale mood swing around the world.

He could feel a powerful energy gathering in his heart.

This should be a sign that the Eye of Faith is about to bloom.

But it is still a little bit worse, and it has not fully bloomed.

"There are still two days left before the New Year."

"When the time comes to show up, you should be able to gain a lot of faith."

"Even if the standard is not met, there is still a fourth press conference.

The Eye of Faith Chen Ran is bound to win.

He obtained the eye in the skull by relying on the mask of the ghost king.

Relying on He Xin to get the eye of cancer cells.

Relying on all players is breeding the Eye of Faith.

After the strength reaches a certain limit, Chen Ran can also get an eye.

The eye that breeds strength, Chen Ran called it the eye of transcendence.

"When the red moon is burning, if the one who walks out is the extremely evil ancient god.

"Just find a way to kill it and take its eyes by force."

This is the fastest way for Chen Ran to get five eyes.

There are still two eyes short of seven eyes.

But the closer to the fierce level, the more Chen Ran could feel the upper limit of the lock.

There is a hidden force that prevents the living from becoming evil.

The ancient god was full of lies.

But it has a saying that might be true.

A living person can never become a murderer.

Mei Gao used the living to attack the level of evil, and finally became a heterogeneous person who is neither human nor ghost.

"Let's take one step at a time."

Chen Ran shook off the uneasiness in his mind.

We have already embarked on this path, and there is no turning back.

Whether the end of the road is blocked or cut off, you can tell at a glance in the past.

"The system shares the progress of all players at this stage.

"The system, due to the current progress of the Grass Red Moon map.

"System, share all titles newly triggered by players."

"System, receive all dungeon clearance rewards.

Chen Ran rubbed his hands.

I have been saving for so long, just to hold back a big wave.

[Shenqi Academic Institution (4 Stars)]: 100%

【Empty Wine Glass (Hidden 4 Stars)】: 54%

[Dark Forest (2 Stars)]: 100%

【Yuanguang County (4 stars)】: 100%

【Black Gorge Mountain (Samsung)】: 100%

【Shangyuan District, Baolin City (3 stars)】:87%】


Chen Ran excitedly rubbed his palms 130 times.

Since the launch of The Old Thief, players have progressed so fast.

In more than a month, so many copies of Zhenglue.

If there is no plot to kill the old thief, it will take at least half a year to clear so many dungeons.

"Although Zhao Kun's method is vulgar, it is indeed very useful.

"This is what players eat."

Chen Ran rubbed his chin and let out a strange smile.

[Total: 4544% for one-star dungeons, 1789% for two-star dungeons, 874% for three-star dungeons, 321% for four-star dungeons]

[Obtain: 14186 exploration value]

[Obtained: 344,310 experience points]

[The number of one-star main missions completed is 198]

[Obtain: discount card X1, refresh card X92, bus X11, taxi X7, green designated card X17...]

[Number of two-star main missions completed: 57]

[Obtain: Discount Card X1, Refresh Card X21, Blue Designated Card X13, National Advanced BUFF Pack X1...]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching level 33]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching level 34]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching level 35]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching level 36]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching level 40]

The huge amount of experience directly raised Chen Ran from level 32 to level 40.

The exclusive rewards of various mainline tasks are crackling.

Even got three discount cards.

A golden commodity refresh card has been harvested.

A purple commodity refresh card has been harvested.

Two purple designated product cards have been harvested.

There are even more other messy exclusive rewards.

But this is the richest reward Chen Ran has ever given.

The sound of the system is not over yet.

[One-star dungeon 100% customs clearance quantity 127]

[Obtain: 12700 exploration value]

[2-star dungeon 100% customs clearance quantity 35]

[Obtain: 7000 exploration value]

【Number of 100% customs clearance of Samsung copy 9】

[Obtain: 3600 exploration value]

[Quantity of 100% clearance of four-star dungeon 2]

[Obtain: 1600 exploration value]

Another big wave (bcfc) of exploration value arrived.

The exploration value given to Chen Ran by progress conversion and customs clearance rewards has reached 39286, and will soon exceed 40,000.

[Unlimited copies (Red Moon Map): 24.6%]

[New progress 21.4%]

[Acquired: 21400 exploration value]

Including the exploration value of the Red Moon map, Chen Ran's total exploration value exceeded 60,000.

Plus the hundreds of exploration points accumulated before.

At this time, the exploration value in Chen Ran's hand reached 60945.

This is a huge sum of money that Chen Ran had never imagined before.

The system prompt sound has not ended yet.

Next is the sharing of new titles.

Sharing the title is one of the important ways for Chen Ran to gain strength.

[Title obtained: Blood Sea Baba]

[Title Obtained: Wavebreaker]

【Title Obtained: Lucky One】

【Awarded Title: The Man Who Went Broke】

[Title: Wealthy country]

A lot of titles have greatly improved Chen Ran's strength.

The most precious titles made Chen Ran laugh from ear to ear.

The title of the lucky one, lucky value +1.

Wealthy country title, charm value +1.

Title of Wavebreaker, Spirit Threshold +1.

These attributes may all be special attributes.

If you buy it in the store, you need 1000 exploration points for each point, and you have to look at the face.

"System, open my personal attribute page."

【Name: Chen Ran】

【Level: Level 40 (20120/100300)】

[Status: Mental Threshold 111/115]

[Attributes: strength 921; agility 920; constitution 933; endurance 918;]

[Special attributes: luck value 2; charisma value 1;]

All the regular attributes have been increased by more than 200, officially breaking through 900.

The system beep finally ended.

It rang for half an hour.

Now is the time to start splurging.

[System, buy advanced map packs and intermediate map packs, then refresh the mall]

【Refresh successfully】

[Large hidden copy]: Purple is rare. Open team battle hidden map, the maximum number of people is 1000. Exchange price: 2000 exploration value.

[National Rare BUFF Package]: Purple is rare. Open the rare BUFF for all people. Exchange price: 2000 exploration value.

[Intermediate map package]: Green and exquisite. Map +3 km. Exchange price: 100 exploration value.

[Advanced attribute spree]: Green and delicate. Increase the four-dimensional by 20 points. Exchange price: 200 exploration value.

[Pet function]: Purple is rare. Open the pet function. Exchange price: 1000 exploration value.

[Rare Weapon Gift Box]: Purple is rare. 100% random purple rare weapon. Exchange price: 2000 exploration value.

[Refresh: 10 exploration value]

[Next refresh: 3 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes, 3 seconds]

Chen Ran's eyes lit up.

The pet function is brushed out.

This feature has been on my mind for a long time.

"System, buy pet function."

"Buy mid-level map packs and high-level attribute gift packs."

These three items are must-buys.

"Large hidden copy." Chen Ran touched his chin.

"Don't worry.

"System, use the purple designated card to select the all-electric rare BUFE package."

Chen Ran has two designated purple cards, and the price/performance ratio is still very good.


"Purchase all map expansion packs."

"Continue to refresh."

[Two-turn function]: Purple is rare. Open career two turns. Exchange price: 5000 exploration value.

"It's okay, it's okay, I still have a purple designation card.

"System, use the purple designation card to designate the two-turn function."

After taking the two-turn function into his pocket, Chen Ran continued to refresh the store.

He has so many refresh cards that he can't run out of them.


[Legendary equipment gift pack]: Golden legend. Get 100% golden legendary equipment. Exchange price: 10,000 exploration value.

"It's golden equipment."

Chen Ran touched his chin.

10,000 exploration points are relatively expensive for me.

But golden legendary equipment is really something that can be met but not sought after.

For so long, Chen Ran has gotten two.

One is a shrine, which was given to Bai Bing.

The other is white chop.

"System, exchange for the legendary equipment package."

Chen Ran gritted his teeth and didn't use the discount card.

Discount cards are extremely precious things.

The cheap factory claim value is not of great help to Chen Ran.

The real deal is the orange epic and red mythic items.

Once these things are discounted, they can be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands cheaper.

"Continue to refresh and buy all map packs."

"Life occupation function." Chen Ran thought for a while.

I really don't seem to be open to life and career.

What was previously open was the combat profession.

The living occupations in the horror world are all created by players in the event prize pool and the Red Moon Store.

"Purchase the Life Career feature.

"Continue to refresh."

[Ghost King Card]: Golden Legend. After using it, you will get ghost king-level ghosts, and the favorability is automatically 100%. Exchange price: 20,000 exploration value.

"It's a ghost card."

"Damn it, it actually costs 20,000."

At this price, Chen Ran's meat is hurting.

But the level of the ghost card is unique.

After buying this ghost king card, the next ghost card will be more powerful.

"Lock it first, no rush."

Chen Ran locked the Ghost King card.

The secrets of Jiang Yutong, Qiu Dieyi, and Nan Xiaoqiao haven't been fully understood yet.

"Continue to refresh."

[Gate of the Abyss]: Orange Epic. Go through the gate of the abyss and return to the sky and the abyss. Exchange price: 100,000 exploration value.

"This thing." Chen Ran swallowed.

The abyss is a place that even the ancient gods fear.

Just entering the door of the abyss has reached the orange epic level, and the price is 100,000 exploration value.

One can imagine how terrifying the abyss is.

"Not this one."

"Continue to refresh."

Chen Ran is also self-aware.

The current him is not yet ready to touch the abyss.

"System, refresh the card with golden goods.

Chen Ran used the golden commodity refresh card.

He has refreshed many times.

even lucky

With the blessing of luck value 2, the probability of golden goods appearing is not very high.

[Broken stars bloom, the stars return to their place]: Golden legend. Hidden version, unlock the starry sky. Exchange price: 20,000 exploration value.

"Broken stars bloom, and the stars return to their place." Chen Ran swallowed.

He actually flashed a hidden version.

The current horror world belongs to the Red Moon Age version.

The moment the red moon burned, the ancient god was born.

Killing the ancient god will enter the next version, the next era.

Greeting the ancient gods will also enter the next version, the next era.

According to Wan Qian's speculation, if the ancient god is killed, the next new chapter may return to the era of death and silence.

If we welcome the ancient gods, the next new chapter may be the age of flood in the sea of ​​black mist.

But at this time, there is a third hidden new version, broken stars bloom, and the stars return to their positions.

"Lock it first." Chen Ran looked at his exploration value.

He doesn't spend a lot of exploration value, that's because he has a goal that must be purchased.



After a dozen refreshes, Chen finally found his true goal.

[Boundary Blur]: Orange Epic. The boundary between the two worlds is blurred and information can be synchronized. Exchange price: 100,000 exploration value.

"That's it."

Chen Ran's eyes were frighteningly bright.

It is a key.

A key to open a new world.

A key to start the ship.

"There are 41435 exploration points left."

"System, use a discount card."

There is no significant consumption of exploration value, just to buy it.

40% off, 50% off, even 40% off Chen Ran can accept.

[Successful discount: 40% off]

Hearing the four fold, Chen Ran grinned from ear to ear.

[Boundary Blur]: Orange Epic. The boundary between the two worlds is blurred and information can be synchronized. Exchange price: 40,000 exploration value (40% off).

"System, purchase boundaries are blurred."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ran bought the boundary blur.

This key, at this very moment, was finally held by Chen Ran. .

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