Chen Ran looked at the blurred border in front of him.

It's like a hula hoop.

A pretty standard circle.

The whole body is like jade, without a single blemish.

It's like God's most perfect artwork.

"Through blurred boundaries, players' information can be shared."

Chen Ran studied for a while, and had a more comprehensive understanding of boundary blur.

It's kind of like a black hole.

Entering from a black hole and exiting from a white hole, the illusion and reality will be unified.

Its controls are also simple.

Transmogrify it in front of the player's eyes - that's enough.

"Try it."

The moment Chen Ran's palm touched the blurred boundary, the blurred boundary emitted intense heat.

The palm and the back of the hand hurt at the same time, and the blurred boundary disappeared.

It is eternally engraved in Chen Ran's body.

Hands up.

Chen Ran could clearly see a marked round hole in the palm of his right hand.

It penetrates the entire palm.

"It felt like I was becoming more and more of a monster.

"A hole appeared in the palm of the hand."

"An extra eye in the brain."

"The heart is also brewing eyes."

"Is this the price of going fierce?"

Chen Ran touched his cheek.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Ran felt a little strange already.

After owning the horror sharing system, Chen Ran himself has changed the most.

That kind of silent change is the most terrifying.

Blue Star has a very famous paradox.

This paradox is called: The Ship of Theseus.

The Ship of Theseus says that a big ship replaces one of its parts every day, and when all the parts are replaced, is it still the same ship?

If not, since when was it not.

If the original parts of the ship are put together, is the new ship the original ship?

There are many explanations for this question.

The most convincing explanation is that every replacement part is a real change.

When the quantitative change reaches a certain level, it will cause a qualitative change, and the thing is no longer the original thing.

Chen Ran's changes today are like this.

In order to get close to the fierce, he had to change a little bit.

When the quantitative change reaches a certain level and produces a qualitative change, he will become a fierce.

"Try it."

Chen Ran raised his palm, and Chen Ran saw Wan Qing in the hole in his palm.

At the same time, Wan Qian seemed to be touched.

She looked up at the sky.

A line of sight was looking down at her.

That line of sight comes from the sky, like a god looking down on all living beings.

"Old thief, you really got the key."

"A key to a new world."

As Wan Qian muttered to herself, the space in front of her began to distort.

Under the space distortion, a standard round hole was formed.

This round hole is like a black hole in the universe, full of unknowns and miracles.

"Sailors, it's time to board."

Wan Qian pulled back her hair and walked into the black hole without hesitation.

When she walked out of the black hole, everything changed, but Riki seemed to have not changed.

He Xin squatted at the bottom of the bridge looking at the fish in the water.

When I was fascinated by it, a distorted mini black hole appeared behind it.

look up.

Like Wan Qian, he could feel the gaze from the sky.

"The captain has the key."

"It's time for the sailors to come aboard."

With a smile on his face, He Xin walked into the black hole.

When he came out, he raised his palm.

"This kind of power that breaks the balance is indeed easy to get lost."


His figure was three points unreal.

"Speed ​​blessing."

After a few jumps, He Xin disappeared under the bridge.

"That's it for now."

Chen Ran put his palm down.

Boundary blurring also needs to be controlled.

At this time, those who can share the strength of the players are the sailors who have already boarded the ship.

The rest of the players are not qualified yet.

"The next thing is, it's time to open the gift bag."

Chen Ran twisted his neck.

The first thing he opened was the golden legendary weapon package.

[Open the golden legendary weapon package successfully]

[Obtain: Black Knife - Gluttony]

[Name: Black Knife - Gluttony]

[Type: Weapon]

[Level: Golden Legend]

[Attributes: True Damage, Ignore Defense, Resistance to Tear

[Characteristics: Double constitution, blood-sucking treatment]

[Included Skill: Curse of Blood]

"Fuck, it's indeed a golden legendary weapon.

Chen Ran looked at the 1.45 meter black machete in his hand.

True damage, ignore defense, and absolute tear are the basic attributes of every golden legendary equipment.

Its power lies in its characteristics and built-in skills.

The characteristics of Bai Zhan are the crescent moon mark and ignore distance, which is extremely powerful.

The characteristics of the black knife are double constitution, blood-sucking treatment.

This knife can improve Chen Ran's physique by 100%, and it also has a super healing effect during battle.

This is definitely an immortal knife.

It has its own skill, Curse of Blood, although Chen Ran has never used it.

But he has seen Bai Zhan's crescent moon soaring to the sky.

This kind of golden legendary level weapon has its own skills that are all golden legendary level.

The blood curse will definitely not disappoint Chen Ran.

"That's right, 10,000 exploration points are definitely not a loss.

After Chen Ran put the black knife into his backpack, he opened the All People's BUFF bag.

Two universal BUFF packages.

The first one is the advanced universal BUFF package.

Fatal Strike: Increase damage by 5%.

The second is the rare universal BUFF package.

Rock Solid: Restores 20% of the mental threshold.

"Recover 20% of the mental threshold."

"This BUFF is quite good!"

"As expected of a rare universal buff."

The BUFF of recovering the spirit threshold is very important to the player and to Chen Ran.

"Life occupation function, pet function, advanced online function, advanced recharge function, etc. will be announced at the 1.5 version conference.

"A lot of map packs have been prepared recently."

Chen Ran calculated the map package he prepared for version 1.5.

There are 2 rare map packs, 7 high-level map packs, 13 mid-level map packs, and 24 low-level map packs.

This is converted to a map diameter of 313 meters.

"Before version 1.5, try to expand the map diameter to more than 500 kilometers."

Chen Ran touched his chin and smiled.

"The second turn function, there is no way to open it for the time being.

Chen Ran looked at the second turn function.

No player can meet the requirements of the second turn.

It has only three requirements.

Complete a turn.

Level up to level 30 or above.

Pass two dungeons with more than two stars.

Chen Ran met all these three requirements.

Its difficulty lies in the level.

Chen Ran has reached level 40 so far.

But Bai Huakui, who is number one on the player ranking list, has just reached level 15 at this time.

There is still a long way to go before level 30.

It is estimated that the second rank will be popularized at least two months later.

"System, I want to turn two."

Chen Ran directly received the second job.

All of his requirements were met.

【Complete a turn】(Complete)

[Level 30 and above] (Completed)

[Pass through two two-star dungeons] (Completed)

...ask for flowers...

【Second turn successfully】

[Growth value is permanently increased by 20%]

[The upper limit of the spiritual threshold is increased by 20 points]

[Professional talent enhancement]

[Professional Skill Crash State, Heterogeneous State Enhancement]

[One-turn skill ghosting is heavily enhanced]

[Open second turn skill: Restart yourself]

After the second turn, Chen Ran's strength skyrocketed again.

His basic attributes officially exceeded one thousand.

After the basic attribute broke through 1000, Chen Ran's back felt itchy.

Like something is brewing.

"The Eye of Limits has already begun to brew."

"But the current attributes are not yet able to fully hatch the Eye of Limits.

Chen Ran rubbed his back.

After all the basic attributes have exceeded 1000, the eyes of the limit will start to breed.

The subsequent attribute upgrades are all for the hatching of the ultimate eye.

After the crash state was strengthened again, the number of ghosts held by Chen Ran changed from 4 to 4.

After the one-turn skill Ghost Shadow has been strengthened, the number of ghost shadows summoned has changed from 2 to 3.

The most important thing is that Chen Ran has unlocked the second job skill.

This is a very powerful skill.

In some respects, it is stronger than the resurrection of the younger martial sister's professional talent.

【Restart Yourself】: Reset the time, restart yourself, and restore the peak state. Cooling time: 24 hours.

It can be used once a day.

After use, you can reset your own time and return to the peak state.

In addition to restarting one's own second-rank professional skills, the rest of the skills, talents, and even props and equipment are all refreshed.

"Excellent." Chen Ran clenched his fists.

"System, open my personal page.

【Name: Chen Ran】

【Level: Level 40 (20120/100300)】

[Status: Mental Threshold 111/135]

[Attributes: strength 1105; agility 1104; constitution 1119; endurance 1101;]

[Special attributes: luck value 2; charisma value 1;]

"After Wanqian comes back, we can discuss the next version."

The Burning Red Moon event has been going on for more than a month.

In just over a month, this event will be over.

The ancient gods will definitely be born.

If the person who was born was an extremely evil ancient god, there would be a fierce battle.

This fierce battle may be very desperate.

Because, if you don't become a murderer, you will never know how terrible it is.

The extremely evil ancient god crawled out of the sea of ​​black mist again, composed of purely negative emotions.

There is no possibility of any communication, only hard fighting.

This is also the reason why Mei Gao was scared away.

He didn't want to face the extremely evil ancient god.

Killing the ancient gods and not killing the ancient gods, facing the two new versions.

These two new versions Chen Ran and Wan Qian discussed.

They are more inclined to kill the ancient gods and return to the dead and silent era.

If the ancient god who was born was Bai Bing.

Hard battles can be avoided, but they are destined to enter the new version to meet the ancient gods.

This new version, Chen Ran and Wan Qian called it the Flood Age.

The flood of the sea of ​​black mist will drown everything.

The Age of Flood is a more desperate age than the Age of Dead Silence and the Age of Red Moon.

But now, because of the mall, a third hidden version appeared.

This version is called Fragmented Stars Bloom, Stars Return to Place.

Let's call this version the Age of Stars.

What exactly is the Age of Stars is not clear before Chen Ran redeemed it.

"Now it's time to see if Yutong is the remains of Daguan."

Chen Ran looked back at Jiang Yutong.

Jiang Yutong is from Hongye City, her identity is unknown, her cause of death is bizarre and full of mysteries.

If she is really the remains of Daguan, then this matter will be more troublesome six. .

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