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191: Jiang Yutong's Secret: The Remains Of Daguan

The martyrs are dead.

The body was buried in the dark jungle of An County.

As long as its body is not returned to the Shenqi academic institution, Daguan will not be able to get the umbilical cord.

However, due to the great consciousness of being imprisoned by the martyrs, he can already leave the empty wine glass.

The hall of the Divinely Inspired Academic Institution turned into a calm lake.

Grand view consciousness can move on the lake.

Its range of movement is limited and it cannot leave the lake.

The empty wine glass has disappeared.

Most of it was sunk to the bottom of the water by Daguan.

After seeing Chen Ran appearing, Yin Guan walked to Chen Ran slowly.

"You are getting closer and closer to us."

The last time I saw Daguan, Chen Ran only opened the eye in the skull.

But this time, apart from the eyes in the cranium, the eyes of plague, the eyes of limit, and the eyes of faith are all growing.

"I heard from the ancient gods that living people can never become evil?" Chen Ran asked.

Compared with the ancient gods, Daguan is easier to communicate with.

"It's right."

"But it's not right either."

"It's just hard hard."

"Help me be born, and I can help you become a district.

"Although it is still difficult, it is much better than groping alone."

Chen Ran touched his head and asked.

"I want to ask, what is the agent you are talking about?"

"The carrier that can carry part of our strength is the agent."

"The "seven-seven-seven" body that carries part of the power." When Chen Ran wanted to continue asking, Da Guan stopped talking.

Chen Ran believes that the Internet still conceals the identity of the agent.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky in this world.

Agents who carry part of the power of unknown consciousness will definitely pay some price.

"I'm here this time to let you see a friend.

"To be precise, it may be your remains."

Chen Ran snapped his fingers.

A formation appeared on the ground, and Quan Yutong's figure gradually became real.

Huge waves appeared on the calm lake.

"Ran big brother, it's so familiar." Jiang Yutong hid behind Chen Ran.

As he said that, Quan Yutong's cheeks began to blur.

It gradually bloomed in the blur, and turned into a cheek like Daguan.

"It really is your remains."

Chen Ran looked at Jiang Yutong whose cheeks were blooming.

Jiang Yutong discovered the biggest secret by herself.

She turned out to be the remains of Dae-kwon.

Her parents are from a divinely inspired academic institution.

Her parents participated in the detention of Daguan.

After imprisoning Daguan, her parents brought the remains into Hongye City.

Because, Hongye City is destined to be closed by the Hongyue Research Institute to ask the day before the birth of the ancient god.

Unexpectedly, no one knows which will come first, accident or tomorrow.

After entering Hongye City, her parents died unexpectedly because of Liu Gui's greed.

Jiang Yutong also died at that time.

But she is the remains of Daguan, Ben is a corpse.

Corpses cannot die.

Therefore, he was resurrected during the process of throwing the corpse of Liu Gui.

Afterwards, they remained at the bottom of Hongshi Lake until they were drawn out by Chen Ran with a ghost card.

But after so many years of brewing, the remains have developed their own will.

This will belongs to Jiang Yutong herself.

"I can feel that you are very concerned about the newly born consciousness of the remains."

"A self-awareness called Jiang Yutong.

"This consciousness is part of my consciousness."

"According to your human knowledge, this residual consciousness forms a brand new personality."

"I am the main personality, and Jiang Yutong is the secondary personality."

"I will not devour her and cause her to disappear."

"Because, she is the real perfect agent."

"Your name is Chen Ran, right?"

"Help me find my new mother body, my new remains.

"Jiang Yutong will be my perfect agent."

"As a reward, if you don't die, she will always be by your side."

Da Guan pointed to Jiang Yutong's forehead.

The originally solid body began to blur and blur.

Soon, it blurred to the point where it seemed to dissipate in the next second.

At this time, the surface of the lake covering the Divinely Inspired Academic Institution also began to shrink.

An empty wine glass hidden under the bottom of the lake appears.

On the contrary, Jiang Yutong.

Her aura rises from red clothes to top red clothes, from top red clothes to ghost king, from ghost king to top ghost king, from top ghost ugly to extreme ghost king.

This increase in strength stunned Chen Ran.

Daguan has not yet been born.

And this is only part of the power of Daguan Consciousness.

With just such a little bit of strength, Jiang Yutong was promoted to the ultimate ghost king.

Then when Daguan is officially born, Jiang Yutong's strength will become even stronger.

It will even enter semi-fierce or even real fierce.

Both Daguan and Ancient God are fierce levels.

But at which level of fierceness they are, Chen Ran is not clear.

"Truly a perfect surrogate."

"Chen Ran, I can feel the umbilical cord is in An County."

"Find the umbilical cord, find my new mother."

"The stronger the strength of the mother body, the stronger the strength of my birth, and the stronger the strength of the circle.

"I can feel Jiang Yutong's feelings for you."

"We are friends, not enemies."

"Help me, you are helping yourself.

Daguan's voice became more ethereal.

As the lake receded, Daguan returned to the empty wine glass.

The empty wine glass fell to the ground and did not move.

"Yutong became Daguan's agent?"

Chen Ran picked up the empty wine glass.

Now the grand view of the empty wine glass can no longer drag Chen Ran into it.

After filling the empty wine glass, Chen Ran stroked Jiang Yutong's head.

"Did you feel any discomfort?"

Jiang Yutong shook his head.

"Ran big brother, is sister dead?"

"I can't feel her anymore."

It is actually very reasonable for Jiang Yutong to call Sister Daguan.

After all, they are one.

One is the main personality and the other is the sub-personality.

But now, the main personality and the secondary personality are completely separated, forming two separate individuals.

"It's either dead or alive."

Chen Ran spoke.

"Did she leave you with any words other than strength?"

Jiang Yutong tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said: "My sister said that ghosts can become evil."

"I have the possibility of becoming a murderer."

"My sister said, if I become a murderer, I can help Brother Ran Gao.

"Although I don't know what evil is."

"But as long as I can help Shang Ran's big brother, I'm willing to do anything." Jiang Yutong hugged Chen Ran's arm.

As she became Daguan's agent, Tian Hua's face returned to its original appearance.

"Team one, team two, team three, prepare to defend."

"Quick, the Earth Yin ghost has entered the second stage."

There are a lot of players in the rotting swamp.

Crowds of players surrounded a fetid mud forming an eerie.

It is the boss of the Rotten Swamp, and its strength is extremely terrifying.

This boss battle has lasted for seven or eight hours.

The earth yin ghost enters the second stage.

The mud all over his body began to solidify.

Human faces distorted like whirlpools appeared on the body of the earth yin ghost.

With the faces screaming, the mental threshold of tens of thousands of players dropped directly below 50, and they were judged to be in a state of frightened death.

"The closer you get to the sea of ​​blood, the more terrifying the boss's strength will be."

"This is still an earth ghost that suppresses 50% of its strength."

Bai Huakui led the 30 million guilds in the harem to prepare to retreat.

The earth ghosts in the second stage are not something players can fight against at this stage...

This BOSS battle can only end in failure.

Just when the player was about to retreat, there was a terrifying bear cry in the distance.

Then a huge blood bear appeared in everyone's eyes.

The blood bear let out an angry roar, and directly turned inward to the ghost.

With its bloody mouth wide open, it crushed the hard shell of the Earth Yin Ghost in one bite.

A female ghost in pajamas walked slowly.

Every step she took left a shocking blood footprint.

Each blood footprint will gradually change into various strange patterns.

There are babies, there are monster birds, and there are tentacles.

When the pattern was complete, all these weirdnesses crawled out.

In just a few tens of seconds, a lot of strange things appeared in the Rotten Swamp.

"That is.."

"Could it be the latest easter egg added by the old thief, ghost."


"Nightmare can concretize the illusion in the dream, and the blood bear is the nightmare that the nightmare is concretized, and those strange things are also nightmares."

"We have triggered the dream ghost encounter egg."

With the appearance of Nan Xiaoqiao, the players who were planning to retreat just now became more confident and began to fight again.

Boss battles are also breaking out in the underground prison.

At a critical juncture, red lines came through the air, forming a large net that enveloped thousands of people.

"It's Qiudie's clothes for the funeral bride."

"We triggered the easter egg of encountering the funeral bride."

As World of Horror enters version 1.42, Easter eggs have already been triggered by players.

The locations where easter eggs are triggered are no longer limited to the horror world.

Easter eggs can also be triggered on the Red Moon map.

It's a pity that no one can trigger the easter egg of encountering an old thief yet.

Encountering an old thief by chance is the strongest easter egg.

"Haven't you come back yet?"

After Wan Qian went offline, she looked at Chen Ran who was lying in the nutrition warehouse.

In fact, according to Chen Ran's current physical condition, it doesn't matter whether he has a nutrition store or not.

But this is a human habit.

It's not that I don't want to change, but I don't want to change.

At the very least, Chen Ran now considers himself human.

"There are only two days left before Chinese New Year."

"The manor is also celebrating the New Year."

Wan Qian looked at Chen Ran and smiled.

Outside the lanterns were hung high, couplets were pasted in every household, and firecrackers were set off, making it very lively.

But the manor is relatively deserted and seems out of place with the lively world outside. 1.9

After ordering some New Year's goods with her mobile phone, Wan Qian took Nan Xiaoqiao and started tidying up the manor.

She can't command Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi.

Because Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi are real ghosts, with incomplete memory during their lifetime, and only Chen Ran in their eyes after death.

Although Nan Xiaoqiao is a ghost, she has a complete memory of her life, which makes her a different kind of ghost.

Gu Quan has also started to go online recently, because the strength obtained online is synchronized with the actual strength.

And he found that with the improvement of strength, the brain maze will be complete.

"I have found you."

The little boy I had met before ran up to He Xin out of breath.

The weather in early January is very cold.

His face and hands were flushed with cold, but the surprise in his eyes lingered for a long time.

"I figured it out."

"It's gathering."

"They were cheering because of one person."

"Their eyes converge on one person."

"They are the drops of the sea."

"And that person is the only big ship sailing in the sea."

"They are not NPCs, but they are not players either, they are..." the little boy gasped.

"They're ... data deluge.

"Someone's sailing away, isn't he?"

He Xin looked at the little boy and laughed: "What's your name?"

The little boy said, "My name is... Luo Ji."

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