10% of the shares of Slow Hand!

Zhang Chao smiled.

This time he wanted to see how the Lion King could play with him.

""Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Noticing Zhang Chao's expression, Dai Xiaomei felt a little strange.

Zhang Chao smiled and said,"Nothing, let's go to your fans."

In any case, Dai Xiaomei delayed the fan meeting for him. Even if he didn't like noisy occasions, he had to give some face to the fans.

Several people walked towards the airport exit.

As for the Lion King?

After posting that video, he announced on Weibo that he would broadcast live at 8 o'clock in the evening. He would not leave the front line even if he was slightly injured, and he would expose a certain unscrupulous person.


Zhang Chao naturally didn't bother to pay attention to such a villain.

He came to Dai Xiaomei's fan meeting and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Chao Huang, are you okay?"

"Chao Huang, I am Xiao Xiaoniao, haha, it feels so good!"

""Chao Huang, give me a hug!"

A group of fans came over and greeted Zhang Chao.

Of course, they all said their names first.

Otherwise, it would be awkward if they didn't know each other.

Zhang Chao's attitude was very good, and he greeted these people one by one.

Because they were at the airport, they didn't talk too much, and directly chartered two buses to go to the hotel they had booked.

These fans came at their own expense.

They are all Dai Xiaomei's most core fans.

""Chao Huang, you are so awesome!"

Sitting next to Zhang Chao was Xiao Xiaoniao.

Bai Cha sat with Dai Xiaomei.

"It was just impulsive."

Zhang Chao said with a smile

"By the way, have you booked a place to eat tomorrow night?"

Remembering something, Zhang Chao asked Dai Xiaomei

""I have booked a room at a well-known hotel in Hanwu."

Dai Xiaomei replied.

This opportunity to meet fans was hard-won, and she personally paid for all the accommodation and hotel expenses.

To put it bluntly, it was a way to give back to the core fans.

"Look, choose a better restaurant, I will treat you, just as an apology for delaying everyone today."

Zhang Chao said with a smile.

In any case, because of him today, these fans of Dai Xiaomei have been waiting here for nearly two hours.

He felt very sorry.

Moreover, Zhang Chao also learned that these fans, after seeing the video of him beating people on the Internet, their first reaction was to support him, believing that he was not the kind of person who would hit people casually.

This is a rare trust.

"Is that appropriate?"

Dai Xiaomei was a little hesitant.

She was not short of money, and a meal for two hundred fans would not cost hundreds of thousands.

But the key was to let Zhang Chao pay, and she was a little reluctant.

Zhang Chao smiled and said,"It's okay, it's settled."

After that, he looked at Xiao Xioniao and said,"You guys tell each other, I'll treat you tomorrow night, and Dai Xiaomei will treat you the night after tomorrow."


Xiao Xiaoniao nodded with a happy smile.

Those who can come to this kind of party are not short of money.

After all, they are the most core fans, and they have spent at least more than 10,000 yuan on gifts.

Soon, the news spread among the fan group, and everyone cheered.

What they lacked was not the meal, but Zhang Chao's respect.

Everyone knows that this is the No. 1 rich man among sharks, a legitimate billionaire. It is such a great honor for him to treat them to a meal!


"Oh, right, Chao Huang, that Lion King said on Weibo that he will expose you live at 8 o'clock tonight!"

Bai Cha was browsing Weibo and saw a message, and said to Zhang Chao


Zhang Chao laughed.

"Oh no, what should I do?"

"I heard that Slow Hands' fans are crazy"

"It’s okay, if they dare to make trouble, we will fight them!"

"Yes, they are not allowed to discredit Chao Huang!"

"Shameless liars, deal with them!"

Dai Xiaomei's fans were excited and planned to go to war with the other side.

Zhang Chao smiled and waved his hands, saying to them:"I appreciate everyone's kindness, but this matter is not as troublesome as you think."

After that, he smiled and said:"Let him start the live broadcast first."


Everyone was stunned.

People have already announced the live broadcast time on Weibo, what's wrong.

It's almost six o'clock, and there are two hours left. Once the Lion King is live on Slow Hand, his fans who claim to have hundreds of millions of fans really rush up, what should he do then?

Zhang Chao doesn't have Weibo, Dai Xiaomei will definitely be implicated.

Xiao Xiaoniao looked at Zhang Chao, who was confident, with some suspicion.

For some reason, he always felt that Zhang Chao seemed to be full of confidence.

What was going on?


When they arrived at the hotel, it was almost seven o'clock.

There was nothing they could do.

The airport was far from the city, and it was the same in every city.

"Let's take a rest first, and we'll talk later."

It was getting late, and everyone needed a rest after a tiring day.

Liu Zhu arranged for the fans to rest.

Xiao Yuan also went to help.

Zhang Chao and Dai Xiaomei were in the same room, so they were also going to go upstairs.

Bai Cha and Xiao Xiaoniao walked at the end, and Xiao Xiaoniao whispered,"Sister Cha, do you think we should think of a solution?"

"What do you want to do?"

Bai Cha was a little puzzled.

"Slow down, if there is a commotion over there, Chao Huang will be in trouble."

Little Bird said:"I think we might as well organize some people and rush to the Lion King's live broadcast room when he starts broadcasting!"

"That's fine."

Bai Cha nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll take a look first."

The little bird said, and then he downloaded the Slow Hand live broadcast software, ready to open the Lion King's live broadcast room to see what was going on.

But when he finished downloading and opened the Slow Hand live broadcast, he was stunned.


"What's wrong?"

Seeing that the little bird didn't make a sound, Bai Cha asked curiously


Xiao Xiaoniao held the phone and said in surprise:"Sister Cha, look, Slow Hand has issued an announcement!""


Bai Cha took the phone and took a look, and was immediately dumbfounded.

【In view of the fact that the anchor Lion King under Kuaishou openly slandered the company's shareholder Mr. Zhang Chao and made outrageous remarks about the well-known scientist Professor Li Donghai, showing disrespect for scientific research talents, Kuaishou decided to ban the anchor Lion King for one year.……】

Slowly raising his head, Bai Cha and Xiao Xiao Niao looked at each other.

Suddenly, I didn't know what to say!

The Lion King still wants to expose Chao Huang live?

Haha, he is so brave! He actually exposed his own boss!

PS: Thanks to 18 big guys for the reward, today's extra chapter is 8/26, big guys, please let me go! Let me take my time, starting with ten chapters a day, it's too tiring!

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