The meal lasted nearly four hours.

After dinner, everyone went to the bar upstairs.

It was not until midnight that

Zhang Chao carried the drunk Dai Xiaomei back to the presidential suite.


Dai Xiaomei, as expected, was drunk.

Although she kept repeating Zhang Chao's name and calling her husband, Zhang Chao still couldn't stop her from getting drunk.

But it was okay.

This girl was so drunk, but she still remembered to hug him and confirm that he was her husband.

I have to say that this made Zhang Chao very satisfied.

Men are sometimes more cunning than women. Some details that women don't pay attention to, men are extremely concerned about.

Let the waiter leave.

Zhang Chao washed and changed Dai Xiaomei's clothes. He put her on the bed again, covered her with a quilt, and let her sleep.

And he went to the suite outside.

Recalling the scenes of today, he felt as if he was immersed in a dream.

Looking at Dai Xiaomei lying there, Zhang Chao smiled.

A long time ago.

He liked a movie of his brother very much.

There is a line in it that Zhang Chao really likes

"Any relationship, in the end, is nothing more than an acquaintance. If you have intention, you will be tired; if you don't, it doesn't matter. Don't let down the encounter and don't talk about the debt."

In fact, this is what he hopes to tell the girl in the fish bar today.

But the problem is that she must be a young child.

There are some things that Zhang Chao can't say to a child.

If they are not adults, he will not tell the other party such remarks.

I think only those adults who have experienced wind and rain and experienced all kinds of scumbags and scumbags can understand what these eight words"don't let down the encounter and don't talk about the debt" mean.


Adults only look at the pros and cons.

Only children can tell right from wrong. This is a truth that Zhang Chao understood a long time ago when he was studying finance.

Only interests are eternal.

Of course, feelings are another matter.

Just like he is with Dai Xiaomei now.

He has shown enough advantages to cover up so many of his secrets.

On the contrary, if he were a poor man without so many advantages, she might have called her parents to come over, meet this man, and then let the old people leave. After that, it would be natural for the two to divorce normally.

But the big winner system made him successful.

Zhang Chao knew that he was now on the road to becoming a winner in life.

And he would definitely go further and further on this road!


The next morning, when Zhang Chao opened his eyes, it was still dark.

He turned over and continued to sleep.

What satisfied Zhang Chao the most about Dai Xiaomei after she got drunk was that she would not vomit randomly.

This was not easy.

Just like last night, she drank so much that she lost her mind, but she still did not vomit randomly outside.

Instead, she followed Zhang Chao back to the presidential suite and slept on the bed all night.

This point.

Even Zhang Chao had to admit it.

Dai Xiaomei was really well-behaved after she fell asleep.

She just lay there like a sleeping beauty, as if she would wake up all of a sudden when kissed by the prince.

But even so.

Zhang Chao had a hard time last night.

He stayed at the bedside until almost two o'clock, just like serving a woman in labor.

There was no way.

Zhang Chao was afraid that Dai Xiaomei would suddenly get up and vomit.

People were unconscious at that time. If she fell down, it would be troublesome.

With full of fatigue, Zhang Chao continued to sleep deeply.

Fortunately, all the activities of the Shark Carnival were scheduled in the afternoon.

Otherwise, with Dai Xiaomei in this state, it would be absolutely impossible for her to participate in the activities or even get up!

After a long time.

I don’t know how long it took.

Zhang Chao felt his nose itchy.

He opened his eyes and saw Dai Xiaomei lying on the head of his bed, teasing him with her hair.

""Hubby, you're awake!"

Seeing Zhang Chao wake up, Dai Xiaomei was obviously very happy.


Zhang Chao was speechless when he saw her full of energy.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Zhang Chao didn't say anything and just looked at her, Dai Xiaomei asked in confusion

"You drank so much last night, how can you still be energetic now?"

Zhang Chao looked at the energetic person and didn't know what to complain about her.

Could it be that the excellent genes of his father-in-law's family helped to save him?

"It's OK."

Dai Xiaomei said with a smile:"The room sent a hangover soup this morning, I drank some and it was much better."

Zhang Chao nodded, and it was the thoughtful service of the hotel that made such a fuss.

It was probably because the waiter last night had been told to take good care of these two distinguished guests.

"Well, let's pack up."

Zhang Chao said with a smile:"Since you have nothing to do in the morning, how about we go shopping?"

"Ouch, I feel dizzy.……"

Dai Xiaomei, who just said that nothing happened, suddenly started to have a headache.

Seeing her not-so-excellent acting performance, Zhang Chao was helpless.

Shaking his head,

Zhang Chaochao said,"Forget it, you will never win an Oscar even if you do this for a hundred years!"


Dai Xiaomei spat, then climbed up, knelt beside Zhang Chao's bed, and said pitifully:"Husband, I'm really tired. I have to run activities in the evening and have a second meal.……"

Zhang Chao was startled, then nodded, and remembered.

According to the official requirements of the Shark Live Platform, if nothing unexpected happens, Dai Xiaomei, the champion of the Shark Carnival, will have a float exhibition this afternoon. In addition,

Dai Xiaomei has to participate in a lot of activities...

It is no exaggeration to say that

Dai Xiaomei's schedule in the afternoon is comparable to that of a top star.

In this case.

The two of them went shopping in the morning, and Dai Xiaomei felt that she might faint on the stage in the afternoon.

She drank so much last night, and she didn't rest well.

In this case, she would go out if she was crazy!


Dai Xiaomei decided.

This morning, she should just stay in the hotel with her husband honestly.

No social events, no invitations, no one can go.

Not going anywhere, just staying in the hotel with Zhang Chao.

This is the choice a smart woman should make!


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