After washing up, Zhang Chao went downstairs.

Dai Xiaomei left in a hurry at noon.

He hadn't eaten yet, so he was naturally a little hungry now.

He came to the restaurant downstairs.

Zhang Chao asked for a seat, ordered some good food, and sat there waiting for western food.

Living in the presidential suite, these are naturally all supporting services.

While sitting there, Zhang Chao had nothing to do, so he opened Dai Xiaomei's fish bar.

He had a lot of fun chatting with those fans last night.

Speaking of which.

Once upon a time, Zhang Chao really didn't hang out in places like forums.

When he found this place when he was free, he felt it was quite fresh for a while.

He was originally very reluctant to register on Weibo.

Now, he is a little tempted to register.

After all, it is actually quite interesting to chat like this occasionally.

Dai Xiaomei's fish bar is naturally all about her content.

The administrators and fans also posted news about this carnival.

Someone also posted live photos of the scene.

There was even a photo of himself waiting for Dai Xiaomei there yesterday afternoon.

And look at the shooting angle.

Most likely it was Baicha who took the photo and posted it to the group of friends.

"The emperor is so handsome!"

"Really, what kind of shit luck did this old woman have? She actually met such a handsome and rich young man."

"Yes, it feels like she saved the earth in her previous life, so she knows our Super Emperor!"

"I feel sorry for Chaohuang, such a quiet person, but he has to go to the carnival to wait for an old woman!"

"Hahaha, are you sure this is the old woman’s fish?"

"As long as the Super Emperor gives the order, we will delete the sign and leave!"

"Yes, we are the Super Emperor’s Royal Guards!"

""Yes, Imperial Guards!"

Looking at the chats of the forum users, Zhang Chao felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He continued to read the posts. He found a very interesting post.

It was posted by a user who worked in another city. He said that he was about to go back to his hometown for the holidays and visit relatives.

But the problem was that he didn't like the children of his relatives at all, but there was nothing he could do. Those children were younger than him, and he had to give them gifts or something.

He was very distressed about this.

Zhang Chao smiled and replied to the post.

"It's very simple. Before you go back, ask those children how old they are and what grade they are in. Buy them enough exercise books and workbooks. Believe me, their parents will thank you!"

At this time, there were still many people in the Fish Bar.

Zhang Chao's reply was seen by everyone in the shortest time.

After yesterday's incident, everyone was sure that this was the real Chao Huang!

The Fish Bar became lively instantly.

"Hahahaha, Super Emperor is awesome!"

"This routine is so deep!"

"The longest road I have ever walked is the routine of the super emperor"

"This guy Chaohuang is really awesome!"

"Hahaha, I feel a little sorry for your relative's child."

"This is a good idea. I will arrange it for my cousin. Every time that naughty kid comes to my house, he destroys my things."

"Yes, those naughty kids nowadays are so annoying. They always make people angry. If you are unhappy, they will say,"He is still a child."……"

"Damn, these little bastards are really too hateful now!"

It can be seen that many people have been bullied by these naughty kids.

Zhang Chao's idea quickly won everyone's praise.

Not long after.

Someone continued to post

"Speaking of naughty kids, I have something to share with you."

"Last year, I was chatting with my sister-in-law, who was more than four months pregnant. My aunt's grandson, who was in the fifth grade of elementary school, suddenly rushed over and pushed my sister-in-law hard from behind. My sister-in-law fell forward at that time. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, knelt on my knees, and directly supported her."

"Afterwards, I asked the kid why he did that. He said he saw on TV that pregnant women who fell had miscarriages, so he wanted to see what miscarriage was.……"

"Then I used the mop handle in my left hand and the rolling pin in my right hand, and beat the little bastard from the dining room to the living room until he knelt outside my door and begged for mercy."

"During this process, my mother pretended to try to stop me, but my aunt couldn't stop me from going berserk because I shouted,"Whoever tries to stop me, I'll fight with them!""

"To deal with naughty children, you have to fight violence with violence!"

Seeing this post,

Zhang Chao specially liked the other party and replied:"Well done!"

After chatting in the fish bar for a while and replying to a few posts, Zhang Chao put down his phone.

At this time, his lunch was also delivered.

The 1288 Peking duck looks similar to Yanjing roast duck.

But in fact, it is a stuffed duck from Guangdong Province, with sixteen slices of skin cut from a duck.

As for the ingredients, they are the ingredients of Yanjing roast duck.

Cucumber strips and green onion shreds are placed under the duck skin with pancakes.

Zhang Chao took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of caviar but did not put it on the duck skin.

This dish is not about duck meat, but duck skin.

A box of caviar just covers sixteen slices of duck skin.

After rolling it up, Zhang Chao put it in his mouth.



This is the most intuitive experience.

It's not the kind of melt-in-the-mouth feeling, because there is an extra caviar in the taste, and the salty and fresh taste of the caviar can cover up the greasiness of the entire duck fat.

The taste is really good, but to say To be honest, most people can't afford it.

More than 1,200 yuan, eating 16 slices of duck skin, this kind of consumption is definitely not something that rich people would choose.

Of course, it's not just this dish.

There are also desserts, a total of eight yuan, priced at more than 300 yuan.

Even if it is his own hotel, Zhang Chao can't help but sigh that it is indeed a place with high consumption.

Caviar lobster, bird's nest with roe, foie gras and shrimp, abalone...

Well, when Zhang Chao was eating, he felt that he had opened up a new world of tea and snacks.

Finally, when the staple food came, Zhang Chao was speechless.

A bowl of dandan noodles...


He ate it all in one bite!

At this moment.

Zhang Chao felt that this meal was not as good as eating at a dumpling restaurant on the roadside.

PS: Thank you 33 for the 5,000 book coins reward. Big guys, let me rest first! Please subscribe! Please reward! Please give flowers and evaluation tickets! Please give monthly tickets!

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