Xiao Yuan is from Jinling, this is what Dai Xiaomei said, so Zhang Chao planned to cook a few hometown dishes for her to try.

The ingredients were bought by the two of them at the supermarket near the community.

""Husband, why are you buying the artemisia selengensis?"

Dai Xiaomei looked at Zhang Chao picking vegetables there with some curiosity.

She volunteered to come and help.

Zhang Chao smiled and explained to Dai Xiaomei:"This thing is called Jinling grass in Xiao Yuan's hometown, right, Xiao Yuan?"

Then he looked at Xiao Yuan who had just arrived at the kitchen door and asked.

Xiao Yuan nodded:"Chao Huang, you are awesome, you know all this."

Dai Xiaomei was also surprised, and then said to Xiao Yuan:"I've told you, don't be so polite, just call me brother-in-law."

Xiao Yuan smiled and didn't object.

"It sounds like everything is edible, but only that part is delicious."

Zhang Chao explained to Dai Xiaomei.

What he said was not a joke, but the truth.

Jinling locals eat reed grass, and they will cut off eight taels of a pound, leaving only a clean, green and crisp tip of the reed grass.

Zhang Chao was even more ruthless. He only cut off two and a half taels of the two and a half pounds of reed grass.

He only took one tenth of it, and only one tael of a pound.

Because this vegetable is easily bruised and easy to lose moisture, it is usually kept in the refrigerator.

After taking it out, it must be cooked as soon as possible.

Zhang Chao picked up a reed grass. The tender green color looked fresh and cute. He decisively broke off a piece of the tip, quickly removed the leaves, and put it in a ceramic basin with small holes on the side.

Slowly, in the white ceramic basin, there were more and more green segments of the same length.

After pinching the last one, Zhang Chao picked up basin, and went to the bottom of the pool.

The freshly cut wormwood was so tender that water could drip out.

Zhang Chao first filled a slightly larger empty ceramic basin with water, then put the ceramic basin in his hand into it, took out a ceramic stick as thick as a finger, gently turned over the tip of the wormwood inside, and slowly cleaned it.

This can avoid bruises to the greatest extent.

Dai Xiaomei watched Zhang Chao treat a basin of wormwood so delicately, and was surprised but also felt it was natural. If not, how could Zhang Chao's dishes be so delicious.

Now it can be seen from the way he handles the materials.

A minute later, Zhang Chao picked up the ceramic basin and put it on the plate, and began to filter out excess water.

After all these were prepared, Zhang Chao started to light the fire, changed to a wok, and started cooking.

Burn the pot over high heat until it smokes,


With a sound,

Zhang Chao poured in the special oil for Jinling grass and immediately turned down the heat. This way, the oil temperature would rise instantly, but it would not burn the leaves of the vegetables.


After pouring in the artemisia, Zhang Chao began to stir-fry.

Artemisia itself is a perennial herb with a fragrant smell. The longer it grows, the stronger its smell becomes.

However, the taste of artemisia used for food should not be too strong, which will affect its fresh taste.

It only took Zhang Chao two minutes from putting the artemisia in the pot to serving it on the plate.

Then Zhang Chao started to prepare other dishes. Zhang Chao, who was full of skills and faster, finished it in three minutes. The artemisia still on the tray even kept the appearance of just being out of the pot.

"Here, Xiao Yuan, try it.

Zhang Chao said to Xiao Yuan with a smile.

""Thank you, brother-in-law."

Xiao Yuan was polite at first, thanking Zhang Chao for his efforts, and then looked at this dish from his hometown.

The tray was specially bought by Zhang Chao at the supermarket. The round porcelain plate was white with a small fish painted on it. The mouth of the small fish was vividly open, as if it was eating the green tips of the wormwood on the plate.

"This plate is interesting.

Xiao Yuan was immediately attracted.

"I feel like this dish is fake……"

Dai Xiaomei pointed at the green stalks of artemisia on the plate and said in surprise

"I also think it's fake."An assistant named Liu Zhu couldn't help but agree.

This is what he really thinks.

The food on the plate looks fake.

It looks like fake jade, stacked one by one, and there's even a drop of water hanging from the broken end of the wormwood.

The shiny appearance looks like the light emitted by jade, it really doesn't look like a dish.

""Hubby, you are so great!" Dai Xiaomei said with admiration.

She looked at Zhang Chao now, just like a little fan looking at a big star.

"I'll make something else for you to try."

Zhang Chao said with a smile

"No, I want to start a live broadcast!"

Dai Xiaomei's eyes lit up and she said.

Such a good thing, she must let everyone know.

Zhang Chao naturally had no objection, and

Xiao Yuan and others did not have any objection.

To be honest,

Xiao Yuan was more concerned about the taste of this dish now.

"This looks like jade, I am also a jade eater."

As he spoke, Xiao Yuan carefully picked up two pieces and put them into his mouth to chew.

Looking at the green and juicy artemisia, which looked like jade, without any seasoning, the artemisia first smelled slightly fragrant, and then had a crisp and fresh taste.

After chewing, the mouth felt like the rhizome was bitten off, and the fresh juice inside flowed out, and the fragrance of the artemisia itself became stronger.

Xiao Yuan was not a professional gourmet, so he chewed it twice and swallowed it directly, and then the unique light fragrance of the artemisia began to rise from his throat.

"It’s so tender!"

Xiao Yuan said as he began to pick up some reed grass and stuff it into his mouth.


Seeing the old man eating so deliciously, the people around him couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

They suddenly envied Dai Xiaomei.

Zhang Chao's cooking was so delicious that she didn't have to order takeout every day, and she could eat the dishes made by Zhang Chao himself. She was so happy!

The room was very quiet, with only the sound of Xiao Yuan picking up the dishes.

How much would two and a half taels be after frying? But Xiao Yuan finished it in a short while.

"Brother-in-law, this portion is too small."

Xiao Yuan said with a smile:"Look, they didn't eat it."

Zhang Chao waved his hand:"This is for you to try. They are not from Jinling and don't know this dish."

This is the truth.

"Chaohuang, we want to eat too!"

Assistant Liu Zhu is a tall girl. Upon hearing this, she quickly said,"I can go downstairs to buy"

"Hahaha, well, go ahead."

Zhang Chao nodded.

Since they wanted to eat, he would just have to cook, which wouldn't take much effort.

Liu Zhu quickly ran downstairs.

"Hey, that's not right, why is there no soup on your plate, husband?"

The little girl, who came over with her phone ready to live broadcast, noticed something strange and asked quickly

"All the juice of the artemisia itself is locked up."Only Xiao Yuan, who has eaten it, can understand Zhang Chao's explanation.

Generally speaking, when cooking vegetarian dishes, the water will always be lost, including nutrients, no matter how delicious and tender they are. However, Zhang Chao has managed to lock up all the water of the artemisia.

It is really a magical skill...

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