Chapter 161, Unconditional Surrender

Hearing this, Jane was a little confused for a moment.

As if his father knew far more than he did.

There were even some he didn't understand.

"Father, what do you mean by that?"

Jane's father glanced at her and said in a very solemn tone.

"You also know that our family has the blood of the Protoss, so we can perceive what will happen in the future!"

"But with the dilution of blood, we can perceive less and less of May 20th."

"Among the juniors, only you have awakened this power!"

"Among our ancestors, there was a prophecy that a young man with the power of the five elements would come to this galaxy!"

"End this troubled world and lead the human race to reawaken."

"Restore order to the world!"

"He is the savior of destiny, who can change the fate of everyone?"

Hearing what her father said, Jane couldn't believe her ears.


If this is the case, then Su will split the next day.

No wonder he felt such a strong feeling when he was close to Su Chen.

He even has an inexplicable fear of Su Chen.

If it is true as prophesied, Su Chen has such great power.

able to change once.

From then on, they only need to hug Su Chen's thigh tightly.

Will you be able to ascend to heaven with wealth?

"It's too late, Jane, take me to meet him in person!"

Now he couldn't restrain himself anymore, he wanted to see Su Chen in person.

Jane didn't dare to disobey her father's order, so she took him to Su Chen's residence.

Jane's father also has that kind of perception, but as he grows older, the power of this perception is gradually being consumed.

Now I'm close to Su Chen.

He felt a strong sense of oppression, this is definitely the savior, all the momentum.

"Mr. Su Chen, hello, I am Jane's father, the head of the Sayella family, Sayella George!"

"Hello Mr. George."

Su Chen also hurriedly said hello.

After all, I don't know what the other party means.

When you come to someone else's territory, you have to be a little reserved.

"No, no, Mr. Su Chen, you don't have to be so polite to me, you can just call me George."


This really confuses Su Chen, what's with his humble attitude?


What did Su Chen just want to ask?

But the other party spoke first...

"Mr. Su Chen, it is a great honor to meet you!"

"My daughter, Jane, has already been told to me, so I have an obligatory favor."

"I hope that Mr. Su Chen must agree?"

This is to ask him for help.

No wonder so polite.

Then because of his relationship with Jane, Su Chen also had to help.

"You don't have to be so polite, just say it directly, I will help if I can!"

George is not a vague person, since Su Chen said so, he also made his own request!

"I want you to be the head of the Sayella family!"

As soon as these words came out, the tea that Su Chen drank in his mouth immediately spouted out.

What are you kidding?

This kind of international joke is not funny at all [good ton. 3.3

"Mr. George, don't scare me..."

Su Chen felt his feet tremble a little.

This is a bit too unexpected.

This is a legitimate bomb thrown out so well that everyone has to digest it.

Otherwise, it is really easy to choke on indigestion.

"Mr. Su Chen, I'm serious, our Sayella family surrenders to you unconditionally!"

"Please don't refuse!"

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