I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 20 Moral Abilities, There Is No Worst, Only Worse!

Running all the way home from the beach, Su Chen still only took less than ten minutes.

This speed is almost the same as taking a taxi!

Next time, if Su Chen can successfully clear the level and get through the black door.

Then his strength can definitely rise to more than one level.

In the future, Su Chen may be able to rival the top supercars with the speed he can erupt just by relying on his power attribute!

But thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help sighing.

Whether you can have the qualification to open the black door depends on what kind of abilities you can sign in.

If the first ability hadn't been for Chen Daqiang's ability to cooperate with him.

That is definitely a useless ability!

This also made Su Chen really feel unconfident.

The second ability to sign in, wouldn't it be so useless?


Under such anxious anticipation, the bell finally rang at twelve o'clock in the morning.

Immediately, Su Chen stopped hesitating and said silently in his heart: "Punch in and sign in!"

"Ding! Today's check-in is successful!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the moral ability: [It can improve the morality of any creature billions of times!]"

One second, two seconds...

In the room emitting soft lights, Su Chen was silent for dozens of seconds.

In the end, Su Chen finally couldn't help but burst out a swear word.

"Damn it! System! Can the abilities you rewarded be disabled a bit more!?"

If it weren't for the system, there would be no family members.

Su Chen really wants to greet the 18th generation of its ancestors!

What kind of useless abilities are signed in here! ?

One by one is simply useless!

I won’t talk about the first name-changing ability, Su Chen.

At least at first you can have some fun for yourself.

But what kind of moral power is there for chicken feathers?

It sounds very hanging!

It can increase the morality of any living being by billions of times!

But are the ferocious beasts in the fucking beast domain moral?

Okay, let's take a step back.

They have morals.

But the condition for clearing the beast domain is to kill all the beasts!

Raise their morals! Not lowering IQ!

Could it be that Su Chen knelt down in front of them and cried that they could commit suicide! ?

Su Chen himself felt a little ridiculous!

"Oh, I shouldn't have too many illusions about the system!"

With a sigh, Su Chen slowly raised his head to a forty-five degree angle.

Don't ask why Su Chen did this!

He was afraid that the tears would fall!


A good five minutes passed.

After calming down a bit, Su Chen also recognized the reality.

There are still nearly twenty hours before the opening of the Beast Realm today.

He can only be like before.

See if you can find other synergies.

Turn this trash ability into treasure.

But Su Chen also understands that this is something that cannot be met.

Su Chen was still not sleepy yet, so he turned on the computer, trying to find ideas on the Internet.

But just when the computer screen returned to brightness from the black screen state.

Several news items popped up immediately!

And the title really caught Su Chen's attention!

[Where is the person who has cleared the level? ? 】

[How powerful are their abilities! ? 】


Su Chen clicked on these news with some curiosity, and browsed them one by one.

After half pay, Su Chen was stunned after reading the news.

Beast Realm announced that there are supernatural beings who have cleared the level, naturally everyone can know.

But at first.

Not everyone knows that he and Chen Daqiang got through the barrier.

At this time, a supernatural person jumped out and sincerely confessed:

"We were wrong! We were wrong!"

There are thousands of people following the post!

And everyone is apologizing, saying that they have blind eyes but don't know Taishan!

The people who don't know the truth understand it after some understanding.

"It turns out that this group of guys actually mocked two ruthless people who passed the level face to face!?"

"Two people who may be the strongest supernatural beings in the world are treated as garbage who only dare to brush D-level beast domains!?"

"What a bunch of retarded people!"

"Did they only dare to brush the D-level beast domain? That is, only the D-level beast domain is left without brushing, okay!?"

Thousands of apology posts were mobbed and surrounded.

Netizens have never seen anything more outrageous than this!

But not everyone present at the time jumped out to apologize immediately.

Hundreds of people even refuted it.

"Yes, that's right! Someone has cleared the level!"

"But who can prove that those two people are the ones who cleared the customs!?"

"They said they have cleared the SS-level and SSS-level beast domains, so they really cleared the level!?"

Facing the words of the rebutters, the netizens also fell silent for a while.

Indeed, no one has any proof of this.

Hundreds of millions of people enter the beast tower every time the beast realm opens.

Who can say that those two people are the ones who cleared the customs?

So far, a war of words without nutrition has lasted for half an hour.

Some people said it was those two ruthless people, while others said it was someone else!

And half an hour later.

The birth of an explosive news completely exposed the truth.

[Magic City Haicheng High School, the famous Thor has lost his ability! 】

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PS: Ask for data every day!

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