I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 21 What Thor, I Will Be Called Xiaolei From Now On!

When Su Chen saw this news headline.

The water I just drank in my mouth almost couldn't hold back and spit it out!

"This guy's oath has come true?"

What a weird expression on Su Chen's face at this moment, how weird!

When Tong Wu swore at that time, he always felt that something was wrong!

That's why he chose not to accept Tong Wu's words.

Saw this news right now.

Su Chen reacted suddenly.

Now in this world, there are many curse-like abilities!

What Chen Daqiang possesses is a very outrageous curse-like ability.

The combination of two people can instantly kill the beast of the SSS level beast domain in an instant.

So Su Chen has been feeling.

Curse abilities are the most troublesome abilities!

And what happened to Tong Wu.

Su Chen guessed that there was a high probability that it was hit by some kind of curse ability for no reason.

Although I don't know the specific situation.

But Su Chen thinks that in the era of the rise of supernatural powers, it's best not to swear!

Maybe he was hit by that cursed ability!

On the other hand, the emergence of this explosive news has completely made everyone understand.

"This is not the level that those two ruthless people have passed! Who else can there be!?"

"I didn't even see that the oath that Thor made in front of others has come true!?"

"And maybe!"

"This is the punishment those two ruthless people gave Thor!!"

"I feel that I can't be called Thor now, let's call him Xiaolei in the future!"

"Fuck! Brother upstairs, you are too realistic!"


All of a sudden, there were a lot of apologies on the Internet.

If said they apologized before.

I just felt that I was really a little too much at the time.

Now they are really scared!

Even the supernatural powers can be lost, so who doesn't panic! ?

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Su Chen was also a little dumbfounded.

If he can really kill other people's abilities.

Then he is not really invincible? Who would dare to provoke him?

Shaking his head, Su Chen closed these news windows, and browsed the waste wood supernatural power website again.

But after looking at it for half an hour, Su Chen couldn't find any ability that could cooperate with his morally broken ability.

Then a burst of tiredness hit, and Su Chen fell asleep directly.


In the early morning of the next day, Su Chen simply washed up and ate something, then went straight to school.

Although now he doesn't need to learn anything at all.

But there are many people in the school after all, Su Chen thinks maybe it can broaden his thinking.

When he arrived at the school, more than half of the people in the class were already sitting.

Su Chen didn't pay attention at first.

But listen carefully, everyone is actually talking about the ruthless customs clearance.

Some people said that they must be from their Dragon Kingdom!

It is also said that many powerful supernatural beings have awakened abroad! It must be someone from abroad!

However, the language in the beast realm is common.

If you speak Mandarin, you will hear Mandarin, and if you speak foreign language, you will hear foreign language.

Therefore, the people who argued in the two waves failed to come up with any tricks in the end.

"Su Chen! Do you think the two ruthless people who passed the customs are from our Dragon Kingdom!?"

Su Chen was about to walk past this group of people, but Hu Xiaoxiao called out to him when he didn't think so.

Just now when Su Chen saw it, she yelled the most.

Said that the two ruthless people who cleared the customs were not from Longguo, and she, Hu Xiaoxiao, stood on her head and had diarrhea!

Such a strong oath.

Only a tough woman like Hu Xiaoxiao can tell!

And at this time.

He was stared at by Hu Xiaoxiao and a group of classmates.

Su Chen could only shrug his shoulders and said:

"It should be from our Dragon Country!"

"After all, our Dragon Kingdom has a vast land and resources, and there are quite a lot of talents."

Hearing Su Chen's answer, Hu Xiaoxiao immediately waved his palm excitedly.

As if Su Chen's answer is the truth!

Then Su Chen returned to his seat.

Hu Xiaoxiao also hurriedly followed.

"Su Chen, did you say that just to support me!?"

"I knew you were my best buddy!"

Su Chen froze for a moment.

His answer like that has nothing to do with Hu Xiaoxiaoke's half a dime.

He just doesn't want to lie okay! ?

This guy Tong Wu can kill his abilities even if he swears.

Who knows if lying will have any serious consequences.

Although he is immune to all curse abilities.

But it's better to avoid it if you can.

"You'd better not swear indiscriminately in the future."

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately reminded Hu Xiaoxiao.

Hu Xiaoxiao was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she seemed to suddenly think of something!

"Ah! Is that what I just said an oath?"

"Woo! What can I do!"

"If those two ruthless people who cleared the customs are not from the Dragon Kingdom, I won't really be forced to stand on my head and have diarrhea?"

Su Chen: "...."

"Actually, you don't have to care that much."

Su Chen comforted.

"Su Chen! You can't swear indiscriminately now!"

"You don't even know how many couples broke up last night!"

Su Chen was taken aback when he heard this.

"What does this have to do with the couple breaking up?"

When Hu Xiaoxiao heard Su Chen's words, he gave him a sharp look.

"Brother! Don't you even use the Internet?"

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