"Brother, don't play with me!"

"Quickly release the ability!"

Li Huan saw that the stone statues had begun to move.

Immediately shouted anxiously.

Su Chen gave Li Huan a calm look.

Then immediately meditated in my heart.

"Moral powers! Improve morality hundreds of millions of times!"

In the next second, Su Chen turned his head to look at those stone statues, and immediately beamed with joy!

Works! ?

I saw the countless stone statues still looking straight at Li Huan.

But this time.

What leaked out of their eyes was no longer endless killing intent!

Lime-gray tears rolled from the corners of their eyes.

Immediately, the 100,000 stone statues all bent their knees and knelt down in the direction of Li Huan!


The ground seemed to tremble violently at this moment.

It seems to be telling the power of this kneeling!


Immediately afterwards, the two familiar words blurted out from their mouths again.

This seemed to be what dad meant in their consciousness!

"Brother! We succeeded, and we succeeded again!"

Seeing this scene, Li Huan finally couldn't help shouting excitedly.

This is an SSS level beast realm!

Can make the fierce beast here recognize him as a father.

The joy it gave him is naturally not comparable to that of a D-level beast domain.

And the rewards for clearing the two are one in the sky and the other in the earth!

"Ah Huan, let's start."

Seeing the successful coordination of the abilities, Su Chen also had a joyful expression on his face.

But now is not the time to be really happy.

They have to make this group of SSS-level beasts commit suicide too!


Li Huan nodded heavily upon hearing this.

Then he took a step forward and sat down on the ground with a plop.

"Daughters! It's useless to be dad!"

"Father is now facing a group of enemies that are impossible to defeat!"


The screen that once appeared in the D-level beast domain once again appeared in this SSS-level beast domain.

Seeing Li Huan crying, the group of stone beasts started crying too.

Not long.

Su Chen heard a burst of "crash clatter", like the sound of a small river flowing!

That's right.

The tears of these more than 100,000 ferocious beasts dripped on the ground and gathered together.

It turned into a flowing river!

If this scene is seen by others, they will definitely be dumbfounded!

This is the top beast in the SSS-level beast domain! ?

How could you just give in like that?

Is there any reason! ?

Is there any reason!

They were all tortured in the S-level beast realm, and their lives were worse than death!

Su Chen and Li Huan are on good terms.

Facing the SSS-level beast, he couldn't help but hit it! ?


And as Li Huan cried out, the mood swings of the group of stone beasts became more and more intense.

Finally, Li Huan sighed, and was about to turn around and walk outside.

It seems that he is determined to face the group of guys that he can't beat!

At this moment, a familiar "Aba" sounded from behind Li Huan again.

Immediately, Su Chen and Li Huan saw countless stone beasts.

Suddenly stretched out the right hand of Obsidian Zhiji!

"Huh? This!?"

Look at the power condensed on the right hand of the stone statue.

Su Chen and Li Huan were stunned!

These stone statues are still planning to attack them! ?

"Brother, did they see through my acting skills?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"I lied to my mother for money when I was a child, but every time I cheated, I was sure!"

Su Chen shook his head upon hearing this, expressing that he was a little confused about the current situation.

However, the red-patterned armor and all the strength of the body have been mobilized by Su Chen at this moment.

But facing the 100,000 ferocious beasts in this SSS level beast domain.

Su Chen really couldn't arouse the slightest desire to fight.

Relying on his current strength, it is somewhat difficult to forcibly challenge the fierce beasts in the S-level beast realm.

Not to mention the 100,000 powerful beasts in this SSS beast realm!

"Brother, let's run away? It feels like something's wrong!"

Li Huan's body was already trembling at this moment.

Not far away, the power gathered by one hundred thousand ferocious beasts at this time is really terrifying.

If this force fell on them, it would destroy them in an instant!

"Oh, where are you going?"

"Entering this beast realm, you can only pass the level successfully, or fail to clear the level."

Su Chen shook his head slightly when he heard the words.

It seems that this time he and Li Huan were careless.

This ferocious beast in the SSS level beast domain is not obedient at all!

Even in the face of a billion-fold increase in morality.

Even facing their Lao Tzu.

Still chose to shoot!

When Su Chen thought of the price of failing to clear the customs, he felt a little frustrated!

The black crystal obtained by clearing the D-level beast domain is not enough to compensate for the price of his weakened physique!

Entering the beast tower this time, he is afraid that he will lose everything!

"Wait! Brother, look!"

"They don't seem to be attacking us!?"

At this moment, Li Huan's exclamation suddenly interrupted Su Chen's thoughts.

Su Chen hurriedly turned his head to look at the words.

I saw the one hundred thousand ferocious beasts holding their right hands high.

He even pointed his finger at the black moon in the sky!

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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It will make the little author happy for a long time!

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