The picture in front of you.

It really made Su Chen and Li Huan a little confused.

They can't figure it out at all.

Why do these stone statues have the desire to attack that black moon! ?

"Bang! Bang!"

At this time, the sound of explosions suddenly sounded.

Seeing this, Su Chen stopped thinking about it, and looked straight ahead.

I saw the group of stone beasts.

At this time, they exploded one by one!

In less than a few seconds of breathing time, the more than 100,000 stone statues in front of him were all annihilated into ashes!

All of a sudden.

Su Chen and Li Huan couldn't see the scene in front of them clearly.

All I could see was the endless haze that filled the sky.

Su Chen and Li Huan looked at each other, not knowing what to do next.

It stands to reason that those fierce beasts blew themselves up, so they should have successfully passed the level! ?

But now there is no sound of any customs clearance reminder.

Simply unable to figure it out, the two stood in place without moving.

Just staring straight ahead.

About half a minute passed.

The ashes finally dispersed some.

Seeing this, Su Chen and Li Huan hurriedly looked forward.

And that doesn't matter.

Upon seeing it, Su Chen and Li Huan were completely dumbfounded.

I saw a very tall one.

A stone statue with a height of hundreds of floors is standing not far from the two of them!

She has a delicate face, flapping the wings behind her, like the most perfect dark angel!


The stone statue leaned over to look at Li Huan, who was as big as an ant, and called out softly.

Seeing this, Su Chen moved slightly.

From the eyes of the tall stone statue, what he saw was the endless meaning of farewell gathered together.

"Are you still going to commit suicide?"

"But why is it so troublesome!"

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help talking to himself.

Since they are all going to commit suicide, why not just commit suicide?

They have to gather together into such a tall stone statue first, and then choose to commit suicide! ?

Is it easier to commit suicide like this?

It stands to reason not!

The ferocious beasts in the D-level beast domain can easily self-destruct.

If this ferocious beast of the SSS level beast domain wants to explode itself, it should be easier!

On the other side, in Su Chen's dazed effort.

The extremely tall stone statue turned its gaze to look at the black moon in the sky.

There is an unquestionable firmness in the farewell eyes!

Immediately afterwards.

A paragraph of words that Su Chen could not understand at all.

It blurted out from the mouths of those stone statues!

"Are they talking to that black moon?"

Su Chen murmured in a daze.

"That's right, brother! They want that black moon to hand over the black dragon's claw!"

At this time, Li Huan who was next to him suddenly spoke.

Su Chen turned to look at Li Huan, and said with some doubts:

"Can you understand what they say?"

Li Huan nodded heavily upon hearing this.

"Yeah, I can understand!"

Su Chen glanced at Li Huan, and couldn't help turning his gaze to the huge stone statue not far away!

It seems that it made Li Huan understand what it said.

But what completely moved Su Chen was.

Those 100,000 stone statues gathered into such a tall stone statue! ,

The purpose is to ask for the black dragon's claw?

And it seems that if Hei Yue doesn't hand it over, this stone statue will fight it endlessly!

"Tsk tsk! The morality has improved by a billion times, it is absolutely amazing!"

Su Chen couldn't help clicking his tongue at this moment.

From the farewell in the eyes of the stone statue before, to their behavior of asking for the black dragon claw now.

Su Chen has completely understood.

Whether it was the ferocious beast of the D-level beast domain before, or the fierce beast of the SSS-level beast domain at the moment.

They didn't understand what Li Huan said at all.

Because Li Huan didn't have any power at all to make them understand.

But they seem to be able to feel Li Huan's heart.

That is, only if they are dead can Li Huan pass the level successfully.

And now—

Even if they know that Li Huan is not in any danger, they just want to simply let them die.

But they still chose to ask for the black dragon's claw from the black moon in the sky when they were dying!


Just to let their father live better!

This is not a matter of revenge with virtue.

This is taking his life to pave a broad road for his father!

It is said that the love of parents for their children is unspoken.

Parents are willing to sacrifice themselves for their children.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Chen just wanted to ask.

"Who says a son won't give everything for his parents!?"


While Su Chen's thoughts were racing.

Not far away, one after another buzzing sound has been thought of.

Su Chen hurriedly turned his head to look at the sound.

I saw the stone statue looking at the black moon in the sky with cold eyes.

They two...

It seems that the talk has collapsed!

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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