Around the towering stone statue, traces like spider webs emerged out of thin air.

You can find it if you look closely.

That turned out to be the black marks caused by the rupture of the space around it!

no doubt.

The stone statue has used its power to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen hurriedly pulled Li Huan to retreat a thousand meters away!

If this is affected by the power of the stone statue.

Even if it was a little bit, the two brothers would be killed instantly.

Fortunately, this dark land is endless.

No matter how far Su Chen and Li Huan retreat, they will not retreat to the end!

When I feel back to a safe distance.

Su Chen and Li Huan hurriedly looked up at the stone statue in the distance.

I saw the stone statue holding its right hand high.

A black light that seemed to swallow everything.

Condensed between its palms.

This is the power of the black dragon's claw bestowed by that round of black moon, combined with the power of the stone statue itself!

It's just that Hei Yue wouldn't even think of dying.

It empowers the stone statue, and the stone statue turns its head on it...  

Su Chen imagined himself as that black moon, and felt that he could die of depression!


at this moment.

The stone statue finally started!

I saw that black light, like the most terrifying force in the world, suddenly bombarded towards the black moon.

And that black moon seemed to be angry too.

Accompanied by a shrill dragon cry.

Under the stunned expressions of Su Chen and Li Huan.

A dragon claw exuding infinite terrifying power.

It actually stretched out directly from the black moon!

The whole body of the dragon claws is covered with the color of Heiyao.

But above Hei Yao, Su Chen and Li Huan could still see a little bit of golden markings!

At this moment, both of them held their breath.

He looked straight into the air.

After a while.

The black dragon claw finally collided with the black light blasted by the stone statue.

At this moment, the space seemed to tremble!

Su Chen and Li Huan staggered and almost fell to the ground!

After the two stabilized their figures, they hurriedly raised their heads to look at the sky.

"Can't beat!?"

"I can't beat it at all!?"

He saw that the black dragon claw was actually pinching the black light.

As if trying to pinch it to burst.

Both Su Chen and Li Huan couldn't help being stunned.

That black dragon claw is so powerful! ?

The power gathered by one hundred thousand ferocious beasts in the SSS-level beast domain is no match for it at all! ?


"its not right!"

At this moment, Su Chen turned his gaze to the stone statue.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and murmured.

There was no fear on the face of the tall stone statue.

There was only an expression of extreme calm.

Even if they are not afraid of death.

But now the expression on this face.

It really made Su Chen a little strange!

"Could it be!?"

Su Chen pondered slightly, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Then he turned to look at the stone statue.


I saw the terrifying throbbing around him!

It seems to know that with its own strength, it cannot be the opponent of Black Moon and Black Dragon's Claw!

Really let it have the confidence to kill Hei Yue and Black Dragon Claw!

It is the power generated by its own self-explosion!

When Su Chen was moved.

The stone statue looked down tenderly at where Li Huan was.

Immediately, Su Chen and Li Huan saw a gray mask suddenly appeared around their bodies!

It seemed that the stone statue was protecting the two of them!

Protect its father and his father's friends!

Su Chen and Li Huan didn't have time to think at this time.

Then heard a towering violent explosion sounded.

Su Chen looked up, and saw that everything in the distance was ravaged and turned into ashes.

The space seemed to be exploded into nothingness.

And that black moon was also covered under ashes.

People can't see its appearance at all.

Terrifying fluctuations swept over.

The gray covering around Su Chen and Li Huan perfectly protected them from any damage.


The two are most concerned about the main battlefield not far away.

They didn't know whether the self-detonating power of the stone statue could bring lethality to Hei Yue.

Because this level of fighting has completely exceeded the cognition of the two of them.

Even now is the era of the rise of abilities.

Some videos of supernatural beings fighting posted on the Internet.

It's just that you hit me with a power, and I hit you with a power.

There is no such feeling as before——

The power to collapse the world!

"How long will it take for the supernatural being to improve? To reach such a terrifying situation!"

Su Chen couldn't help but sighed in a low voice.

no doubt!

With the existence of beast domain.

The current supernatural beings are still like newborn babies, weak and vulnerable.

But with the continuous opening of the beast tower, the number of supernatural beings continues to increase.


Countless people with supernatural powers all over the world will usher in the day when they will advance by leaps and bounds.

But at this moment.

Su Chen has obviously come to the forefront of many supernatural beings.

Although he arrived a full three months late.

But his progress crushed all the supernatural beings!

Just ask——

Now who can face a battle of the level of an SSS-level black gate! ?

Even compared with the black door, the purple door is more than one level behind!

"It seems that the abilities rewarded by the system are not so useless!"

"At the very least, if you find a good partner, the effect will be outrageous!"

Su Chen pursed his lips and sighed.

"Brother, look!"

"The ashes are going to disperse!"

Beside him was Li Huan, who had been staring closely at the front.

At this moment, he suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Su Chen turned his head to look, only to see the ashes dissipating little by little.

Curiosity had involuntarily appeared on Su Chen's face.

Did the statue win?

Black Moon still won! ?

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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