Under the eager gaze of Su Chen and Li Huan.

The ashes finally dissipated completely.

When the two saw the scene in front of them clearly.

The expression on his face froze in an instant.

I saw the tall stone statue standing in the sky and earth before, but now it has disappeared.

And the black moon in the sky suddenly disappeared!

But sharp-eyed Su Chen found out.

The distance already seems to be in a void space.

There is also something floating.

"Dragon finger? Two dragon fingers!?"

The stone statue has been completely destroyed.

Black Moon and Black Dragon Claw also disappeared without a trace.

These two dragon fingers remained!

This is enough to show how hard these two dragon fingers are!

"Congratulations to the supernatural being for successfully clearing the SSS level beast realm!"

"Congratulations to the supernatural being for successfully completing the hidden mission! Get the hidden reward, Black Dragon Finger!"

at this moment.

An indifferent voice rang in the ears of Su Chen and Li Huan.

"Hidden mission!? Then Black Moon turned out to be a hidden mission!?"

Hear the second sentence.

Su Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

Even if he has enough strength to shake the previous stone statue.

But he was afraid that he would never have thought that there would be a hidden mission!

What shocked him even more was...

That stone statue actually helped them, and even completed this hidden mission!

Regardless of whether the stone statue was intentional or not.

Su Chen felt that his luck was not so good at the moment!

If you change to any other ability.

Even the invincible ability that he and Chen Daqiang combined before would definitely not be able to complete this hidden task.

Because he could only change the name of those stone statues to Zhang San.

It would never have occurred to change the name of that black moon.


"Eight crystals! Eight crystals!"

At this time, Li Huan's exclamation suddenly interrupted Su Chen's thoughts.

Hearing this, Su Chen turned his head to look.

Sure enough, they saw eight SSS-level black crystals floating towards them not far away!

You must know that the higher the level of the beast domain, the less spar will explode!

When Su Chen cleared the SSS-level purple gate before, only four SSS-level amethysts burst out.

But this time, the Heimen, which is of a higher level than the Purple Gate, suddenly exploded with eight crystals! ?

Rao is Su Chen.

There was a hint of excitement on his face.

This reward is simply not too generous!


"There are dragon fingers!"

The surprise on Su Chen's face has not yet spread.

Then I saw two dragon fingers exuding the color of black glory floating towards them together!

After half the payment, Longzhi floated in front of the two of them together with eight SSS-grade black crystals.

"Brother! Let's split it up."

Li Huan looked in front of him and said impatiently.

Su Chen nodded, then looked at the two dragon fingers.

Obviously, the reward for this hidden mission is worth more than any piece of SSS black crystal.

But for Su Chen, what he values ​​more is the eight SSS grade black crystals.

Because of the customs clearance of the beast domain, there is also a double reward increase of the system!

At this moment, in the system space, there are sixteen pieces of SSS grade black crystals floating in full.


A complete black dragon claw!

There are only two dragon fingers in front of him, but the system directly doubles the reward, giving Su Chen a complete black dragon claw!

So Su Chen looked at those two black dragon fingers and completely lost any desire.

Two dragon fingers are compared with a complete dragon claw.

The power is afraid that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

This is not just a difference in the number of dragon fingers.

It is a complete gap and a damaged gap.

"Brother, each person has one dragon finger, how about sharing eight SSS-grade black crystals equally?"

Seeing that Su Chen was silent, Li Huan hurriedly spoke.

Su Chen shook his head when he heard the words, expressing his disapproval of Li Huan's split method.

"Brother, how do you divide it? I will listen to you!"

Li Huan was not stingy at all, patted his chest and said.

Although customs clearance is the joint credit of the two.

But he knew that if Su Chen hadn't worked hard to find him.

Then he has no chance to enter the beast realm at all.

Able to pass through the SSS level animal realm.

It is already something that he can brag about for a lifetime.

So he is content.

As long as it is not Su Chen, he will take all the rewards.

He will not have the slightest opinion!

"The Dragon Fingers belong to you, I only need five SSS-grade black crystals!"

While Li Huan was contemplating, Su Chen suddenly spoke.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Li Huan was taken aback.

Then he retorted:

"Brother! How can this be done!? You are at a loss!"

"I, Li Huan, can't do such an unjust thing!"

"Split equally! One dragon finger per person! That's the deal!"

Su Chen was more determined than Li Huan when he saw the state.

"Long Zhi, I'm really not interested!"

He already has a complete dragon claw, these two dragon fingers are really useless!

"That's it!"

"Brother Longzhi, tell me if you're not interested!"

"But Sombra, I only take two!"

Seeing Li Huan raised his head and looked stubborn, Su Chen just nodded and agreed.

It's really not that he wants to take advantage of Li Huan.

It's something about the system that he can't tell anyone.

So he couldn't explain to Li Huan.

He's got enough rewards already.

Then six SSS grade black crystals were collected by Su Chen.

Li Huan, on the other hand, played with the two dragon fingers enthusiastically.

Su Chen pondered for a moment, but suddenly had an idea.

He was thinking about going to other beast realms, to experience the power of this dragon finger first!

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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