I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 39 Use Countless Cannon Fodder To Accumulate The Strongest Abilities!

Su Chen's eyelids twitched slightly.

If I remember correctly.

This is the second time he heard this sentence today.

The first time Hu Xiaoxiao said that he didn't go online because of something about the funeral of love.

Unexpectedly, now Li Huan also said that he does not go online.

He slept all afternoon this afternoon.

Woke up and entered the beast realm directly.

Could it be that we missed some big news again! ?

"Uh, if you know, tell me!"

Su Chen curled his lips and said in embarrassment.

the other side.

Li Huan also accepted as soon as he saw it.

Slightly teased Su Chen, then explained:

"This afternoon, the Feller family, the top consortium in the beautiful country, announced an extremely explosive news!"

"It turns out that the two ruthless people who cleared the customs yesterday are from their Feller family!"

"It's the strongest ability user they created!"


"The Feller family is very sorry for unintentionally causing Thor to lose his ability!"

Talking and talking.

Li Huan's eyes were already full of longing.


The words 'the most powerful person' are too tempting!

It's just that Li Huan didn't notice.

The expression on Su Chen's face froze for an instant.

What the hell! ?

It was obviously him and Chen Daqiang who cleared the customs yesterday!

This Feller family is also a bit too shameless! ?

He actually used his feat of clearing the customs to advertise for himself?

"That's right, brother!"

"There's also that Thor, who was also cured by the Feller family, and has regained his abilities!"

Hear here.

Su Chen's brows couldn't help but sink even deeper!

How strong is this Feller family! ?

How could Tong Wu's abilities be recovered?

"It is said that Tong Wu's lightning-attribute ability has made the Feller family very interested!"

"So the price for the Feller family to cure him is that he must join the Feller family!"

Li Huan then spoke, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

A trace of contempt was revealed.

It is not surprising that Li Huan has this expression Su Chen.

You must know that the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Beautiful Kingdom is not very good.

Especially now that the supernatural beings are awakened, every supernatural being is the most precious talent in the country!

Not to mention a top attack attribute supernatural being like Tong Wu!

Although the power of supernatural beings is still limited.

Not worth those thermal weapons, nuclear bombs and the like.

But in time.

People with supernatural powers are definitely the most powerful force in a country.

So Tong Wu's behavior.

It is no less than traitorous!

Put it in the war years.

He is a proper traitor!

"Then how do these consortiums create the strongest supernatural beings?"

Su Chen frowned.

asked with some puzzlement.

He now has a little understanding of the behavior of the Feller family.

They do this, in fact, to attract talent.

After many people with abilities heard that the Feller family had a plan to create the strongest abilities.

I'm afraid they will rush to join the Feller family!


Su Chen guessed.

The consortiums of various countries have been silently building the strongest supernatural beings for a long time.

It's just that the Feller family issued an announcement, and they couldn't sit still.

If all powerful supernatural beings are recruited by your Feller family.

Then what are they playing! ?

And the node of this whole thing.

Su Chen guessed——

Most likely it was because he and Chen Daqiang cleared the checkpoint!

Forcing the Feller family to jump out ahead of schedule!

But how did they create the strongest supernatural beings?

Su Chen didn't understand.

Can supernatural beings still create?

"Oh brother!"

"Isn't this simple?"

"Hit it with crystals!"

"One hundred supernatural beings are not enough, then a thousand supernatural beings!"

"One thousand supernatural beings are not enough, then ten thousand supernatural beings!"

"Anyway, those consortiums from various countries have a lot of people!"

"The last thing they lack is the spar!"

Hearing Li Huan's words, Su Chen couldn't help being stunned.

He almost forgot about it!

Every time the supernatural being clears the beast realm, those crystals can be taken outside!

There is even a black market outside that specializes in buying and selling crystals!

And the same reason.

The spar outside can also be brought into the beast realm!

In this way——

They can use those crystals to exchange attributes!

It has to be said that this is the way to create the most powerful person.

Simple and brutal!

And now.

Su Chen also understood when he and Li Huan walked out of the beast tower.

Why did he see a trace of contempt in the eyes of those onlookers with supernatural powers.

Because they all regarded Su Chen as the kind of strong man who piled up other people's crystals.

Sacrifice the fruits of labor of a thousand, or even thousands of people, to create the most powerful person!

This kind of behavior really makes everyone a little uncomfortable.

In the past, there were capitalists who played tricks.

Now that all the fucking powers have awakened, the power of capital is still so powerful! ?

Su Chen pouted.

There was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

These capitals consume thousands of people to create one or several strongest supernatural beings!

Then Su Chen wants to take a look.

He is alone!

Can those strongest superpowers created by capital make progress faster than him!

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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