I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 40 Ss Level Beast Domain! Giant Tree Beast!

The last time Su Chen cleared the Beast Realm, he gained more than 30,000 attribute points.

If converted down.

That is definitely the result of thousands of supernatural beings clearing the level!

Su Chen doesn't know exactly how many cannon fodder supernatural beings are under those financial groups.

But he guessed.

Certainly not tens of thousands!

And the lowest level of the beast domain, the rewards are very few.

The one that can really widen the gap between supernatural beings is definitely the highest level beast realm!

That is, the two beast domains of SS level and SSS level.

The spar rewards obtained by clearing these two beast realms are truly generous!

Among the major consortiums, except for the most powerful people they created.

Other cannon fodder.

There is no way to challenge the strength of these two beast realms!

"Brother, shall we go in?"

at this time.

Seeing that Su Chen remained silent, Li Huan couldn't help asking.

Now he couldn't wait to see the power of Longzhi.

Hearing this, Su Chen restrained his thoughts, and then nodded to Li Huan.

Immediately, the two of them no longer hesitated, and directly stepped into the black gate level of the SS-level beast domain!

After a short blur of vision.

A lush world suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen and Li Huan.

The animal land scenes that Su Chen cleared before were a bit depressing.

Looking at the world in front of him, which is full of towering giant trees, Su Chen couldn't help feeling relieved.

"Brother, where's the beast?"

"Why are there no beasts here?"

After Li Huan was silent for a while, he suddenly asked in a daze.

Not to mention the brutal beasts in their line of sight, there wasn't even a single living thing!

What does this challenge them to do?

Challenge the air?

"Don't worry, just take a closer look."

Su Chen was talking.

At the same time, he fused the dragon fingers that Li Huan gave him.

in an instant.

Su Chen felt his middle finger and index finger become indestructible!


An inexplicable surging force permeated between his palms and fingers!

Su Chen suspects that this should be the strength of the keel!

His skeleton was slightly modified after fusing these two dragon fingers.

And this is only a case of a little integration.

Su Chen guessed.

If it can always be fused with the dragon finger.

Then his palm will be completely transformed!

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately planned to leave the beast realm.

Just completely integrate the dragon claw floating in the system space with his right hand!

Given time.

He really couldn't imagine his tyrannical strength attributes combined with the black dragon's claws.

What kind of horrible situation can be reached? !


Hear Su Chen's words.

Li Huan was also in high spirits.

The two of them carefully looked at the green world in front of them, trying to find traces of the beast.

And in the next second!

Su Chen suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

Before he had time to think, Su Chen directly raised his fist and slammed towards the back!



An explosion sounded suddenly.

Li Huan, who didn't know what happened beside him, hastily turned around.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw a huge tree trunk that was smashed to pieces by Su Chen!



Li Huan was already speechless in surprise.

But Su Chen pulled him back tens of meters in an instant.


Su Chen stared at the tens of thousands of towering giant trees in front of him!

He licked his lips and said, "These are SS-rank monsters!"

When Su Chen finished speaking.

The 60,000 to 70,000 towering giant trees in front of them stretched out their bodies at the same time!

The giant tree, which already covered the sky and the sun, looked even bigger at this time.

Facing the bright sunlight.

The appearance of countless thick tree trunks waving, seems to be a group of demons dancing wildly!

Su Chen asked Li Huan to back off a little more.

Immediately he stepped out, already a few meters away.

at this time.

Su Chen stared at the towering giant trees in front of him, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

This is his first time fighting head-on.

Relying on the black armor last time, he just stood still and was beaten!

But at this moment.

Even in the face of these beasts of the SS level.

There was no timidity in Su Chen's eyes either.

In the era of the awakening of supernatural beings, fighting is inevitable.

If Kong has power but doesn't know how to use it, then he is definitely inferior.


Su Chen planned to use this SS level monster.

Come and hone your fighting skills!


If Su Chen's idea was known to others, his jaw would definitely drop in shock.

It's not that no one has honed their fighting skills in the beast realm.

But most people choose B-level or even C-level low-level beast domains.

Su Chen was going to practice with SS-level beasts this time around.

Simply unheard of!

If other people see this scene before them, they will definitely think that Su Chen is a lunatic.

A complete fighting maniac!

And Su Chen dared to do so because of his support.

Thoughts moved slightly.

The red-patterned armor fit perfectly on Su Chen's skin.

Naturally, the red-patterned armor, like the black armor, has the cool effect of transformation.

But Su Chen was afraid of scaring Li Huan, so he didn't use it.

But even without transforming, the defensive strength can almost reach 90% of the full form!


At the moment when the red tattooed armor completely fit the body.

A sense of security rose in Su Chen's heart!

Immediately, he stopped hesitating and rushed towards a towering tree.

If you look closely, you will find it.

Su Chen didn't clenched his fist at all!

It turned out that he just wanted to rely on the defensive power of the red pattern armor to take this blow hard!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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