on the other hand. .

Can be admitted to any of the thirty-three supernatural schools. .

The rest of his life will be protected by the highest level of the country! .

With the confidence and temperament of Longguo in the past in the world. .

If someone dares to harm the people of the thirty-three supernatural schools in Longguo. .

The Dragon Kingdom will follow him forever! .

This is also one of the reasons why Su Chen wants to enter the supernatural school. .

Playing for any country, Su Chen feels that the effort will not be proportional to the return. .

But for the Dragon Kingdom. .

The Dragon Kingdom will definitely return it a hundredfold! .

However, it is still too early for Su Chen to think about this. .

Because the thirty-three supernatural schools are only the most elementary selection method. .

There will definitely be higher-level selections in the future. .

At that time, it will become the sharp knife that the Dragon Kingdom focuses on training! .


He took a deep breath. .

After thinking about the pros and cons of applying for the supernatural school. .

Su Chen no longer hesitated. .

Go directly and quickly towards the front. .

The location of the second supernatural school is on the outskirts of the magic city. .

It is said that it occupies a vast area of ​​ten hectares. .

In the magic city where every inch of gold and earth is precious. .

To be able to approve such a large piece of land to build a supernatural school. .

It is enough to see how much the Dragon Kingdom attaches importance to supernatural beings! .

The official opening time of the supernatural school is around ten o'clock in the morning. .

In terms of time, it was completely in time for Su Chen. .

At this time, Su Chen's legs were chopped off slightly, and his figure jumped a hundred meters away. .

With the blessing of endurance, agility, and roots. .

Su Chen's frightening power attribute is also more handy. .

Rao is that many passers-by are no strangers to supernatural beings. .

At this moment, they looked at Su Chen who disappeared from their sight in an instant. .

There was also a look of jealousy in his eyes. .

Several passers-by even looked at the direction where Su Chen disappeared, and clicked their tongues in dismay:

"This person's ability is speed, right!?"

"Isn't this too fast!?"


"Brother, look down at the place he stepped on just now!"

The other supernatural beings turned their heads when they heard the words. .

The expression on his face froze in an instant. .

I saw the place where Su Chen stepped on. .

The hard slate ground was directly sunken to a depth of 20 centimeters! .

"Cut! The quality of this slate is too bad!"

At this time, I saw a few passers-by who had never seen the world. .

A young man in leather who had awakened his power ability couldn't help curling his lips and talking. .


"That's made of concrete!"

A passer-by turned around and said.

"Hehe, so what?"

"He can step down 20 centimeters, so I'm afraid I can step down half a meter with one foot!"

The young man in black leather gave a disdainful smile, and then slowly walked out of the crowd. .

"His ability should only be agility, otherwise the speed can't be so fast!"

"Everyone with agility should know that they can use some ingenuity!"

"And I am a complete power user!"

"I'm afraid you don't know that people with agility abilities are in the eyes of us people with strength abilities..."


The words fell. .

The young man in leather raised his foot and stepped on it hard. .


After a violent pounding sound. .

The dozen or so onlookers who were eating melons all stared at it. .

"Brother, is your strength really terrifying?"

A bald man suppressed a smile and said. .

I saw the young man in leather clothing kick with all his strength. .

But he only stepped on the concrete slab in front of him to a depth of more than ten centimeters. .


"This is impossible!?"

"It's not that I haven't tried the stone road."

"I can step on it to a depth of tens of centimeters with just one foot!"

"This slate is definitely weird!"

"That guy's ability is probably not simply agility!"

The leather-clothed youth frowned deeply, hiding his embarrassment.

The passers-by around heard this and shook their heads and smiled. .

They really couldn't tell if Su Chen was too strong. .

Or the leather-clothed youth in front of him was too weak. .

But at this moment, the bald man who spoke earlier suddenly pointed to the east and said:

"There is absolutely no problem with the slate, look where it is!"

The melon-eaters who were planning to disperse turned their heads and looked at the past with some doubts.

Follow the direction of the bald man's finger. .

Everyone soon saw a seriously decorated building! .

And at the top of the building, there is still a red flag flying. .


"That's the fourth military region of our magic city."

"This slate is used for tanks!"

"The hardness is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary stone slabs!"

"So, it's not that there's anything wrong with the slate."


"That young man's strength is too strong!!!"

................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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