Listen to the bald man. .

The scene fell silent for an instant. .

Everyone looked at the direction Su Chen left earlier, and their scalps felt numb for a moment. .

If they remember correctly. .

When Su Chen stepped on it before, he didn't use any force in a large arc at all! .

A stone road that tanks can withstand! .

But he stepped on it casually and sank twenty centimeters in! ? .

Is that human being? .

"I'm convinced, this awakened ability really seems to be power!"

"And the power level is probably much higher than mine!"

The leather-clothed youth was silent for a few seconds, and then spoke with a bitter face. .

Power, agility, and endurance type abilities. .

It is also the supernatural being with the largest number of awakened people. .

It's not like the young man in leather hasn't encountered someone who has also awakened the attribute of strength before. .

But in comparison, his power ability is always better than others. .

This also made the young man in leather feel faintly. .

His awakened power ability. .

Already the strongest in the world! .

But today I met Su Chen. .

Only then did he know what power is so strong as to be abnormal. .

Compared with Su Chen's strength, his strength is simply vulnerable! .

"Hey, that's not right!"

"If he is a power user, why is he so fast?"

Just when everyone was still in a state of shock. .

A clear and pleasant female voice suddenly sounded. .

It seems that she is also a green girl who intends to apply for the supernatural school. .

At this time, she pouted her pretty mouth and asked curiously. .

Other passers-by were also a little puzzled when they heard the words. .

Strength and agility are two completely different things! .

as the three attributes. .

Strength, agility, and endurance are the abilities with the most awakened people. .

And it is well known. .

Those who are strong are destined to be slow. .

And the strength of a fast person is also average. .

So far no one has heard of it. .

Which supernatural being can have both strength and agility. .

"I think it should be that his power is far beyond our perception."

"Using strength to drive the body, the speed will not be very slow."

"It's just that the power required for this is too great, at least I can't do it."

The young man in leather said with envy in his eyes. .

"So, wouldn't he be able to apply for the supernatural school?"

The ponytail girl who asked the question before asked curiously again. .

But when he heard the ponytail boy's words, the face of the leather-clothed youth darkened in an instant. .

"It's hard to say!"

Everyone looked at the leather-clothed youth with some puzzlement. .

Such a strong power, is it hard to say? .

The leather-clothed youth glanced at the crowd who were all staring at him. .

Then he slowly opened his mouth and explained:

"Strength and the three major attribute abilities of agility and endurance, it's really too bad!"

"Among the one hundred supernatural beings, at least twenty or so awakened ones have this kind of supernatural powers."

"And in the beast domain, you can add some agility, strength and endurance."

"So the school of abilities will feel that such abilities are of little value and not worth studying."

"Of course, the most important thing is that strength is not an irreplaceable ability."

"Some of our country's heavy weapons can have an impact of dozens or even hundreds of tons in an instant!"

"This is the power that can only be achieved by people with supernatural powers!"

After hearing what the young man in leather clothes said, everyone finally understood. .

Simply put. .

The country runs schools for supernatural abilities, which recruit supernatural beings that cannot be replaced by modern technology. .

Such as telepathy, such as mind control, such as complete hypnosis. .

Another example is the elemental power that technologies such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth cannot use. .

It's just pure strength, speed, and endurance. .

These are indeed of little use to the country. .

"The number of students enrolled in the second supernatural school in the magic city this time is 30,000."

"The population of our magic city alone is more than 20 million!"

"Including people from other places rushing over to apply for the second supernatural school, the total number of applicants this time is almost 40 million!"

"Choose only 30,000 people out of more than 40 million people with supernatural powers, which is equivalent to picking one out of a thousand!"

"So no matter how powerful this elder brother is, it may be difficult for him to enter the Second Ability Academy."

"However, with his level of strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to apply for the supernatural schools in other sub-urban areas."

The young man in leather looked at the people around him, shook his head slightly and said. .

He rushed to the second supernatural school this time, and he just planned to see the excitement. .

He had already contacted the twenty-third supernatural school yesterday. .

In the words of the admissions director of the twenty-third supernatural school:

"Why don't you go to the twenty-fourth supernatural school and try."

"We really have a limited number of places..."

Even the twentieth-ranked school of supernatural abilities looked down upon his supernatural ability. .

Not to mention the second supernatural school cultivated by the country's terminal! .

"I don't think so."

But at this moment, the ponytail girl suddenly said with inexplicable eyes. .

................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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