I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 74 New Options On The Panel! Ability, Power!

And this is only the exchange quantity of SSS grade amethyst.

Other amethysts Su Chen also gained a lot this time.

If you add them all up, wouldn't it be possible to reach a value of 500,000!?

Thinking of this, Su Chen no longer hesitated.

Directly speed up the exchange action in hand!

Half of the 22 amethyst stones were allocated by Su Fu to the three major attribute values ​​of agility, endurance, and root bones!

The rest of the Amethyst Su Chen is still all added to the power attribute!

At this moment, the luxury level of Su Chen's attribute panel has climbed to another level again.

The name of the supernatural being: Qiongqi

Power Score:/


JJ: 222,840!




This time, in addition to the increase in stamina and agility.

The most important thing is the root bone panel that was just opened.

Directly added to the 100,000 mark by Su Chen!

At this moment, Su Chen only felt that his whole body was surrounded by a warm air.

Unspeakably comfortable!

Especially Su Chen's bones suddenly felt numb.

Seems like some kind of amazing enhancement is happening!


After a while, Su Chen let out a long and comfortable breath.

This feeling of getting stronger quickly is really fascinating.

But it's not over yet.

At this moment, there are still a lot of 763 purple-gold crystals piled up on the ground!

And these crystals, Su Chen intends to add all of them to the power attribute!

After all, both agility and endurance have reached a value of more than 30,000.

There is still a long way to go before reaching critical mass again.

So Su Chen doesn't have to worry about being reminded that he can't load the power attribute at all!

Sixteen pieces of SS grade amethyst.

Su Chen threw them all on the groove belonging to the word strength.

Available attribute points instantly changed from zero to 96,000!

It looked like there were nearly 100,000 available power attribute points.

Su Chen's breathing became unstoppable.

A total of 16 pieces of SS-level amethyst can be exchanged for 96,000 usable power attribute points.

The available attribute points that can be exchanged for that piece of SS-level amethyst.

Didn't it reach the terrifying 6000 points!?

Even Su Chen was shocked by this value.

The exchange ability of this amethyst crystal is simply a level higher than that of black crystal!

After all points are added!

With excitement and anticipation.

Su Chen put another 26 S-grade amethyst stones on the power groove.

Available attribute points changed from zero to 104,000!

The previous ninety-six thousand echoed in my mind.

Look at the one hundred and four at the moment.

Su Chen only felt that he might have confused S-rank and SS-rank Amethyst!?

This is the first time that Su Chen has seen the total amount of low-level spar.

The exchange ability actually surpassed the higher-level spar!

"However, twenty-six pieces of S-grade amethyst crystals are indeed nearly double the number of ten wooden pieces of S-grade amethyst crystals!"


Su Chen murmured again.

The exchange ability of a piece of S-grade amethyst.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with a piece of SS grade amethyst!

From the total amount, the available attribute points that can be exchanged for a $-level amethyst stone are no more than 4,000.

It is two thousand less than a piece of SS grade amethyst.

But no matter what, this was a big surprise for Su Chen!

Now the three grades of SSS grade, SS grade, and S grade amethyst crystals add up.

The attribute exchange value given to Su Chen has already reached more than 400,000!

Originally Su Chen imagined breaking through the 500,000 mark!

It seems to be just around the corner!

After adding more than 100,000 available power attribute points.

Su Chen took the remaining thirty A-grade amethyst stones.

Put them together on the power groove!

A slight buzzing sound resounded after it fell.

Available power attribute points changed from zero to 60,000!

Thirty A-level amethyst crystals can be exchanged for 60,000 usable attribute points.

One piece equals two thousand attribute points!

This result also makes Su Chen quite satisfied!

The next few dozen low-level crystals.

Su Chen also had no intention of taking a closer look.

All of them were directly thrown into the power groove.

And the three low-level amethyst stones of D-grade, C-grade, and B-grade add up.

The available attribute points for exchange have also reached (cdej) as much as 130,000!

At this point, all of Su Chen's attribute points have been added.

The panels that belonged to him became much more magnificent once again.

The title of the person with the ability: Qiongqi! Ability: Strength!

Power Score: 612,840!


J: 612,840!




After glancing at the ability panel, Su Chen immediately nodded in satisfaction.

But when he saw a little more clearly.

The expression on his face froze in an instant!

The attribute panel at this moment really makes Su Chen a little strange!

If not sure this is his property panel.

Su Chen would wonder if he read it wrong!?

Ability: Power?

Power Score: 612,840!?

What's going on!?

Isn't his ability not displayed all the time!?

Why is it suddenly showing up now!?

And it doesn't matter if it's displayed.

If the panel shows the ability of the plane.

Su Chen will not be too surprised.

But now why is it showing the power ability!?

These days, although many people misunderstand that Su Chen's ability is power!

But only Su Chen knows.

He just added too many strength attributes.

But definitely not a power ability!


"Could it be that with more power attribute points, power becomes a supernatural power!?"

At this moment, Su Chen squinted his eyes and suddenly thought of it!

600,000 points of power attribute.

It is indeed a bit scary!

Especially without adding the 2.7 million beast domain rewards!

Perhaps this is the reason why his power is directly judged as a supernatural power!

"Then! So then!"

"Isn't the ability mutation opportunity rewarded by the beast domain useful!?"

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly exclaimed.

In fact, has power become a kind of supernatural power?

There is no bonus effect for Su Chen!

This can be seen from the properties panel!

His Strength attribute value is 612,840.

The power score is also 612,840.

This means that no matter which option Su Chen adds, the value added will be the same.

In fact, it symbolizes that Su Chen's power has broken through the concept of normal power and reached the level of supernatural power.

Apart from this, it will not have any bonus effect on Su Chen!

But don't forget that Su Chen got the first place in the standings.

You can get a chance to mutate!

He didn't have a fixed ability at all before.

So this is an opportunity that is like a treasure in the world to others.

For Su Chen, they can only see but not touch!

And now!?

If he takes this chance of mutation!!

How about using the power that has become a supernatural power!?.

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