The moment this idea popped up in Su Chen's mind.

He could no longer suppress the excited expression on his face.

Ordinary power abilities don't do anything special.

After all, there are three attributes of strength, endurance, and agility.

People who have awakened power abilities are just stronger than other abilities.

When encountering attribute elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, they can't beat them at all.

Therefore, the three attribute abilities are also called the weakest abilities.

It's just a lot stronger than some useless abilities.

But everything is not absolute.

Su Chen is an exception!

Ninety-nine out of 10 ability users choose to add points to their own ability value.

Few people would choose to use the strength attribute as the main attribute to add points.

Su Chen can be said to be the first person to directly create power attributes into abilities!

And now if his power ability can be mutated.

No one knew that Su Chen already had a terrifying and abnormal power.

To what extent will it be perverted again!


Take a deep breath.

Su Chen forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Then he spread his palm, and a milky white halo appeared on Su Chen's palm out of thin air.


And at the moment when the halo appeared.

The light curtain in front of Su Chen suddenly exploded with strong suction.

The halo was directly sucked into the light curtain!

Su Chen didn't show any panic when he saw this.

Maybe that's what Mutant Chance does.

And just when Su Chen stared straight at the light curtain.

A khaki halo suddenly reflected back from the light curtain.

Directly submerged into Su Chen's body!

Su Chen was stunned for a few seconds.

Then I feel my whole body start to heat up, and I will carry it forward!

He pulled it casually and tore the neckline to pieces.

If you look closely, you will find it.

At this moment, Su Chen's skin was already flushed.

Like a hot iron block!


With Su Chen's patience, Rao couldn't help screaming in pain at this moment.

At this moment, he only felt as if his body was about to be torn apart by some force!

It hurt him unbearably.

Fortunately, this process did not last long.

Two minutes later, the pain in Su Chen's whole body dissipated like a tide.

Then an unprecedented comfortable feeling permeated Su Chen's body.

At this moment Su Chen clenched his fist tightly.

Just feel the power surging above.

Can smash anything!

If the strength of Su Chen's punch could reach hundreds of thousands of tons.

At this moment, Su Chen's punch can definitely break through the million-ton barrier!

"Is this the horror of supernatural mutation!?"

"The power has almost doubled!?"

Even Su Chen couldn't help but click his tongue.

Although he has long known that the ability mutation will produce a strong reaction.

But he never dreamed that he would be so strong!

A supernatural mutation is even scarier than him getting half a million attribute points!

And what's more!

This is not a one-time increase in strength!

He looked up at the light curtain in front of him.

Su Chen's eyes were immediately on the ability column!

Ability: Savage Power!

Originally, it was just a simple word of strength.

At this moment, it has become the four characters of savage power!

And in the power value column, the value is still 612,840!

Su Chen now finally understands why his power has become so much stronger!

The mutation of the ability is originally based on the original foundation, and it is directly amplified and strengthened!

If Su Chen's power value was one million before.

Then his strength increase will reach as much as two million!

That means.

Every point of power added by Su Chen in the future!

It will have the effect of the previous two points of strength!

"It seems that we will give up the power attribute in the future, and only add the power value!"

Su Chen licked his lips and said excitedly.

The opportunity to mutate this time is simply not worth it!

And the horror of the savage power may not stop there.

What kind of magical power does it have.

Still need Su Chen to explore slowly!

But now Su Chen has a great opportunity to try his wild power!


When Su Chen came outside the beast tower again.

At this moment, countless supernatural beings have long been waiting here.

After all, they have very few attribute points.

It only takes a while to add points.

Su Chen looked around, but did not find Wu and Oak.

All he saw was a seductive figure looking straight at him.

"This guy, why do you feel that you can't see through!?"

Not far away, Qin Ruoyu murmured with her pretty brows tight.

Although she also felt a strong breath from Su Chen before.

But at least she felt that she could do two tricks with Su Chen.

……ask for flowers…

Even if she does her best, it's not like she can't hold on for a while longer.

But looking at Su Chen now.

However, Qin Ruoyu smelled an extremely dangerous aura from Su Chen.

She even has a feeling.

If it is the current Su Chen who fights with her.

Then she wouldn't even last two minutes!

"Damn! What did this guy go through in the closed space!?"

Qin Ruoyu, who had always been unwilling to let others down, couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"By the way! Mutated! Could it be that his ability mutated successfully!?"

In the next second, Qin Ruoyu woke up suddenly!

She almost forgot that Su Chen also held a chance to mutate with supernatural powers!

"But... is his ability really just power?"


Thinking of this, Qin Ruoyu couldn't help but pouted again.

Using the most common power ability to reach today's point.

Qin Ruoyu really doesn't know how Su Chen did it!

"Look! Look!"

"Qongqi is out! Qiongqi is out!"

At this time, other supernatural beings finally found Su Chen's figure.

Then they shouted one by one.

But they don't have Qin Ruoyu's vicious eyes.

So at the moment Su Chen is in their perception.

There is no difference from before.

Of course, this is also the reason why Su Chen restrained all his strength.

Su Chen only used 60% of his strength in the two punches that hit the oak.

But now, even a punch with 60% of his strength is enough to smash the oak into pieces!

"Hehe, I thought you were afraid to come?"

At this moment, two figures slowly appeared in front of everyone from the east.

And when all the supernatural beings turned their heads to look over.

Immediately I couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Ah! Thor's five pure attribute abilities have become so much stronger!?"

Follow the exclamation of the crowd.

Su Chen also glanced over.

At this moment Tong Wu is surrounded by five colorful colors.

Especially Tong Wu's aura.

Compared with him before, he is more than several times more tyrannical!

With more than 900,000 available attribute points, Tong Wu has indeed become much stronger.

In particular, his five pure attribute abilities are first-class attack abilities.

And Su Chen stared at the five colors surrounding Tong Wu.

But he couldn't help frowning.

"Simultaneous enhancement! Three?".

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