I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 8 Ripple Of Death Reappears, Clear The Ss-Level Beast Domain!

"Hit, clear the level?"

Although Su Chen simply said three words.

But the aura expressed by these three words is simply too domineering!

Chen Daqiang has lived for more than 20 years and has always been a submissive little man.

He couldn't imagine that he could stand on top of others and do such a domineering thing!

"That's right, just clear the customs!"

"Even the SSS-level beast realm has been opened up by us. Isn't the beast realm of other levels within easy reach?"

Su Chen also said with some excitement at this time.

If it weren't for each level of beast domain, there is only one chance to enter each day.

He really can't wait to get through the other red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and blue beast domains of the SSS class!

"Haha! Good! Then I will follow Brother Su Chen to do a feat!"

Chen Daqiang's emotions were completely mobilized.

Although the invincibility time between him and Su Chen can only be maintained until the early morning.

But to have such a magnificent experience in life, he is already very contented!


After the two left the SSS-level beast realm, they were teleported back to the first floor of the beast tower.

It is different from the crowds of people before.

At this moment, the first floor of the Beast Tower was empty, with only a few figures walking towards the outside of the Beast Tower with their heads downcast.

It seems that these people should have failed to clear the customs and lost the qualification to continue to challenge tonight.

And most people should still be struggling in the beast realm at this moment.

Instant kills like him and Chen Daqiang, the ones who killed them instantly were the abilities of SSS-level ferocious beasts, and I'm afraid they will never be found again.

"Brother Su, which beast realm shall we challenge next?"

Chen Daqiang looked around, then looked at the remaining six stone cave entrances and asked.

Su Chen pointed to the SS-level beast domain next to the SSS beast domain without thinking.

"Others play games from simple to difficult, from weak to strong!"

"Our two brothers fought from the strongest to the weakest today!"

Chen Daqiang turned his head to look at the entrance of the SS-level beast domain, and nodded quite proudly:

"Okay, let's keep fighting from above!"

Immediately, the two of them stopped hesitating and stepped into the entrance of the SS-level beast domain one after the other.

When the pulling force on the body disappears.

Su Chen and Chen Daqiang came to a familiar closed space again.

It is also a stone gate with seven red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple lines engraved with fierce beasts.

However, compared to the SSS-level beast domain, this enclosed space is obviously much smaller.

The ominous beast engraved on the stone gate is also much weaker than the SSS beast domain.

"Let's go, Brother Daqiang."

Su Chen greeted Chen Daqiang, and the two walked directly towards the purple stone gate.

When the stone door was closed, the engraved beast opened its eyes.

Su Chen and Chen Daqiang were transported to a new world again.

This time the earth is not blood-colored, but the color of withered yellow sand.

On the sand, there are many ferocious beasts like scorpions.

When they sensed that someone was coming, tens of thousands of scorpion beasts immediately opened their eyes.

They looked at the tiny Su Chen and Chen Daqiang, and bloodthirsty expressions suddenly appeared in the eyes of the one-meter-wide scarlet beasts.

Immediately, they swung their huge tails and frantically rushed towards Su Chen and the others.

Su Chen muttered when he saw the enthusiasm of these beasts.

"The ferocious beasts of the SSS-level beast domain are still very tall. Why do these guys look like starved ghosts who have been starving for decades?"

On the other side, Chen Daqiang looked at the mental speed of these scorpions and fierce beasts running, and said slightly timidly:

"Brother Su Chen, let's do it quickly!"

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then his eyes focused for a moment.

"You are all called Zhang San from now on!"

After meditating in his heart, Su Chen turned his head to look at Chen Daqiang.

Chen Daqiang nodded understandingly, then clasped his hands together and shouted vigorously:

"Everyone named Zhang San must die!"

After doing all this, the two turned their heads to look at the group of scorpion beasts that were still rushing towards them.

This time, the expressions on their faces were much calmer.

The combination of their abilities can instantly annihilate even the fierce beasts in the SSS-level beast realm.

It would be hell if this SS-level beast could resist it!

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

When three seconds passed, the group of beasts rushing towards Su Chen stopped abruptly!

Then, as if they had sensed something, they backed up quickly, and then gathered together.

At this time, tens of thousands of scorpion beasts shrank into a ball like a ball.

Immediately afterwards, their tails, which were far harder than gold and iron, raised at the same time, linking together to form a black iron-colored protective shield!

From the surface alone, the shield made up of tens of thousands of scorpion tails seems to be thicker than the blood shield summoned by the SSS-level beast!

But is this useful?


The familiar buzz sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, countless scorpion tails slowly drooped down.

The gray light carrying the breath of death flashed past.

Su Chen saw that nice ripple again.

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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